Free top-level domain name GQ recently opened for registration with Freeom free domain name registration tutorial

Recently, the world's fifth free top-level domain. gq has been opened for free registration.

If you have never heard of. gq, you should know. tk,. ml,. cf and. ga. In fact,. gq, like. tk and other domains, are managed by the domain name service provider Freedom. In addition to the first four,. gq is the fifth global top-level domain that can be registered for free.

Of course, to be precise, the gq domain name has been online since October 2014. However, after several stages such as "sunrise" and "rush registration", free registration was not available until 2015. However, these "histories" have little to do with us, so let me tell you how to register.

Here is a bit more verbose. Although the gq domain name is similar to the tk domain name, Freeom has changed its version before (it can also be said that the TK domain name service provider has changed its version), so I decided to rewrite this free top-level domain name registration tutorial for Freeom for your reference.

In addition, I saw a friend saying that the new version of Freeom has a problem that you cannot register the domain name without logging in. Here, I suggest you log in with the original account (both Freeom and TK accounts are OK) before registering the domain name. If you don't have a Freedom account, please Self registration Or reference This article

Register GQ domain name

First, open Freeom's home page: , and log in.

After logging in, you can see the obvious gq domain name advertisement on the background homepage (as shown in the following figure). Click the blue button "Check if your gq domain is still available".



Then you will go to the domain name check page. First, click the "Search Multiple TLDs" button (as shown in the red box 1 below), check the suffix you like in the domain name suffix list (as shown in the red box 2 below), and note that only the first five can register for free.



Enter the domain name you want to register in the box, and click "Check Availability" to check whether the domain name is available.

If the status column displays red“ Unavailable "It's a pity that this domain name has been occupied. Please change it; if the status is green“ Available! Order Now ”Congratulations, the domain name you want can be registered. Tick the front of the domain name and select the registration duration in "More Info". Note that only those with the word "Free" can be registered for free.

If you don't know how long it will take to register, it often doesn't matter if you choose one at random. When the domain name is about to expire, you can renew it indefinitely for free. PS. Multiple suffixes can be registered in batches at one time.


Finally, click the red "Order Now" button to submit


Next, you will enter the order preview page and click Continue directly


The fee preview continues, but we registered a free domain name, and the total fee here is 0.



Drag directly to the bottom of the page, check the "Agreement Terms", as shown in the red box below, and then click "Complete Order" to complete the order.



Finally, the prompt page of registration completion appears.

Set domain name resolution

At this point, our domain name registration is complete, and the next step is to set up domain name resolution.


Go back to the My Domains page first (click "Domain" - "My Domains" in the navigation bar in turn), and click the management button (Mange Domain) on the right side of the newly registered domain name (as shown in the red box below)


Click "Manage Free nom DNS" above to enter domain name resolution



It's clear at a glance. Just fill in your space record information. This is the same as the previous TK domain name. I won't say more


In fact, although the GQ free domain name was recently launched, it is essentially the same as the TK, ML, etc., which also has the same 90 day limit on access recovery and is easy to be abused. It is recommended that you only use it for study and research, and do not abuse free resources. If you really need to build a website, you should buy a paid domain name. After all, many registrars are doing activities now, and the price is not too high.


So that's the end of this tutorial. If you don't understand anything, please leave a message!

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