Guangdong Yilongte Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

Horizontal mixer, disperser, pet cleaning equipment, dehydrator


contact information

  • Xie Haixia
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  • 2020-03-28
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Company Information

  • Guangdong Yilongte Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
  • Guangdong Yilong Technology
  • Enterprise type: self-employed
  • Main products: horizontal mixer, Dispersion machine , pet cleaning equipment, dehydrator
  • Company address: Guangdong Dongguan Wanxiang Cheng Industrial Park, Yinping Road, Chonghe Administrative District, Qingxi Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
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Enterprise directory » Dongguan Enterprise Directory » List of Dongguan Plastic Enterprises » Guangdong Yilongte Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
About us
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contact us
Name: Guangdong Yilongte Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Tel.: 0769-33326037
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊣򈊣򈊢򈊢򈊦򈊠򈊢򈊥򈊢򈊡
Address: Wanxiang Cheng Industrial Park, Yinping Road, Chonghe Administrative Zone, Qingxi Town, Dongguan, Guangdong
Main products
Horizontal mixer, disperser, pet cleaning equipment, dehydrator

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