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8.2 points in the evaluation of Animation Chess Walk: perfect combination of the second dimension and the chess walk

Release time: 19-07-11 09:15 Source: 52PK original Author: Yan Yun Chantian Monkey

Since playing chess, it can be said that it is the most popular game mode in the world since 2019, and the number of players in this mode is very popular. From the current player group, the self walking chess game with MOBA blood is more popular among players. As the developer of the well-known MOBA game "300 Heroes" in China, Shanghai Jump Network Technology Co., Ltd., based on its "300 Heroes", has independently developed a unique two-dimensional self walking chess game "Animation Self walking Chess". At present, this game is still in the test, and the small editor has also entered the game experience in advance. Let's take a look at how this game, based on the two-dimensional cartoon characters, will give us new feelings?

 Evaluation of Animation Chess Walk: Perfect Combination of Quadratic and Chess Walk

Combination of fashion fitting, quadratic and self walking chess

300 Heroes, as a well-known second dimension MOBA game in China, is loved by many players for its beautiful people and refreshing skills. As a derivative of "300 Heroes", "Animation Chess" has its own unique quadratic style compared with other "Chess" games.

 Evaluation of Animation Chess Walk: Perfect Combination of Quadratic and Chess Walk

All the chess pieces in the game are well-known cartoon star characters. In the game, there are cool and handsome eagle eyes, cute and proud zither, and beautiful and gentle Athena for players to choose. In addition, "Animation Chess" perfectly inherits all the characters and dubbing of "300 Heroes", gorgeous and handsome skills and pleasing chess pieces. Many secondary meta users who have not learned about Self Pace have become interested.

Simple and interesting experience of different chess playing methods

As a strategic chess and card game, the play method of "Animation Chess" has restored the interest of "Chess" mode. Whether a novice or a self paced chess god, you can experience the charm of strategic card battle in Animation Self paced Chess. In the game, the players' chess pieces in the preparation phase of each round are random. These pieces are strong and weak. The players need to arrange the array by arranging their troops, select and match different chess pieces, and place their positions for them.

 Evaluation of Animation Chess Walk: Perfect Combination of Quadratic and Chess Walk

After the start of the battle phase, players will be attacked by wild monsters or other chess players, obtain gold coins, buy chess pieces, and constantly strengthen their own combination. The goal of players is to defend other chess players' attacks in a round. There are four kinds of rare chess pieces in Animation Chess: white, green, blue and purple. The more rare the chess pieces, the lower the probability of appearance. Players need to control their own money, buy the most appropriate pieces, and match the lineup.

Money income is very important in the game. The amount of money you have determines what level of chess pieces you can recruit. Chess stars are divided into 1-3 levels. If you recruit chess pieces of the same type, you can gather three pieces to synthesize them. With the increase of the level, the attributes of the chess pieces will also increase. Of course, if you don't need any pieces, you can sell them directly.

 Evaluation of Animation Chess Walk: Perfect Combination of Quadratic and Chess Walk

In addition to the strength of the chess pieces, the equipment dropped on the chessboard is also very important. The way to obtain the equipment of self walking chess is different from that of 300 Heroes. Here, the equipment can only be obtained by killing wild monsters and dropping them randomly. The dropped equipment can be combined as chess pieces, and the large pieces are familiar to players in 300 Heroes. Equipment can greatly improve the attributes of chess pieces, and players need to allocate appropriate hero equipment to help maximize the output of chess pieces.

 Evaluation of Animation Chess Walk: Perfect Combination of Quadratic and Chess Walk

 Evaluation of Animation Chess Walk: Perfect Combination of Quadratic and Chess Walk

Social element, last round in spare time

The biggest feature of strategic chess and card games is leisure. With the pace of life of people getting faster and faster, it is difficult for players to have the energy to try competitive games when they return home. However, some "Chess" games pay too much attention to competitiveness. Too many settings and too long games often make players lose patience gradually. And "Animation Chess" is easier to use than other "Chess" games. The rhythm of the game is moderate, and the match time is not very long. Players can experience the game while watching the movie, so that players can easily experience the playing methods of the "Chess" games.

 Evaluation of Animation Chess Walk: Perfect Combination of Quadratic and Chess Walk

In addition, "Animation Chess" also has a rich social nature, and players can also type and chat on the public screen during the war. Discuss game playing methods and exchange experience with each other. You can also add a friend to each other after the game, so that we can fight together again in the future. This will give full play to the sociability of chess and card games.

Reasonably match strategies to help players eat chicken successfully

Although "Animation Chess" is easy to learn, there are still many routines that need players to carefully study if they want to successfully eat chicken at the last moment. There are 10 ethnic groups in Animation Chess: Elves, Laurie, Superpowers, Undead, Protoss, Data, Huluwa, Orcs, Humans, and Yingling. Different classes and races have different barrier bonuses. When the number of chess pieces of the same race or profession reaches a certain number, the corresponding barrier bonus will be obtained.

 Evaluation of Animation Chess Walk: Perfect Combination of Quadratic and Chess Walk

 Evaluation of Animation Chess Walk: Perfect Combination of Quadratic and Chess Walk

The bonus of these fetters will greatly improve the overall strength of players, so players need to consider what kind of chess pieces to choose, what kind of chess pieces to keep, what race of chess pieces are strong, and which chess pieces are fettered by high bonus from the beginning. Understanding these points can maximize the output of the lineup on the court.

 Evaluation of Animation Chess Walk: Perfect Combination of Quadratic and Chess Walk

In order to make the game on the chessboard produce more variables and means of turning over the game, Cartoon Chess will also add a new play method "magic card" mechanism, each magic card has its own unique function. The existence of magic cards will add more uncertainties to the game on the chessboard. For those players who have no advantage in the later stage, it is possible to overturn the game. The "Magic Card" is expected to be launched in the subsequent version update. I believe that the emergence of this mechanism will also add more variables to the game and make the game more interesting.

In addition to a reasonable lineup, the position and equipment selection of the chess pieces and the subsequent launch of the "magic card" should not be ignored by players. In many cases, your lineup has been excellent enough, but the opponents beat you by surprise. From this point of view, although it seems to be simple, the actual operation and overall operation of "Animation Walk" require players to think carefully.


 Evaluation of Animation Chess Walk: Perfect Combination of Quadratic and Chess Walk

Although there are many "Chess Walk" games emerging in the domestic market today, "Animation Chess Walk" has enriched the domestic "Chess Walk" game market by virtue of its unique two-dimensional elements and gorgeous and handsome skills, and has become a rare masterpiece of the "Chess Walk" game in China. As the game is still in the testing stage, the game playing method can continue to improve. It is believed that with the continuous update and improvement of the official, "Animation Chess" will become a dazzling dark horse in the domestic "Chess" market!

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