Win7 Professional 3-in-1 Installation 32/64 bit 2018.09 (Pure Installation)


Integrated production based on MSDN Windows 7 Professional VL, original version, updated version and optimized version, pure system, no third-party software, no OEM information, can be used as a packaging master.

One reason for using the professional version is that there is no difference between the professional version and the flagship version in daily use. The flagship version has only a few more functions than the professional version that are not normally used. The professional version is slightly smoother than the flagship version (more obvious on low configuration computers); Another point is that only the professional version has the Vol (VL) version, which supports MAK and KMS activation methods and is more flexible.

 Win7 Professional 3-in-1 Installation


Mini computer Windows 7 Pro SP1 three in one installation based on MSDN Windows 7 SP1 VOL professional version production, including 32-bit/64 bit (x86/x64);

The whole process is made by wim mount without sysprep, and it is not resealed after installing the system.


Three system versions are integrated:

Windows 7 Professional (Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL) –>Microsoft Windows 7 Professional SP1 (original system image, without any patch packs and modifications)

Windows 7 Professional with updates (Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL with Update) –>Integrated patch pack for the original Windows 7 Professional version (only integrated patch pack, no other modifications)

Windows 7 Professional Plus (Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL Optimized) - –>The original version of Windows 7 Professional is integrated with the patch pack, and optimized and adjusted appropriately


Patch description (except the original version)

*Update the system patch to 2018-09 (some patches have been ignored)

*IE Update to Internet Explorer 11


Description of the third version

Windows 7 Professional: This version is the original system in the official image, and no changes have been made

Windows 7 Professional Edition with update: This version integrates patches on the original system, without any simplification, no OEM information added, and no home page modification. It is optimized elsewhere (such as desktop display computer). The system is completely pure and can be used as an encapsulated master

Windows 7 Professional Optimization Edition: This version integrates patches on the original system, and appropriately simplifies and optimizes the system (such as desktop display computers)



Changes of Windows 7 Professional Optimization:

Integrate system patches and make appropriate optimization adjustments, such as desktop display computer, display file extension, and auto merge when the taskbar icon is full;

Some infrequent functions, such as XPS services, gadgets, Media Center and DVD Maker, have been turned off;

The system has not made any simplification and other modifications, no other programs have been installed, the IE home page has not been modified, and there is no OEM information (if the third-party software or IE home page has been modified after installation, please check whether it is the problem of PE and other installation tools)


Other instructions

The system is an installation version, which is different from the clone version (Ghost version) and the version that is re packaged after installing the system;

The system is based on the original Windows 7 Professional SP1 VOL. The system is not activated. In theory, it can be activated by OEM activator, KMS, MAK key and other methods;

The system does not carry any third-party software!


The system image is an installation version (consistent with the installation method of the original system). You can use ISO to directly boot the installation system, or use WinNTSetup and other software in PE to install the system;

Please be careful! Some third-party system installation tools will tamper with your system during installation (such as modifying the home page, adding other software, etc.). Please use a safe and reliable image deployment tool.





The copyright of this Windows7 system and all software belongs to their respective owners.

This system is only used for testing, technical research and exchange, and should not be used for commercial purposes, and the producer does not bear any technical and copyright issues.

If you think it is appropriate, it is recommended to purchase a genuine Windows operating system.


Thank you for your support!



Mini computer software group


Download address


[dl href=' '] Baidu online disk download [/dl]


System preview

 Win7 Trinity Installation System Properties


 Win7 3-in-1 installation has been patched

 Win7 3-in-1 installation control panel

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