Android uses ADB to downgrade and install software

Recently, when testing several old versions of QQ, I was reluctant to uninstall the existing ones with chat records, so I found a way to downgrade the installation. Record the method of installing through ADB, which is simple and convenient, and does not need to do any exposed framework, core cracking, or change the app version number.

The common commands for installing apk in adb are as follows:

 adb install D:\demo.apk

That is, the path of the package on the computer after the installation. Here, you should ensure that you have connected to the device through the adb. You can use the following commands to connect to ensure that the computer and the device are in the same LAN:

 Adb connect device ip

Check connected devices to make sure your phone is connected to your computer:

 adb devices

If you need to replace the original application, the above installation command will not work. You need to add "- r" to replace the original application:

 adb install -r D:\demo.apk

What about degraded installation? Add "- d":

 adb install -r -d D:\demo.apk

"R" here means "replace", replacing the original application; "- d" refers to "downgrade", which means degraded installation.

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