• A favorite calligrapher Huang Ruozhou

    Among famous calligraphers, Huang Ruozhou may not be very famous. However, his calligraphy copy of "Quick Writing of Chinese Characters" published in the 1960s has always been a masterpiece of pen and ink calligraphy. I practiced it many years ago, but I didn't stick to it. Don't say to learn the essence, you haven't even learned anything. Recently, I turned to

    3 days ago
  • One touch: do more things to increase the sense of gain and achievement

    With the increase of age, it is more and more easy to get tired. Most of the time, you don't want to do anything, and you are obviously lack of energy, especially after coming home from work. During this period of time, I found that doing something meaningful or energetic will make me feel much better, such as learning some knowledge I am willing to learn, practicing calligraphy or

    June 15, 2024
  • Entanglement is not a good habit

    Always entangled in something, serious internal friction. Wanting everything and being greedy may be the root cause of the tangle. Of course, there are also reasons why I like to do things blindly. Recently, I want to save the subscription fee of Dropbox (sharing, actually not much), and test iClou back and forth

    May 15, 2024
  • The system and WordPress are reinstalled due to the blind upgrade of PHP

    Everything is caused by ignorance of technology. The website background shows that the PHP 7.3 version is too low. It is recommended to upgrade. But before I knew what PHP was, I installed PHP 8 according to the online tutorial, and then the web page could not be opened... Of

    April 26, 2024
  • The Cloud Storage Showdown- Dropbox, Google Drive, and iCloud

    Whether for work or play, cloud storage has become an essential part of our digital lives.…

    April 26, 2024
  • Yellow Crane Tower

    I live near the Yellow Crane Tower when I am on business in Wuhan. After dinner, I went for a walk. The night view was pretty good. But the light show costs 120 yuan, which is a little expensive. What is written in the following couplets? I can't recognize some of them.

    April 18, 2024
  • "Productivity" tools currently in use

    Briefly list the "productivity" tools currently in use to see if there will be any changes in the future: Notes: Obsidian+Apple NotesObsidian All notes in Obsidian are saved locally in Markdown format

    April 10, 2024
  • Driving back to my hometown for the Spring Festival

    This year, the family drove back to their hometown for the Spring Festival. The whole journey is 1900 km. Fortunately, except for the junction area between Shanxi and Shaanxi, there is almost no snow on the expressways in other places, and there are few cars on the road. It's very pleasant to drive. The whole journey was very smooth, starting at 3:30 a.m. and arriving at the destination at 12:30 p.m

    February 7, 2024
  • Share a free channel to use ChatGPT

    Another year is over. Time flies. I started to drive to Hebei very early in the morning, but because of heavy fog, the highway was blocked in the middle of my run. The usual 4-hour journey took a total of 8 hours today. The child's passport expired. I went to apply for a new passport yesterday, but I didn't expect to do anything

    December 30, 2023
  • How to register the email at the end of @ msn.com? (transfer)

    First, you need to subscribe to the MSN Premium service. The operation is as follows: you need a Microsoft account in the United States (any email address can be used, including the free @ outlook. com). If there is no ready-made account, just

    November 5, 2023
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