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 Bengbu Eye Hospital

Bengbu Eye Hospital

Eye Hospital

Bengbu Eye Hospital


Hospital address: Bengbu City consult a map

Good at disease: Eye diseases, eye trauma, eye muscles

Medical treatment process: 1. Unified hospital or network registered diagnosis and treatment. 2. First visit patients can rely on Visit Guide

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Hospital profile: Bengbu Eye Hospital is a specialized eye hospital integrating medical treatment, teaching, scientific research and blindness prevention, which undertakes the tasks of blindness prevention, rehabilitation and eye disease prevention for the people of the city. The hospital covers an area of 20000 square meters, has 150 beds, and has 13 sub specialties of ophthalmology, among which the department of fundus medicine, fundus surgery, and ocular trauma are provincial key clinical specialties. Cataract, keratopathy, strabismus, and pediatric ophthalmology have reached advanced levels, especially in the field of refractive surgery, from equipment to academia Detailed introduction

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Ophthalmology Department
Ophthalmology Department
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  •  Zhang Muran Zhang Muran

    attending doctor

    be good at: Corneal refractive surgery (fine full femtosecond Smile, personalized femtosecond Lasik, personalized thousand frequency SmarTPRK, etc.), prevention and control of juvenile myopia, complicated and difficult optometry, keratoconus treatment, treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction, etc

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