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Matchmaker war heritage fm version

Let's have a matchmaker war

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 Matchmaker war heritage fm version

Matchmaker War Duel Matchmaker War Heritage Match Man War Series Matchmaker War Heritage Series Match Man War

  • Game type: Leisure Games
  • Update time: 2023-07-03 23:08
  • Game version: v2022.1.15
  • Game size: 116.42M
  • Game language: Chinese
  • Game developer: Internet
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  • Screenshot of the game
  • Introduction to the game
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Screenshot of the game

  •  Screenshot 1 of matchmaker war heritage fm version
  •  Screenshot 2 of matchmaker war heritage fm version
  •  Screenshot 3 of matchmaker war heritage fm version

Introduction to the game

Matchmaker War Heritage fm version is a strategic tower defense mobile game with Matchmaker story as the game theme. Players can create their own Matchmaker Corps in the game. Each Matchmaker has a specific division of labor. Players can reasonably allocate the tasks of the Matchmaker Corps, so that the combat effectiveness of the Matchmaker Corps can be improved.

 Matchmaker war heritage fm version

Matchmaker war heritage fm version championship hacker how to hit: (Updated 2023.12.20)

It is recommended to use swordsmen. In the early stage, the swordsmen will slowly grow up to fill the population of swordsmen. At the same time, they will defend against hacker attacks and push forward. They will command the swordsmen to beat the statue into residual blood and then control only one swordsman, and all the others will pull back. Then they will use the swordsman they control to beat the statue out of the reinforcement, and use the swordsman they control to trick the boss into earthquake skills. When the skills are over, Draw all the swordsmen in the previous store to attack. If you are afraid of failing, you can add a sword rage.

 Matchmaker war heritage fm version

Matchmaker war heritage fm game introduction: (2023.7.3)

1. In a world called Inamorta, you are surrounded by countries engaged in the struggle for technology and dominance in their respective countries.

2. Each country has formed its own unique way to defend and attack.

3. Proud of their unique craftsmanship, they have become obsessed with the worship of the point of putting religious weapons.

4. Control your army to form a formation or command a single unit. You have the control of each matchmaker.

5. Building units, mining gold, learning swordsmanship, spears, training archers, mages, and even giants.

 Matchmaker war heritage fm version

Match Man's War Heritage (fm version) advantages:

1. Players need to arrange a matchman to collect combat resources at the front of the battle, so as to ensure the logistics of the matchman corps.

2. A certain amount of combat resources will be consumed for each match man soldier sent.

3. The more combat resources collected in the game, the player can support the matchmaker to fight for a longer time.

 Matchmaker war heritage fm version

Match Man's War Heritage (fm version) highlights:

1. Players need to win the battle in the shortest time to get the enemy's resource rewards.

2. Every battle will test the overall planning ability of the player, and the player needs to set up a reasonable array.

3. There are plenty of maps waiting for players to explore in the game. Each map has different game difficulty.

 Matchmaker war heritage fm version

Matchmaker War Heritage fm Edition game evaluation:

Each match person in the game has a corresponding restraint relationship. Players can observe the type of match person of the enemy before the battle, so as to select the appropriate match person to fight. At the same time, players can also release the match person's big move during the battle, so as to quickly eliminate the enemy's match person soldiers.

Peer recommendation

  • Matchmaker War Duel /
  • Matchmaker War Heritage /
  • Match Man War Series /
  • Matchmaker War Heritage Series /
  • Match Man War /
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