Price quotation of H-beam in Harbin market on June 14, 2024

2024-06-14 10:36:28 Source: My steel
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          Price (yuan/ton) Ups and downs remarks
          Current Filter
          H-shaped steel 150*150*7*10 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 175*175*7.5*11 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 194*150*6*9 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 200*200*8*12 Q235B Jinxi Shortage of goods
          H-shaped steel 200*200*8*12 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 244*175*7*11 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 248*124*5*8 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 250*125*6*9 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 250*250*9*14 Q235B Jinxi Shortage of goods
          H-shaped steel 250*250*9*14 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 294*200*8*12 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 300*150*6.5*9 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 300*300*10*16 Q235B Jinxi Shortage of goods
          H-shaped steel 350*175*7*11 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 350*350*12*19 Q235B Jinxi Shortage of goods
          H-shaped steel 396*199*7*11 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 400*200*8*13 Q235B Jinxi Shortage of goods
          H-shaped steel 400*200*8*13 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 400*400*13*21 Q235B Jinxi Shortage of goods
          H-shaped steel 450*200*9*14 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 496*199*9*14 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 500*200*10*16 Q235B Anshan Baode
          H-shaped steel 600*200*11*17 Q235B Jinxi Shortage of goods
          H-shaped steel 700*300*13*24 Q235B Jinxi Shortage of goods

          1. If there is no special description, the above table is listed as the calculation price;
          2. The above benchmark collection price is cash, tax included, and warehouse self raised price, excluding delivery fees;
          3. The increase or decrease is the price difference compared with the closing price of the previous trading day, and the price difference of the current day is calculated cumulatively.
          4. The list price is based on GB/T11263-1998

          Information collection: Liu Miaomiao 021-66896564
          Information supervision: Chen Yeliang 021-26094230
          Information complaint: Chen Jie 021-26093100

          Disclaimer: Mysteel strives to use accurate information, objective and fair information and opinions, but does not guarantee whether it needs to make necessary changes. The information provided by Mysteel is only for the reference of the customer's decision, and does not constitute a direct suggestion to the customer's decision. The customer should not substitute this for his own independent judgment. Any decision made by the customer has nothing to do with Mysteel. The copyright of this report belongs to Mysteel, which is non-public and only for Mysteel customers' own use; This article is edited by Mysteel. If you need to use it, please contact 021-26093490 to apply for authorization. Without Mysteel's written authorization, no one can disseminate, publish or copy this report in any form. Mysteel reserves the right to investigate any infringement and quotation contrary to the original intention of the report.

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