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Shenzhen Yuxing Micro Technology Co., Ltd
Member category: VIP 4 years
Business license: Reviewed
Business model:
Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong
contact us
Contact: Miss Fang, email: yxwkj_lucky@163.com  
 QQ:2252757071 QQ:2252757071 copy
Tel.: 0755-82579431
Mobile: 13510641855

EMail: 2252757071@qq.com
Address: 1704A Saige Plaza, Huaqiang North Street, Futian District, Shenzhen
Enterprise certificate
Company Album
Company Album
contact us
  • contacts:
  • Miss Fang, email: yxwkj_lucky@163.com
  • Telephone:
  • 0755-82579431
  • mobile phone:
  • thirteen billion five hundred and ten million six hundred and forty-one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five
  • QQ:
  • two billion two hundred and fifty-two million seven hundred and fifty-seven thousand and seventy-one
     QQ:2252757071 QQ:2252757071 copy
  • WeChat:
  • WeChat:
  • Fax:
  • Address:
  • 1704A Saige Plaza, Huaqiang North Street, Futian District, Shenzhen
  • country:
  • China
  • Region:
  • Guangdong
  • Postal code:
  • five hundred and eighteen thousand
Tel.: 0755-82579431 Fax: Email: Contact: Miss Fang, email: yxwkj_lucky@163.com 1704A Saige Plaza, Huaqiang North Street, Futian District, Shenzhen
Shenzhen Yuxing Micro Technology Co., Ltd © 2000-2024
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