Overseas Study Network


Detailed explanation of Singapore graduate migration process

[liuxue86.com - immigration experience]

Do you have the idea of studying in Singapore because you are attracted by Singapore's unique customs and first-class education level? Do you know the migration process of Singapore's graduate students? If you don't know much about this, let's take a look at some materials prepared for you by the editor. I hope you like them.

Detailed explanation of Singapore graduate migration process

  1. Choose appropriate postgraduate courses and universities

First of all, you need to choose the postgraduate courses you are interested in and the corresponding universities or research institutions. Singapore has many internationally renowned universities, such as National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), etc. Choose appropriate schools and courses according to your professional background and career goals.

  2. Prepare application materials

Prepare your application materials, including your resume, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, and language certificate (such as IELTS or TOEFL transcripts). In addition, for some majors, supplementary materials may be required, such as collections of works, research plans, etc. Ensure that your application materials are complete and submitted as required.

  3. Submit application

According to the requirements of the school, submit the application through the online application system or by mail. Ensure that the application is completed before the application deadline and the corresponding application fee is paid. Note that the application process and time may vary from school to school, so be sure to read and follow the application guide carefully.

  4. Interview

In some cases, the school may ask you to attend an interview. The purpose of the interview is to further evaluate your academic ability, professional knowledge and research interest. If you receive an interview invitation, be ready to show your strengths and answer relevant questions.

  5. Waiting for admission notice and visa issuance

Once you have submitted your application, you need to wait patiently for the admission notice from the school. The school usually conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the application and sends a notice of admission or rejection within a certain time. If you are admitted, the school will send you a formal admission notice. After that, you need to apply to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) for a Student Pass or Student Visa to study and stay in Singapore legally. For those who are interested in studying abroad, you can add the WeChat account of Miss Lily, the consultant of studying abroad on this website: thirteen billion three hundred and ninety-seven million six hundred and seventeen thousand five hundred and fifty-four , get free one-on-one consultation on studying abroad.

What are the advantages of Singapore's graduate immigrants

  1. Short educational system

The general teaching type master's degree system of government universities is 2 years, most Chinese students can complete their studies within 1-1.5 years, and the research type student's degree system is 3 years. Most Chinese students from Singapore immigrants can complete their studies within 2 years and graduate successfully, which is shorter than the 3 years of study time of domestic master's graduates.

   2. Good employment prospects

In recent years, two universities surveyed graduates. The average monthly salary of graduate students is about 2700 Singapore dollars. The majority of Singaporean investment immigrants come from China. After graduation, overseas students can find jobs in Singapore smoothly.

  3. Relaxed immigration policy

The Singapore government is determined to create a good employment environment to attract outstanding overseas talents. NUS and NTU students are regarded as excellent overseas talents by the Singapore government. If students work in Singapore after graduation, they can immediately apply to become Singapore permanent residents (green card) once they work, and they can complete immigration after 100% approval within 3 months.

   Recommended reading:

   Explain the application process of Spanish graduate students

   Detailed explanation of German graduate students' application process for studying abroad

   Singapore Postgraduate Application Process

   Detailed explanation of graduate application process of Edinburgh University

   Singapore Graduate Student Immigrants

For more information on Immigration Experience, please visit: Immigration experience

Source: https://yimin.liuxue86.com/y/5107102.html
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