Image compression tool Antelope 5.2 single file version

Image compression tool is a kind of software used to reduce the file volume without reducing the image quality. I have been using it for a long time to reduce the image size of the uploaded website. Recently, I found a better image compression tool and spent some time to make a single file version.

brief introduction

Voralent Antelope is an image compression tool that can reduce the size of image files without reducing or slightly reducing the image quality. It supports JPEG/PNG/GIF files, lossless compression (without degrading quality) and lossy compression (degrading quality). It is simple to use.

Single document version description

Packed and produced based on Antelope 5.2 Chinese version (Dayan Zaixiu Chinese version), it is only a single file, and no other content has been changed;
After running, the program will generate a file in the current directory to store the settings.

Simple instructions for use

After opening the software, drag the picture file to be compressed into the software, click the Start button in the upper left corner, and the compressed image is saved in the "Antelope" folder on the desktop by default (the saving location can be modified in the settings);

The software defaults to lossless compression mode (which will not reduce the image quality). If you want to further reduce the image volume, you can turn on lossy compression mode in the settings (which will slightly reduce the image quality)

[dl href=' '] Antelope 5.2 single file version [/dl]

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