Overseas Study Network


How do ordinary people immigrate to the United States? What are the ways to immigrate to the United States

[liuxue86. com - Types of immigrants]

For ordinary people who plan to immigrate to the United States, what are the ways to immigrate to the United States and what is the U.S. immigration policy? The website for studying abroad has made a detailed introduction. You can come in and have a look.

   1、 American Immigration Routes

1. Work visa

If the company where your parents work has a branch in the United States, and you are an executive, you can win the opportunity to work in the branch in the United States, and you can get the L1 visa, so your children can go to the United States to attend public schools for free, and your spouse can also come.

2. Own a company and open a branch in the United States

If you have your own company in China, or have stayed in the company for at least one year, you can do business in the United States. As long as you meet certain conditions, you can open a branch in the United States.

You can register a new company by yourself, without the requirements and restrictions of investment quota, or you can purchase or merge an existing American company. You will soon get the L1 visa, your children will be able to go to public schools in the United States for free, and your spouse can also apply legally. And there is no limit to the time you stay in the United States. There is no immigration prison.

3. Relative immigrants

Brothers and sisters have a very long schedule, more than 10 years. Let's not talk about it here. Our premise does not apply.

4. Investment immigration

There are two types of investment immigrants. One is the well-known EB-5 regional center investment, which is to hand over 500000 dollars of investment to the regional center in the United States. The project is theirs, and the management and operation are theirs. In this way, project selection is very important.

5. Outstanding talents, feasible and selective.

Many performance stars and sports stars migrate through outstanding talents.

If you say you are an outstanding person, you must show evidence to prove that you are outstanding, such as your qualification certificate, or how many achievements you have made in a certain industry/field, such as how many papers you have published as a university professor, such as how many TV interviews you have received, such as how many books you have published. This evidence does not mean that you can compile it immediately if you want to.

6. Marry an American

Obtaining identity through marriage is feasible.

7. Join the army

The MAVNI program run by the US Department of Defense is specially used to attract foreign youth to join the military. MAVNI is the recruitment plan for talents in short supply, which is mainly used to meet the needs of the military for special talents, such as medical personnel and foreign language talents.

8. Political BH

Indeed, many people get their identity through this method, with the lowest cost. As long as one of the couples or the whole family files an application and asks a lawyer to handle it, they only need to pay a little government fees and attorney fees, which may not exceed 10000 dollars. After passing the application, the whole family can solve the problem together.

   2、 90 day rule for American immigrants

It can be simply understood that entry into the United States must be more than 90 days before the application is submitted. According to Section 9 FAM 302.9 (U) of the Foreign Affairs Manual of the United States Department of State, if an alien holding a non immigrant visa applies for identity adjustment within 90 days after entering the United States, or engages in acts inconsistent with the purpose of his/her visa, he/she will be presumed to be "deliberately misrepresenting". According to INA 212 (a) (6) (C), foreigners who make false statements about important facts to obtain visas or other travel documents to enter the United States or obtain other immigration benefits will constitute a reason for non entry, and may even be banned from entry for life.

   3、 Which behaviors will violate the "90 day rule"?

The following actions that may violate the "90 day rule" are given by the official, including but not limited to: (1) working in the United States without application; (Note: Some activities may not constitute illegal work, such as those permitted by 9 FAM 402.2-5 (E)); (2) Studying in the United States without application and/or adjustment of status; (3) Holding visa B status, married to a US citizen or green card holder, and lived in the US for a long time (relevant evidences that can prove "long-term residence" include: whether the applicant has signed a rental contract or purchased a house, whether there is a water bill and gas bill with the applicant's name, whether the applicant has obtained a driver's license in the local area, etc.); (4) Engaging in any activity that requires changing or adjusting the identity without changing or adjusting the identity.

   4、 American immigration advantages

Higher college admission rate

Overseas identity can greatly improve the university admission rate. According to the latest undergraduate admission rate of Ivy League University in 2017, students with American green cards have nine times the chance to enroll in Ivy League University than international students.

Cheaper tuition

The tuition fees for international students and green card holders are different. According to UCLA tuition data, non resident students pay $29754 more each academic year than resident students. With a green card, you can save about 770000 yuan in tuition fees in four years.

Scholarships and grants

Green card holders are more likely to obtain scholarships. Scholarships in many institutions are not open to international students. In addition, international students cannot apply for a federal student loan (FAFSA), and only U.S. citizens or green card holders can apply.

Unlimited choice of majors

Some majors are only open to students with American identity, and international students cannot apply. For example, there are about 150 medical schools in the United States, but only dozens of international students can apply.

Can go to school and work at the same time

The student visa is not allowed to work in the United States, but can only do some part-time jobs in the school. Once illegal work is found, it will be recorded, affecting future visa applications. Green card holders will not be subject to such restrictions.

It is helpful for employment after graduation

When recruiting, the company will give priority to qualified candidates of the same level. This is also the policy of the US government to protect the employment of its own people.

   Recommended reading:

   What are the dual admission conditions for studying in the United States

   American study visa is a process for several years

   How to prepare for studying in the United States

   What kind of exam is required for studying in the United States

For more information on Immigration Category Network, please visit: Types of immigrants

Source: https://yimin.liuxue86.com/y/4132505.html
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