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 Dalian Breast Hospital

Dalian Breast Hospital

Specialized hospital

Dalian Breast Hospital


Hospital address: Daheishi Village, Yingcheng Town, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City consult a map

Good at disease: Mastitis, breast cancer

Medical treatment process: 1. Unified hospital or network registered diagnosis and treatment. 2. First visit patients can rely on Visit Guide

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Hospital profile: Dalian Breast Hospital is a comprehensive hospital. Adhering to the concept of "honesty, preciseness, and customer first", the hospital insists on "patient centered", creates a high-quality humanistic care environment, and advocates the personalized diagnosis and treatment policy of "one patient, one doctor" to provide patients with diagnosis and treatment programs that meet the patient's conditions from the perspective of comfortable, convenient, safe, and satisfactory services. At the same time, the hospital has set up 24-hour registration hotline, regular health return visit and other service functions, which are your reliable and regular Detailed introduction

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