Baidu Cloud Download Acceleration Method Summary (August 24)

Since Baidu Cloud forced non members to download speed limits a few years ago, all leaders and gods are studying ways to bypass speed limits to enhance "user experience". With the passage of time and Baidu's adjustment to the server, many old methods have failed, while new methods have emerged. This article will reorganize and summarize the latest effective methods and tools for download acceleration/speed restriction removal for your reference.

P. S. This article is mainly for novices and users who have not been exposed to accelerated download. The content is long, and old drivers and friends who have used it can jump to see it.

2019.7.13: Applicable platform supplemented with basic description and method

2020.8.24: Reorganize the content and remove some failure methods

Some things to know about Baidu online disk

Web page download

Baidu Cloud's business has been updated and adjusted several times. Under normal circumstances, except for small files of individual types, web pages cannot be downloaded directly. You need to call the client to download.

Log in and download

At present, whether downloading or transferring the website must be logged in first. So no matter what method you use to download, you must log in.

Speed limit mode

In fact, Baidu Cloud has also adjusted its speed limit strategy and method. At present, the speed limit of Baidu Cloud is limited by the speed of both the client and the server (download link request). Under normal circumstances, non super members have speed limits in both places, so only lifting the speed limit on the client can not theoretically reach the network bandwidth.


In short, when Baidu's server detects that there is a problem with the speed of your download link, the account may be blacklisted (note that the download link is not a sharing link). After being hacked, any tool will download any file at a relatively low speed (close to 0). At present, according to the feedback from major users, there should be a certain probability of blackmailing. At present, after blackmailing, if the account is no longer used, it will be unsealed in about 3 days to 1 week.



  • Free way: official client speed channel (Windows), oil monkey plug-in, official Linux client, macOS client
  • Failure mode


Free way

1. Speed up of Baidu online disk (official) client

Platform: Windows

About July, Baidu Netdisk added the option of enabling download acceleration for ordinary users after the client was updated. Enter the settings, and you can see the entrance to enable the download speed increase in "Transmission". Click the prompt to open it. When downloading some files, the speed will increase automatically.

Simple evaluation

In a word, there are some acceleration effects, but they are not stable.

Because the acceleration is based on the P2P principle, the amount of acceleration depends on the heat of resources. Although not as good as SVIP's exclusive acceleration channel, P2P acceleration is still helpful for popular resources (as shown in the previous figure). However, if you download some unexpected resources, you still have to endure the average speed of dozens of kb/s - _ - | |.

Of course, there is also a "cost", that is, as the page tells us, the client will use the idle bandwidth of the computer to upload (to provide other users with acceleration).

Whether it is worth turning on this option depends on your usage. Most people who occasionally use the dial to download may give up the idle bandwidth and choose to speed up the download. If you are a super heavy download user... maybe it would be better to open a member.

P. S. As an aside, Baidu has forced the client to join a "user incentive plan" before, which will use bandwidth to upload files by default to speed up paid members (it is said that even if it is closed in the setting, the background will still upload files). Baidu offline this function after being rejected by users. Maybe it was after this that the official changed to this form later.


2. Oil monkey plug-in+IDM/FDM/Xunlei

Platform: Windows/Linux/macOS

This method is not a separate third-party tool, but a plug-in and a downloader. After installing the oil monkey plug-in in the browser and loading the script, you can download it directly with the download tool when downloading the web page.

be careful The browser must be able to install Tampermonkey (oil monkey plug-in) Common Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc. have corresponding versions of plug-ins.

Simple evaluation

This method has a unique advantage, which basically does not distinguish between platforms. And some can bypass the restrictions imposed by the web version on the use of the client and download directly.

But the disadvantage... stability is hard to say. The probability of success is much lower now than it was a long time ago.

At present, jumping to a third-party downloader requires trying to transfer Baidu's cookies, which is complex and prone to failure. Once an error occurs, the entire download fails.

If you only download the dial file occasionally, and it is not a large file, you can consider this method.

Using Tutorials

First, install Tampermonkey and third-party download tools. Of course, in addition to Tampermonkey, there are also similar plug-ins, such as the Violent Monkey, but they all have the same function. Here we take the installation of Tampermonkey in Chrome as an example.

Considering that the oil monkey plug-in is involved, here we will only briefly introduce the parts related to Baidu as far as possible, and ignore other parts of the plug-in. (After all, the function of oil monkey plug-in in combination with script is too strong, and its playability is very high. It can't be introduced in a single article.)


The installation of the Tampermonkey plug-in can be directly searched and installed in the Chrome plug-in application store.
If it is not convenient to access the Google Store, here is also a connection to the online disk.

[dl href=' '] Oil monkey plug-in download [/dl]

After downloading the oil monkey plug-in file, enter it in the address bar“ chrome://extensions/ ”And enter, drag the extension with suffix crx into the browser, and click "Continue" (as shown in Figures 1, 2, and 3 below)

The new version of Chrome (version 70 and above) prohibits the direct installation of local plug-ins for security reasons. You can first change the downloaded extension suffix from. crx to. zip, enter the "Extension Page" to open the developer mode (upper right corner of the figure below), and then drag the renamed plug-in into Chrome to install it.

Then click Add Extension to install it.

After the plug-in is installed, you can add scripts. Open Script Site , and then directly enter "Baidu Online Disk" or "Baidu Cloud" in the search box to search.

Select a script from the search results and click "Install this script"

After clicking, you will jump to the prompt page of the oil monkey. After confirmation, click "Install". At this point, the installation of plug-ins and scripts is complete, and you can use them directly.

Later, when downloading Baidu online disk, find the download assistant on the download page (Figure 1), select "Direct Download" (Figure 2), and you can directly call up the browser's download window (Figure 3)

Or click "Display Link" in the download assistant, copy the link link to the download tool and download it (as shown below)

Thunderbolt is used here. Although it can't reach the maximum download speed, it is still good compared with Baidu Cloud's speed of about 10kb/s

This method is recommended to be used with IDM/FDM to achieve outstanding results

Although the first configuration is a little troublesome, it is very convenient to use later. In addition, you can also see that there are many scripts in the Greasyfork website. As for which one is better to use, you need to make your own judgment ( ̄ ▽ ̄). ".


3. Official Linux client

Platform: Linux (available virtual machines)

About the second half of 19 years later, Baidu officially released a native Linux client with complete functions. The download link can be found on the official website: , provides software packages in rpm and deb formats.

It seems that this version has not imposed a significant speed limit for a long time.

 Baidu Cloud Linux client

Simple evaluation

The official Linux client is simpler to use than the Windows client, but it has basic file management, upload and download. As for the main download speed... It is preliminarily inferred that there is no speed limit for the client of the previous Windows version. In other words, most file downloads will not always be stuck at more than 10 k/s, and some resource downloads may be accelerated through P2P and other methods. Of course, if you want to run full bandwidth... you may still need to open a member.

However, it is still an official product. At least there is no danger such as seal number.

This method requires a Linux system (you may need to solve the runtime problem yourself). macOS、 Windows users can consider using virtual machines if they want to use them.


4. The macOS client removes the speed limit

Platform: macOS

At present, the new version cannot be used. The last available online disk customer is 2.2.2. The program was last updated: 20191118

There is a small program under macOS that can unlock the speed limit of the old Baidu online disk client, without requiring a third-party downloader / The client. It is relatively convenient for daily use.

A separate article has been written before for detailed usage methods and procedures, which can be referred to: Remove the speed limit of Baidu Cloud Mac

Simple evaluation

I have used this method for a period of time. Although it only removes the speed limit but does not increase the speed, the download speed cannot compare with that of third-party download tools, but it is really convenient to use. Like the design concept of macOS, it does not need to consider so many normal ways to use it (and because the server speed limit is not touched, the probability of account blackout is much lower).

Note that this method is only applicable to macOS users For Windows and Linux users, please refer to other methods.


A scheme with a little overhead

1. Open ordinary members +Third party downloader

Platform: Windows/Other

First of all, I have not actually used this method , so just sharing it with you can't guarantee anything.

Brief description

The idea of speeding up this method is actually very simple. The third-party downloader is to ensure that the file download speed can reach full speed as far as possible (if you have opened a member before, you may find that even super members sometimes cannot download at full speed). However, using a third-party downloader may cause the account to be hacked, so it is OK to open an ordinary member account (it is said that opening an ordinary member account will not be hacked).

However, most downloaders have also failed at present. It is not clear whether this method can continue to be used in new downloaders. Please make your own judgment.


Invalid scheme (as record backup)

1. Baidu Online Disk Download Assistant (PanDownload)

Platform: Windows

One of the strongest downloaders ever. But later, as Baidu cracked down on various behaviors that circumvented restrictions... It is said that the author was arrested and the software also failed.

At present, due to various reasons, the following rumors mainly appear on the network (but the credibility cannot be proved, please make your own judgment and don't believe it):

  1. The software has failed, but it can be revived through some black technology (in short, the verification server and database of the original software have failed, and they can be replaced to continue to use)
  2. The software code is officially parsed by Baidu. If there are new users, they will blackout the account (unable to verify)

In short, it can be considered invalid for ordinary users and is not recommended at present. However, thanks to the efforts of the author.

Since there are too many PanDownload events on the network, you can search for relevant information by yourself. No evaluation or judgment is made here.


2. Speed disk (free version/paid version)

Platform: Windows

It is also the previous third-party Baidu disk download tool. It is said that the bottom layer also uses some technologies that PanDownload does not use, and also provides some practical small functions. Later, we also launched a super fast version (it can be downloaded at full speed at a small cost).

But with Baidu's technology update, the download function has already failed, either no speed or failed to connect to the server.


3. iQIYI Universal Player

Platform: Windows

A long time ago, iQIYI Universal Player (not iQIYI client) came with a download plug-in of Baidu online disk. You can download files in Baidu online disk by logging in directly.

There are some shortcomings, but it is still stable and usable. Because it is half "official", the probability of the account being blacklisted is very small.

But it has also failed at present.

Previous screenshots of the lower loader

4. Baidu PCS Go and related open source projects

Platform: Windows/Linux/macOS, etc

Baidu PCS Go is a Baidu command line client based on Go language, and the source code is open source on Github. This is a fully functional Third party client In addition to functions such as download and upload, file management, and manual fast second transmission, it can also unlock the download speed limit.

Github project homepage of the software:


In fact, there were many open source Baidu Netdisk client projects before, covering all platforms. Most of them can still find the project code on Github.

It is worth mentioning that most of these open source projects were originally developed as third-party clients, rather than "accelerators" for download. It is just the behavior of Baidu that should be followed. Some projects have added the function of download acceleration.

But on the one hand, Baidu has adjusted its API and business, and on the other hand, Baidu has cracked down on bypassing the download speed limit. The authors of these open source projects have stopped working.


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