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Urban renewal construction project of Kuitun City, Xinjiang - upgrading and reconstruction of old heating facilities

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Project Details
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Engineering and equipment
Release date June 28, 2024 Region Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Progress stage [Full member Login Can be browsed later]
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People's Republic of China
Building construction permits
According to the provisions of Article 8 of the Construction Law of the People's Republic of China, after examination, this construction project meets the construction conditions and is approved for construction.
This is to certify that.
Issued by: * * * Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau
Date of issue:****-**-**
Client: * * * Housing and Urban Rural Planning and Construction Bureau
Project name: ****** Urban * Geng * * Construction Project - Old Heating Facility Upgrading Project
Construction site:***********
Construction scale: * * *. * m
Contract duration: ********** - * * to ************ - * * Contract price: *************************** RMB
Survey unit: null Project leader: null
Designer: * * Beijiang Architectural Planning and Design Institute (Limited Liability Company) Project Leader: Shen Liming
Construction unit: * * Jietong * Zheng Engineering Co., Ltd. Project leader: Wang Xiumei
Supervisor: * * Chenghong Engineering Project Management Co., Ltd. Chief Supervision Engineer: Zhang Ruyi
EPC Contractor: null Project Manager: null
1、 This certificate is placed on the construction site as the certificate for approval of construction.
2、 Without the permission of the license issuing authority, the contents of this license shall not be changed.
3、 The administrative department in charge of housing and urban and rural construction may check this certificate.
4、 This certificate shall be constructed within three months from the date of issuance of the certificate, and the extension formalities shall be handled after the expiration of the time limit. If the extension is not handled or the number of extensions exceeds the statutory time limit, this certificate shall be automatically invalidated.
5、 If the construction of the construction project under construction is suspended for some reason, the construction unit shall report to the license issuing authority within one month from the date of suspension of construction, and do a good job in the maintenance and management of the construction project according to regulations.
6、 When a construction project resumes construction, it shall report to the license issuing authority; Before resuming the construction of a project whose construction has been suspended for one year, the construction unit shall report to the license issuing authority for verification of the construction permit.
7、 Any construction without this certificate is illegal and will be punished according to the provisions of the Construction Law of the People's Republic of China. "


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