Common compression software single file version 17.07 (7-Zip, good pressure, etc.)


Now, all compression models on the market have some exclusive features. Sometimes in special circumstances, when other compression software needs to be used temporarily, the single file version compression software comes into use. There is no need to install or uninstall, no registry is written, and it is green, portable and convenient to use.

 Common compression software 17.07


List of single file compression software:

360 compression, good pressure 5.9.3 (32), fast pressure, 7-Zip 16.04 (32/64), WinRAR 5.40 (32)


Single document version description:

WinRAR is based on the fire beautification version, and other programs are based on the official original version;
The original program of the compression software was not modified, and only the useless files were reduced;
The single file version cannot be written to the registry. It supports dragging and opening and manually setting file associations, but file associations cannot be performed from software settings;
The single file version may be blocked by some security false positives. Please select Allow to run.

Other instructions:

WinRAR 5.40 64 bit single file version has serious display problems in multiple virtual environments, so this update will not be released;

In the test, good pressure, fast pressure and 7-Zip (64 bit only) cannot run in the Win 10 64 bit system, but they run normally in Win 8 (64 bit), 7, and XP (not excluding an individual case); Due to limited conditions, we can't make further confirmation for the moment. If you meet a friend, please provide some feedback for improvement. Thank you.


List of main thin files:

360 compression: upgrade components, security guard download components

Good press: virtual optical drive (other gadgets are reserved), upgrade components

Fast press: virtual optical drive, upgrade components, useless parts

7-Zip: Some multi language


Download address:

[dl href=" "] Independent/integrated download [/dl]

[dl href=" "] Integrated Download (Baidu) [/dl]


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