Chicken's clipboard


Record the U-Boot repair of NanoPi NEO 2 Black

A while ago, we started a friendly NanoPi NEO 2 Black

Notes on troubleshooting system network wait online slow down the startup of Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine

Because I graduated, I can't go back to pick up the 1-yuan student machine of Tencent Cloud for nothing. So I

Run Systemd init under Docker

Once, after/var/run/docker.sock was mounted, in Do

Configure nextcloud pseudo static under caddy

Next Cloud is a network disk program implemented with PHP, in which the path routing part

Tell me about some pits planted when MySQL 5.7 was moved to MariaDB10.2

Long ago, I heard that MySQL was not very peaceful after being accepted by Oracle

Welcome to do something. HTTP response number is customized (nginx)

A month ago, various BGs of Tencent launched a wave of events against the topic of 419, and made

"Surprise and broken things" - talk about the recent daily life

Looking back on my childhood is not a waste of time. I regard it as a memory of everything that happened

Upgrade VM to Ubuntu 18.04

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS has been out for a long time. As usual, it comes with

Notes on KVM's nested virtualization configuration and eNSP

Just because I entered the Patriotic Network Technology Competition, I finally had the opportunity to use the famous eNSP

A Brief Talk on Let's Encrypt's Wildcard Certificate Issuing Process

Let's Encrypt certificate has been obtained on the network

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