QQ Real Name Authentication Modification Tutorial

I believe that in order to relieve anti addiction, big guys also fight.

Many people choose to search online identity information for real name authentication, or use other friends' identity information for real name authentication. When he reached the age of 18, he wanted to modify the information of real name authentication, but did not know how to modify it.

What are the hazards of real name authentication of other people's information?

This kind of thing is not uncommon. The QQ number is stolen and I want to appeal to my QQ, but I fail repeatedly when appealing to information. I think a large part of the reason is that QQ's real name information is someone else's, and it is absolutely unsuccessful to fill in your own information when appealing.

There are also big problems when using financial functions. False real name authentication means that your account cannot use your bank card.

Therefore, we suggest that you take advantage of Tencent's opening of the modification portal to modify the real name authentication information into your own in advance.

 QQ real name authentication

Tencent Health System Rule Description

1. All user accounts in the game need to be subject to mandatory police real name verification to ensure the authenticity and validity of relevant identity information.

2. Users under the age of 18 are reminded online for 1 hour every day on non holidays, and are prohibited from playing for 1.5 hours; Online 2-hour reminder and 3-hour ban on holidays. Users under the age of 18 are banned from 22:00-8:00 every day, and will not be able to log in to the game (including holidays and non holidays).

3. Users under 8 years old cannot recharge in the game; The upper limit of a single recharge for 8-15 year old users is 50 yuan, and the upper limit of a single monthly recharge is 200 yuan; The maximum single recharge for 16-17 year old users is 100 yuan, and the maximum monthly recharge is 400 yuan.

4. Accounts that fail to pass the real name verification will not be allowed to log in.

Modify Steps

1. Open the following modification address and click Modify real name authentication

2. Fill in your identity information according to the steps, Note that it can only be modified once

3. If the modified identity information is less than 18 years old, it will re-enter the anti addiction limit game.

Modify address:

Click to jump: https://jiazhang.qq.com/wap/health/dist/home/index.html
(Copy to QQ to open)

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