How does WeChat label customers? How does WeChat automatically tag customers?

 How does WeChat label customers? How does WeChat automatically tag customers? Nowadays, more and more enterprise brands will label customers' WeChat and carry out refined operations. For example, new users will be sent low price preferential information in groups to urge new customers to place orders; Follow up mass distribution of high profit goods to customers who place orders to urge them to place orders again. How to label enterprise WeChat? Click here to enter the official website of Sesame Customer Service

Enterprise WeChat tagging

Shop customer nickname - set label - select the label to be added, and then the labeling operation is completed.

You can select an existing label or create a new one.















However, enterprise WeChat does not have the function of batch tagging. When there are too many customers, creating new tags one by one will lead to low work efficiency. So, what is the method to automatically label customers in batches?

Batch automatic labeling

Sesame recommends Sesame WeChat to everyone Automatic labeling function.

When using Channel activity code, customer group goods, group fission After customers successfully add employees' WeChat or join the community, Zhima WeChat will automatically tag customers, saving employees a lot of time.

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Please scan the code directly to add customer service WeChat How does WeChat label customers? How does WeChat automatically tag customers?

Original article, author: Xiao Zhima, if reproduced, please indicate the source: