Learn to write official script of Yi Ying Stele

Although I haven't written a lot of calligraphy before, I have written it several times recently and found it quite interesting.

It will be very tiring to practice regular script at the beginning. Because the strokes and structure of regular script are too demanding, it is difficult to write well, to get a sense of achievement, and to persist. So I chose to write official script first. For beginners, the first choice for clerical script is Yi Ying Stele or Cao Quan Stele. It seems that "Yi Ying Stele" is more suitable for me, so I choose to start from it.

Yi Ying Stele is an outstanding representative of clerical script in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Its full name is Han Lu Xiang Yi Ying Please Buy a Hundred Stone Stele of Confucius Temple. The existing rubbings are mainly rubbings of good quality.

My writing is too ugly. Let's put two pictures of the original stele to enjoy.

 Learn to write official script of Yi Ying Stele
 Learn to write official script of Yi Ying Stele

Original article, author: Xiaoqu, if reproduced, please indicate the source: https://xqrp.com/661690.html

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