Overseas Study Network


What are the requirements for Canada's immigration application in 2023?

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As the most popular traditional immigration country at present, Canada has many immigration projects, and the conditions for Canadian immigrants in each project are different, but generally speaking, the conditions for Canadian immigrants are relatively relaxed. What are the conditions for Canadian immigration application? Let's follow Xiao Bian to have a brief understanding!

Canadian immigration conditions

1. Education requirements

(1) High school or above (including technical secondary school, vocational high school and junior college), or equivalent.

If the applicant has a college degree or above, he or she needs to pass the IELTS test with a score of 6 points or the TOEFL test with a score of 80 points or above to obtain immigration qualification; If the applicant has not completed his/her studies or has not obtained the corresponding diploma, he/she will not be qualified to apply for Canadian immigration.

(2) If you have a bachelor's degree or above, you need to provide a bachelor's degree and 2 years of relevant work experience to obtain immigration qualification. However, it should be noted that if the applicant's education is different from that of Canada or belongs to a non scarce occupation, then he or she will not be able to obtain a visa; In addition, for students, as long as they can provide relevant graduation, they can get a visa.

2. Job requirements

(1) After studying in Canada, you need to find a job the same as your own within 3 years and the salary is not less than 10000 Canadian dollars to meet the basic conditions for applying for permanent residence in Canada. ( j458.coM)

(2) In addition, it should be noted that any part-time work or other work during the study period in Canada can not be used as a basis for work.

(3) In addition, there must be enough funds to support their living expenses and tuition fees within the three years.

(4) Of course, in addition to these, we also need to pay attention to meeting the requirements of certain language skills.

(5) Finally, we need to meet certain age requirements.

Canadian immigration advantages

1. High quality life, the best living area in the world

Canada ranks first in the world in terms of quality of life and welfare. For seven consecutive years, it has been rated by the United Nations as the most livable region in the world and the second largest country in the world. Its forest area has reached 3.1 million square kilometers. The air pollution degree of Canadian cities is lower than the standards set by the World Health Organization. Canada is rich in fresh water resources and has the largest reserves in the world, American style villa with a per capita housing area of more than 80 square meters. Among developed countries, Canada's social security is second to none. Vancouver, British Columbia, has been rated as the world's most livable city by the United Nations for two consecutive years, and Toronto, Ontario, was selected as the best international city in 1996 by Fortune magazine.

2. Relaxed immigration policy

Canada is a multicultural immigration country, with residents from all over the world. There are about 1.5 million Chinese in Canada, which is Canada's largest source of immigrants. Immigration policy is Canada's basic policy. For outstanding talents, Canada has always taken an open attitude. In recent years, the government has issued a series of immigration policies, This is also a key factor in Canada's population growth. Canada's policy is to constantly attract foreign talents. Compared with the United States, Australia and other countries, Canada's immigration conditions are more relaxed.

3. Free education system

The Canadian government attaches great importance to the investment in education. Children can receive milk money from birth to the age of 18. Canada has free education from primary school to secondary school (public), high teaching quality, perfect education system and perfect facilities. After becoming permanent residents of Canada (after immigration), family members can enjoy the following preferential treatment when receiving higher education in Canadian universities: low tuition, interest free student loans, no money for school, and legal work. In addition, some schools or majors in Canada only enroll Canadian citizens and permanent residents and do not enroll international students. International students who have studied for more than 6 months are allowed to work outside the school when they get student visas (colleges and universities certified by the certification authority of the Ministry of Education of Sichuan Province), and do not need to apply for a work visa. Anyone who has obtained a degree recognized by the government in Canada can obtain a work visa for 1-3 years, and can apply for immigration after working for one year.

   Recommended reading:

   What are the requirements for studying in Canada?

   What are the application conditions for studying in Canada

   What are the conditions for Canadian art students to apply for studying abroad?

   What are the requirements for studying in Canada?

For more information on Immigration Category Network, please visit: Types of immigrants

Source: https://yimin.liuxue86.com/y/5120836.html
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