• Endorsement of authoritative media

      Strong social credibility and media appeal, effective communication channels from content exposure to continuous distribution, and constantly improve brand credibility

    • International path building

      We will continue to find ways and expand platforms for building international brands, so that Chinese brands can go global and international brands can go into China.

    • Professional operation team

      Domestic and overseas high-quality commodity selection team, multilingual creative planning team, short and long video shooting production team, network and multimedia streaming live broadcast technology team, user operation management team.

    • Long term marketing matrix

      Matrix linkage multi-dimensional penetration, high-frequency, high-intensity long-term brand exposure, to achieve the transformation from social voice to brand sales.

    International selection - the official live broadcast e-commerce platform created by International Online, providing reliable global goods for consumers.

    For domestic and foreign brands, it provides a full range of services including live short video delivery and product efficiency integration, and builds a new cooperation platform for global brands to take root in China,

    Help Chinese brands broaden the new scene of international brand marketing.

    • selected

    • drink

    • delicious food

    • Beauty

    • Jewellery

    • beauty

    • Childcare

    • agriculture products