How to turn off home page article recommendation in a new version of Chrome?

Regardless of the content of the article, the article on Chrome's home page can't be loaded without scientific Internet access. It's a waste of space to put it on the home page.

The previous online method was to disable chrome://flags/#enable -Ntp snippets, but now it seems that this item has been deleted. After searching for the dazzling English, I finally found a new article option.

My current installation is Chrome Dev 66.0.3348.3. For modifications, please refer to.

First, open chrome://flags , Search:


 Salted fish pioneer - close the homepage article of chrome
Select Disabled.

Restart Chrome to see the clean homepage. However, Chrome will only display two lines of commonly used websites. Isn't it empty?
 Salted fish pioneer - close the homepage article of chrome

Next, you can try some other experimental functions. For example, the options in the following figure can also control whether to display downloads, offline pages, recently visited bookmarks and other content on the home page.
 Salted fish pioneer - close the homepage article of chrome
Personally, I think these functions are useful. They can enrich the homepage when opened. You can choose them according to your preferences.

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