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Fast event - based Harris corner detection exploiting the advantages of event -driven cameras

Bartolozzi, "Fast event - based harris corner detection exploiting the advantages of event- driven cameras ," in International Conference on Intelli- gent ...
V Vasco A Glover C Bartolozzi  -  IEEE/RSJ Internat...  -  Cited quantity: fourteen  -  2016
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Towards Real-time Edge Detection for Event Cameras Based on Lifetime and Dynamic Slicing

Retinal cameras , such as dynamic vision sensors (DVF), transmit asynchronous events with ultra-low latency ( \\(\\sim \\) 10 \\(\\upmu \\) s) only at significant luminance changes, unlike traditional CMOS cameras which transmit the ab...
SAS Mohamed MH Haghbayan J Heikkonen , ...  -  Aicv  -  Cited quantity: zero  -  2020

EV-FlowNet: Self-Supervised Optical Flow Estimation for Event - based Cameras

Event - based cameras have shown great promise in a variety of situations where frame based cameras suffer, such as high speed motions and high dynamic ra...
AZ Zhu L Yuan K Chaney , ...  -  Cited quantity: twenty-seven  -  2018
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Real-time Visual-Inertial Odometry for Event Cameras using Keyframe- based Nonlinear Optimization

Event cameras are bio-inspired vision sensors that output pixel-level brightness changes instead of standard intensity frames. They offer significant advantages over standard cameras , namely a very high dynamic range, no motion blur, ...
H Rebecq T Horstschaefer D Scaramuzza  -  British Machine V...  -  Cited quantity: twenty-two  -  2017
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Situation Analysis and Atypical Event Detection with Multiple Cameras and Multi-Object Tracking

This paper discusses a trajectory based recognition algorithm to expand the common approaches for atypical event detection in multi-object traffic scene...
R Reulke S Bauer F Meysel  -  International Con...  -  Cited quantity: seventeen  -  2008


doi:US20100283857 A1Vivek GopinathUSUS20100283857 Nov 11, 2010 Honeywell International Inc. Event based dynamic change in video quality parameters of network cameras
V Gopinath  -  US  -  Cited quantity: four  -  2010

Astrometric calibration and source characterisation of the latest generation neuromorphic event - based cameras for space imaging

As an emerging approach to space situational awareness and space imaging, the practical use of an event - based camera (EBC) in space imaging for precise ...
NO Ralph A Marcireau S Afshar , ...  -  《Astrodynamics》  -  Cited quantity: zero  -  2023

Optical Flow Estimation by Matching Time Surface with Event - Based Cameras

In this work, we propose a novel method of estimating optical flow from event - based cameras by matching the time surface of events. The proposed loss function measures the timestamp consistency between the time surface formed by the l...
J Nagata Y Sekikawa Y Aoki  -  《Sensors》  -  Cited quantity: zero  -  2021

STADIE-Net: Stagewise Disparity Estimation from Stereo Event - based Cameras

STADIE-Net: Stagewise Disparity Estimation from Stereo Event - based Cameras Abhishek TomyAnshul PaigwarAlessandro RenzagliaChristian Laugier...
A Tomy A Paigwar A Renzaglia , ...  -  Computer Vision &...  -  Cited quantity: zero  -  2021

Commercial-off-the-shelf event - based cameras for space surveillance applications.

Event - based cameras (EBCs) are of interest for potential application to space domain awareness (SDA). EBC attributes, including asynchronous response and low latency provide data reduction, break the trade-off between latency and powe...
P Mcmahon-Crabtree D Monet  -  《Applied Optics》  -  Cited quantity: zero  -  2021

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