I really want to grow meat

Yu Yi

The Spring Festival is still a few days away, and my weight is still around 90 kg. Few people would believe my height of about 168cm if they didn't see me.

I have been very thin since childhood. I don't know whether it is because I didn't eat on time when I was young. Some people said that my stomach didn't open when I was young. Some people said that there were worms in my stomach. Some people said that I could take some laxatives to clean it up.

Before my internship, I accidentally talked about this problem in the group. Everyone said that when I was at school, I was thin, because I didn't eat well and I didn't like it. After graduation or internship, I gradually gained weight.

In June this year, I successfully came to the internship unit recommended by my sister. On the first day, my boss also had a difference in my weight. I was not very short, which was really a little thin. However, he told me that before me, there were also several skinny ones. They grew 20 to 30 kilograms after two or three months with him, and another elder brother worked here for two years, growing from more than 150 kilograms to nearly 300 kilograms.

Our boss used to be a cook and said his food was delicious. I remember the first meal was made of tomato and egg soup, which was really delicious. For the first time ever, I ate three steamed buns directly. The boss was very happy and told me that your mother would thank me when I came home for the Spring Festival and make you fat here.

After more than a month like this, I measured my weight, which was about 93 kg. It seemed that I really grew. At that time, I was very happy. When I grew more than 100 kg, no one would call me a thin monkey.

As a result, the weather did not follow people's wishes. The time turned to December, and the weight was again weighed. It was still 93 kg!!!

The boss was also quite helpless. He said that I ate as much as they did every day and drank as much as they did. It was a meal of two steamed buns. Why was it not fat?

When I was young, I said I would get fat when I got bigger. When I got bigger, I said I would get fat when I had a good graduation internship. Now I have grown up with such good living conditions and also practiced, but my weight is not fat. So I guess I will get fat when I find a girlfriend to marry. Ha ha ha!

In a few days, I will go to the hospital for physical examination. By the way, ask the nurse, my little sister, why am I not fat. (Maybe the nurse sister is fat??!!)

Ps: Recently, I was bored. I browsed my friendship links and found that many friends had not written their own stories for several months. Is it because they are too busy, or has life become boring?
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Private comments
  1. It's really a little thin

    March 27th reply
  2. I envy, envy and hate those who exercise seriously every day and control their calorie intake

    November 5, 2022 reply
    1. @Small F

      This year is coming to an end again. A few days ago, my mother and I made a video to say to me, "I didn't see you getting fat the other day, but why are you getting thinner this time?". In summer, I saw a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine who said that my spleen and stomach were weak and I needed to recuperate

      November 5, 2022 reply
  3. With such genes, health is good. Why care about being fat or thin

    August 5, 2022 reply
    1. @A thought

      Girlfriend will hate it!!!

      November 5, 2022 reply
  4. I'm a little taller than you, but I weigh about the same as you. Too thin is also a problem

    July 23, 2022 reply
  5. Did you find the problem? I can't find it for you!

    July 16, 2022 reply
    1. @Brother Jin

      When the problem is found, people say it is false~

      November 5, 2022 reply
  6. 2broear

    This must not have put on weight

    June 30, 2022 reply
  7. Yuyi and I are not fat

    May 22, 2022 reply
  8. Like me, Shi Yu is thin, but he finally broke the limit of 100 this year, although he fluctuated back and forth on the line of 100

    May 22, 2022 reply
    1. @Cicada rains sometimes

      Yaya, I will continue to work hard

      May 22, 2022 reply
  9. vian

    It's really thin. I'm as tall as you, but my weight is 67kg. The difference is a little scary

    April 20, 2022 reply
    1. @vian

      Eat boiled prawns and beef every day to lose weight

      April 20, 2022 reply
      1. vian
        @Yu Yi

        Where is this condition

        April 20, 2022 reply
  10. I pulled black for you! Farewell now!

    April 8, 2022 reply
  11. When you get married, you will get fat

    March 5, 2022 reply
  12. It may be the spleen and stomach, but it's good to have a boss who wants to fatten you

    March 1, 2022 reply
  13. In the last day, I participated in two hospital wide consultations. One was a fat man weighing less than 280 kg, who was less than 40 years old, three years old and more than one year old. He had coronary heart disease. He could not sit up in bed when making rounds. In order to lose weight, he decided to go to our hospital's gastrointestinal surgery department for weight reduction surgery (sleeve stomach resection). Seeing the risk was a little high, the doctors dared not do it, so he called the hospital wide consultation. Another one is a 165cm elder sister who weighs only 35kg. She has psychological disorders and pursues morbid beauty of thinness. During ward rounds, the whole person is like a skeleton, with the eyeball concave. Since myolysis of renal failure has led to symptomatic treatment in the nephrology department, psychological intervention and psychotropic drugs are useless. The hospital has been called for consultation to exclude intracranial organic diseases.
    My experience is that "human joys and sorrows are not the same, I just think they are noisy".
    I can't keep my mouth shut. I eat 1g and 2g long. After three years of work, my BMI has quickly soared from 24 to more than 28. I can't stand my own unfortunate digestive system. Every time I see people who say they can't grow fat by eating, they love food and can't live up to it all day long. Now I only dare to choose green leaf stick vegetables. People are really angry

    February 23, 2022 reply
    1. @Pika

      I have seen my sister with anorexia in reality. It's terrible... I think it's good for me to be healthy.
      But now I find my appetite is better after regular exercise T ^ T

      November 9, 2022 reply
  14. Me too, 175, 50kg, more terrible than you. Friends who have just met often say whether I am XD or not.

    February 12, 2022 reply
  15. Find a nutritionist friend to ask, or find relevant information to learn about.
    Basically, the energy intake is greater than your consumption.
    In addition, adding some sports can also help "appetizing" P

    February 10, 2022 reply