
New ghost blowing lamp

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The New Ghost Blows the Lamp not only inherits the same line of the original novel, the player and the novel's protagonists Hu Bayi, Da Jinya, Fat Boy, Shirely Yang and others experience classic scenes such as Yunnan ancient tombs, Jingjue ancient city, Longling God Cave, Kunlun God Temple, and feel the adventure of the novel characters in the dangerous ancient tombs and underground palaces. In addition to novel elements, the game also adopts advanced three-dimensional modeling and two-dimensional mapping display mode, so that the game screen of "New Ghost Blows the Lamp" has greatly improved the magnificence of special effects without losing the traditional arcade style. All kinds of unique fighting skills that can only be appreciated by one's own imagination will be turned into real light and shadow, Show in front of players.

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Popular recommendation

  • Wallpaper of the game "New Ghost Blows the Lamp"

    New Ghost Blows the Lamp is a horizontal version of online combat game developed by Shanghai Maishi, which continues the story of the original novel of Ghost Blows the Lamp in one continuous line. Players can visit classic scenes such as ancient tombs in Yunnan, Jingjue Ancient City, Longling God Cave, Kunlun Holy Palace, and experience the adventure of dying in a dangerous ancient tomb underground palace

    TAG label: New ghost blowing lamp Time: 10-22 Source: 52PK

  • Screenshot of the game "The New Ghost Blows the Lamp"

    New Ghost Blows the Lamp is a horizontal version of online combat game developed by Shanghai Maishi, which continues the story of the original novel of Ghost Blows the Lamp in one continuous line. Players can visit classic scenes such as ancient tombs in Yunnan, Jingjue Ancient City, Longling God Cave, Kunlun Holy Palace, and experience the adventure of dying in a dangerous ancient tomb underground palace

    TAG label: New ghost blowing lamp Time: 10-22 Source: 52PK

  • Game configuration of "New Ghost Blows the Lamp"

    Minimum configuration:

    TAG label: New ghost blowing lamp Time: 10-22 Source: 52PK

  • Love In this doomsday era, PK is in the world of The New Ghost Blows the Lamp

    The highly anticipated version of "The New Ghost Blows the Lamp" for Valentine's Day was finally launched yesterday. This version has opened a key game system - "Marriage System" specifically for 2012 Valentine's Day. The veteran editors who have been single for more than 20 years will certainly be the first to experience "married..."

    TAG label: Time: 02-10 Source: official

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