Android chrome://flags Options worth adjusting in

With the update of Chrome version, the options in flags are constantly changing. Some new settings will appear, and some settings will disappear. The purpose of this article is to list some of the options worth adjusting, which will be updated as Chrome updates.
get into chrome://flags Start operation.

The following content is based on Android Chrome 76.0.3809.111 (stable version)

Allow web pages to use experimental JavaScript features. #enable-javascript-harmony

Enable Chrome Duet to split the toolbar Chrome Home. #enable-chrome-duet

Turn on the Chrome Duet tab. #enable-chrome-duet-labels

If enabled, the Home button is displayed. #force-enable-home-page-button

If enabled, the New Tab button is displayed in the toolbar. #enable-ntp-button

Use interest feeds to present content suggestions. Currently, content suggestions are displayed on the New Tab. #interest-feed-content-suggestions

If enabled, the content suggestion list on the New Tab page will contain server-side suggestions (for example, recommending articles for you). In addition, it allows you to override the source used to retrieve these server-side recommendations. #enable-ntp-remote-suggestions

If enabled, users can enable the Android Chrome UI dark mode by setting. #enable-android-night-mode

Modernize the address bar with an enhanced layout of larger icons. #omnibox-new-answer-layout

Enable parallel downloads to speed up downloads. #enable-parallel-downloading

Allow the information bar to notify users of the current download status. #download-progress-infobar

Enable the download center new UI. #download-home-v2

Enable the rename option for download. #download-rename

Multiple tabs scroll horizontally. #enable-horizontal-tab-switcher

Delay loading images labeled with the attribute "loading=lazy" until the page scrolls down. #enable-lazy-image-loading

Enables preview overlay layers for links. #enable-ephemeral-tab

Display translation options in the menu. #translate-android-manual-trigger

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