Solution to slow startup caused by AMD Software 23.11.1 update

AMD has fixed this problem since it was updated to 24.1.1.

After the AMD Software Adrenalin Edition was updated in November, the author's AMD laptop took several minutes to boot, The BIOS boot time is normal, but it is very slow to enter the system.

The fallback drive is invalid; The process of uninstalling AMD software directly will be blocked.

Solution: Use the AMD Cleanup utility to uninstall AMD Software.

find C:\AMD\AMD-Software-Adrenalin-Edition-23.12.1-MinimalSetup-231205_web\bin64

function AMDCleanupUtility.exe   ,

Prompt the security mode to click "No",

Prompt to delete the driver and application point "Yes", and then restart the computer. The boot time immediately returns to about 10 seconds.

Since the software and driver have been deleted, Windows may install the driver by itself after booting up, but it is better to check the update in Windows Update.

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