Weekly # 09 – Splendid Gardens

Finally, it was the first weekly report in 2024. It was nearly five months since the last update of the weekly report. In these five months, I changed from a fresh graduate to an intern. When I got my graduation certificate in June, I became a probationary employee of the company, and then became a regular employee of the company after becoming a regular employee in July. I don't want to say too much about work, nor dare to say too much. To sum up, the first half of the month was busy with more overtime, while the second half was slightly relaxed with less overtime. This issue of the weekly newspaper extended the time from December 25 last year to June 2 today to share what I saw, heard, thought and thought. Try to update each subsequent issue on time. Starting from this issue of the weekly report, Quail will not only update on the blog, but also synchronize with the newsletter platform. The most attractive thing about Quail is the markdown editor, which makes it convenient for me to directly copy the written content for publishing and pushing. The interface is simple and beautiful, with few functions, but it is better than reality

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The Core Competence as a Digital Citizen: Critical Neglect

I think this is a cool and practical concept. As discussed in the article Psychological Anxiety Caused by Excessive Information, mobile Internet brings massive information resources. We are in an era of information ocean, and excessive information reading will bring psychological diseases. I read a paper published by a German researcher today, Critical Ignoring as a Core Competence for Digital Citizens, It mentioned the concept of critical neglect, a deliberate neglect, which involves selectively filtering and shielding information to control personal information environment and reduce access to false and low-quality information. My understanding is the screening and filtering of information. Why should we learn to critically ignore that the constant emergence of information has attracted human attention

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Comments and bullet screen

I have a habit of turning off the bullet screen when watching videos, and seldom read comments. I always think that the bullet screen is an anti human function. In particular, some websites automatically open the bullet screen when the video is played. The bullet screen flying all over the sky covers the video screen. The bullet screen with repeated content and mixed colors is almost a visual injury. When I encounter such websites or software, I will find the relevant settings immediately and turn off the automatic pop-up function. Secondly, the bullet screen made me feel like a group of people gathered in front of the TV, talking about the content broadcast on the TV. The reasonable discussion was acceptable, indicating that the content of the video should be good, but the discussion was also easy to become an argument, and then scolded and quarreled in front of the TV or on the screen, disagreeing with each other's views. I had to say a few words. Watching a video should be an easy and relaxing thing in itself. It's tiring to watch or even participate in other people's quarrels. Before

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Publici: Another option for static blogs

Recently, I came across a static content management system that we had never seen before, that is, the commonly known static blog generator, Publici. Since the code was submitted in 2023, it has been updated and maintained for more than a year. It is not difficult to use and deploy, and provides very detailed usage documents. I deployed one with the help of documents. The use experience is somewhat similar to that of the open source Grid, which simplifies and specifies the deployment of static blogs. The difference is that the former is more inclined to CMS, while the latter is more focused on blogs. Since I run Telegram channel @ FindBlog, I will record the whole deployment process here and give a brief introduction to Publii. The introduction to the project page of Publii said that this is a static content management system for privacy protection and SEO optimized websites, which supports Windows, macOS and Linux

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My Birthday with Blog

I was so busy at work that my 22nd birthday was just a hasty dinner with my girlfriend, and we jotted down the sixth year of my blog together. Continue to borrow the photos of Xiao Sun. It seems that the older I am at 22, the less I feel about my birthday. I used to look forward to my birthday. I could eat cakes and blow candles. Although I used to spend my birthdays in school every year, there were also some expectations and hopes. On my birthday after college, time was much more free and there were more activities to celebrate. But I just took this opportunity to have a good meal with my girlfriend and then call my parents at home. Yesterday was my 22nd birthday on the lunar calendar. As usual, I had to work repeatedly from 8:30 in the morning to 5:30 in the evening on a Friday working day. Maybe because of my birthday, I wanted to take a rest, so I took a rest in the afternoon. I returned to the rented house and had a good nap for more than an hour. I felt very comfortable when I woke up. In the evening, I had a meal with my girlfriend in Nanchang

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Use Vercel to deploy LobeChat for free

In my previous article, "Give Full Play to the Role of ChatGPT in Daily Life", I introduced an open source project - ChatNextWeb. With Versel, you can deploy your own web dialogue robot, but it only supports dialogue. If you want to use the DELL · E 3 model to conduct a cultural map, it seems impossible. Recently, I saw another similar project, LobeChat, which has more complete and rich functions and better UI, so I will record the deployment process. LobeChat introduced that the project has 17.7k stars on GitHub, and these features are attractive: GPT visual cognition. It supports the latest gpt-4-vision model of OpenAI, visual recognition. Just upload the picture, you can identify the picture content, and then talk based on it. TTS &……

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Write it after reading more than 10000

At about 10:10 p.m. on January 27, an article on the WeChat public account had more than ten thousand readers, which was a milestone that I didn't mention. Since the registration of the public account on March 19, 2020, this is the first article with more than ten thousand readers, but it was not mentioned because it borrowed the Dongfeng of the WeChat red envelope cover. I don't want to introduce the cover of WeChat red envelope too much. For details, see WeChat Red Envelope in 2024, which is an incentive for the creators of the public account. I would like to share some thoughts after the first article with more than 10000 readers appeared. Write a public account or a blog? Instead of answering this question, let me talk about my understanding of public accounts and blogs. In 2018, I started to write a blog, but I had known about the WeChat public account before, and I very much wanted to register a public account, build my own garden, and write what I wanted to write. However, I was under 18 years old at that time, and my identity at the time of registration

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Internet survival rule: Don't take yourself too seriously

I wrote an article titled "Internet Survival Rules: Don't Argue with Others" based on my own experience and my girlfriend's conversation. However, this is not enough for me to survive on the Internet. Recently, some immature ideas have been put together, namely "Internet Survival Rules: Don't Take Me Too Seriously". This article is only for warning yourself, do not associate. Understand Wang Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, has a nickname - Understand Wang. He said that "no one knows more about viruses than I do." He said that "no one knows more about science and technology than I do." He felt that he knows best, so others should listen to him and take his advice. People's identities are there. It's normal to have a bit of airs, but we ordinary people, What do you think of Wang? Generally speaking, it means "How old are you?". I always believe that the discussion of harmony must be based on mutual equality, although different people have different educational levels

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Talk about the part-time jobs I have done in recent years

When I saw Uncle Cat's new article "Talking about my sidelines on the Internet in recent years", I felt that he had said everything about his sidelines in recent years, but nothing was said. His website and channel have become popular, and he has already lived a free life of fishing every day. I also want to take this opportunity to talk about the part-time work in recent years. Because there is no formal job and no main business, it is not suitable to call it a sideline. When I was in junior high school, I often browsed online newspaper websites such as Xiaodao Entertainment Network. There were many advertisements posted on the website, which seemed to be a spinach website at first sight. At the same time, I was looking for free virtual hosts and free domain names everywhere on the Internet. I wanted to build a similar online newspaper website. I remember that I registered a domain name at that time, and I was embarrassed to say the name - Wuai Entertainment Network, The content was carried everywhere in the back, and the traffic was not large. However, some netizens who were engaged in the proxy printing business came to me and hung banner ads and link ads on the website. There were 5 yuan/month and 10 yuan/month

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Give full play to the role of ChatGPT in daily life

Technicians use ChatGPT to develop software and make money. Non technical personnel can fully play the role of ChatGPT in daily life. At the beginning of December 2022, I registered an OpenAI account and began to use ChatGPT. I was amazed by the speed of its generation and shocked by the content it generated. Despite its AI flavor, it is still acceptable in other aspects. Moreover, with continuous updates and iterations, the speed and accuracy of the original GPT-3.5 to the current GPT-4-turbo have improved significantly. This year's use has helped me solve many problems, such as various small papers assigned by teachers in the school, giving them a clue word, generating the required content, consulting some questions about WordPress, helping me to modify the theme, add functions, and so on. What impressed me was that at the beginning

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