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The "micro corruption" around the masses is also a "big disaster" - improve the anti-corruption efforts at the grassroots level and forge a comprehensive and strong grassroots

Source: Rednet Author: Liu Kun Editor: Min Meiying 2024-05-06 16:40:15
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"Urge leading cadres to establish a correct view of power, use power impartially, according to law, for civil use, and honestly." This is the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Hunan, emphasizing the clear attitude of punishing corruption with zero tolerance. From the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), we have insisted on "tigers" and "flies" fighting together, to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and to resolutely punish "flies, ants, and corruption" around the masses. The work of rectifying unhealthy practices and corruption requires further gathering and deepening, which requires grassroots party workers to do a good job in people's work and mass work, and adhere to the fundamental position of people first, Pay close attention to the practical needs of the masses, the style of work they most dislike, and the corruption they hate most, and solve major problems with "small cuts", so that the masses have more sense of gain, happiness, and security.

As a grass-roots party member, we have many opportunities and times to contact and communicate with the masses. We know that the form of corruption at the grass-roots level is relatively hidden and easy to occur, and the unhealthy tendencies still exist in some places. Some grassroots cadres' consciousness of "not wanting to corrupt" has not yet been fully formed. The existence of "micro corruption" to varying degrees in some areas has not only seriously violated the fundamental interests of the masses, but also damaged the relationship between the party and the masses.

The characteristic of "micro corruption" is that it mostly happens around us. Generally, it occurs in many quantities, times, fields and forms. Or accept banquets from service objects, or accept gifts for handling affairs, or travel with public funds, or make false claims with empty minds. Although the abuse of public power is relatively small, little by little, little by little, playing the "edge ball", picking up a few small advantages, a box of cigarettes, a little local products, a meal, etc., seems to be nothing, but in the long run, it is greed and corruption that encourage. Many people think that these behaviors are human, and even think that hospitality, invitations, gifts and red envelopes are necessary to promote relations and reciprocity. It seems that these seemingly reasonable micro corruption behaviors, which are also called "labor costs", "labor costs" and "courtesy", have become commonplace and common, but they have virtually contributed to the evil trend of "micro corruption". "The big tiger is too far away, and flies directly hit the face", which highlights the seriousness of "micro corruption" at the grass-roots level. The "micro corruption" at the grassroots level is often insignificant compared with the "big tiger". Although the financial amount involved is small and the number is small, the corrosive harm to Party members and cadres cannot be ignored. It is precisely these trivial things that make Party members and cadres relax their ideological awareness, slowly let corruption become commonplace, and they have no bottom line of discipline in their hearts, and finally embark on the road of violating discipline, even breaking the law and committing crimes. "Micro corruption" mostly occurs around the masses, which infringes on the vital interests of the masses, gnaws on the sense of gain of the masses, and squanders the trust of the grassroots people in the Party. "Micro corruption" is a kind of plague, which will slowly parasitize on those party members and cadres with weak willpower. Once it spreads to form a bad atmosphere, it will disrupt the social atmosphere, bring down the party's style of work, challenge the moral bottom line, and affect local stability.

Corruption is slight but of the same quality. From the perspective of corruption, there has never been any "micro corruption". The reason for adding the word "micro" is simply that corrupt officials who have been arrested want to reduce punishment and escape legal sanctions. In essence, "micro corruption" is the same as "huge corruption", both of which infringe upon the rights and interests of the masses, misappropriate state-owned property, and harm oneself, the people, and the country. In terms of harm, "micro corruption" is no less than "huge corruption", which is a violation of the public rights of the party and the government, and a damage to the credibility of the party and the government.

The discipline inspection work of grass-roots party building is the work of people's hearts and the work of the masses. We must adhere to the fundamental position of people first, solve major problems with "small cuts", let the people have a sense of gain, happiness, and security, pay attention to the practical needs of the people, strictly investigate "fly corruption and ant corruption", and at the same time be upright, "forging iron must be hard". Only with correct thoughts can we take correct actions, and only with firm ideals and beliefs can we withstand various tests. Without ideal and belief, or without firm ideal and belief, we can't stand the wind and waves, and there will be a lot of selfish thoughts at the critical moment. Therefore, the decline in thought is the most serious disease. Some party members and cadres have problems, which is ultimately confused belief and lack of spirit. Keep in mind that as long as you have power in your hand, you will face the risk and test of being corrupted and "hunted". This test is not a sudden, nor one or two things, but a long-term one. Just because you are firm and clear minded for a while does not mean that you can always be firm and clear minded. A gentleman's self inspection is always like a fault. Cultivating our morality and self-discipline, examining our words and deeds, facing our problems squarely, and exposing our scars can help us solve problems in the bud, and avoid making big mistakes and falling into trouble. Secondly, "the mind is the master of the body". Strengthening the exercise of the Party spirit and improving the Party spirit cultivation are the "mind learning" that Communists should cultivate. Keep in mind the truth that honesty is a blessing and greed is a curse. "It is better to see good than bad, and it is better to see bad than bad". Keep your eyes bright with a public heart, see whether something should be done and can be done, always look at yourself, strictly abide by laws and regulations, and be more vigilant. Only when we work hard to establish our roots, can we have strong immunity and resistance, and can we prevent evil practices from clinging to our bodies. Thirdly, self-discipline is the key to prevent corruption, but heteronomy is equally important. We should unswervingly improve the grassroots supervision system, improve the grassroots supervision network, promote the grassroots supervision to go deeper and more practical, interpret the law through cases, promote reform through cases, analyze the deep-seated problems exposed from the cases of violations of laws and disciplines, sort out common problems and institutional loopholes, find the causes from the institutional mechanism, promote the establishment of rules and regulations, fill gaps, draw inferences from one instance, systematically govern, and "change at the moment" Combine with "long-term establishment" to form a long-term mechanism to safeguard the rights and interests of the masses.

The author is the deputy director of the General Affairs Department of the Changsha Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Changsha Health Supervision and Law Enforcement Bureau)

Source: Rednet

Author: Liu Kun

Editor: Min Meiying

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