New Game > Screenshot of the game > The fate of the classic game of Dragon Valley will be in the hands of warriors

The fate of the classic game of Dragon Valley will be in the hands of warriors

Published: 2017-03-24 18:55 Source: arrangement Author: arrangement

The evil dragons and demons constantly invade and threaten the mainland Atria.

A girl with the key to hope appeared in a small village on the mainland.

Some senior priests and magicians learned of her appearance and began to look for the girl,

The evil forces trying to rule the world also began to act.

The warrior accidentally intervened in the fight.

Warriors, the fate of Atria will be in the hands of warriors.

 The fate of the classic game of Dragon Valley will be in the hands of warriors

 The fate of the classic game of Dragon Valley will be in the hands of warriors

 The fate of the classic game of Dragon Valley will be in the hands of warriors


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