Remove the context menu of VS2017

Recently, the system was reinstalled and the IDE was changed to Visual Studio 2017, but it was found that an additional item "Open in Visual Studio" was added to the right-click menu, which is not normally used. After searching, the removal method was found.

First, open the registry editor, and directly enter "regedit" in the Windows search to open it.

Then navigate to two places at a time:

"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT Directory shell AnyCode" and

These two items are VS2017. Right click "AnyCode" in two places and click "Delete" (don't delete other items). OK

If the deletion just finished has no effect, you may need to restart it


If you want to save time, you can copy the following content directly to Notepad, save it with the extension of ". reg", and then double-click the file to import it into the registry~

 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\AnyCode] [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\AnyCode]


Look at the right-click menu. Is it refreshing again?

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