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Explore the way of high-quality development of township hospitals led by party building

Source: Rednet Author: Li Qiang Editor: Min Meiying 2024-05-14 17:36:46
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Township hospitals are the basic unit of China's medical service system. In recent years, the reform and development of township hospitals has become an important part of deepening the reform of the medical and health system. They have further improved in the continuous improvement of the quality of basic medical and health services, the prevention and control of major epidemics, and the protection of the lives and health of the majority of township people. As a way for township hospitals to faithfully fulfill the purpose of the Party, adhere to and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over township hospitals, promote high-quality development of township hospitals, open up the "last mile" of the national medical and health system, better meet the people's growing demand for medical and health services, so that people have more "sense of gain" and "sense of happiness" It is a major subject we are facing.

Common problems in party building in township hospitals

Township hospitals are located at the border of towns and villages, closely connected with the vast rural masses, and represent the basic level hospitals that our medical system serves the people. How do township hospitals adhere to the leadership of the Party and the purpose of serving the people, so as to achieve the goal of making township people look up to disease, see a good disease, spend less money and run errands, so that they can enjoy the care and welfare given by the Party and the government more widely and fairly, which is a major project that needs constant exploration and practice in the party building work of township hospitals. The general problems of the party building work in township hospitals are mainly as follows: first, the self positioning of the party organization is not clear enough, and the work goals are not clear enough; Second, the role of the Party organization as a fighting fortress and a model leader in the hospital has not been fully played; Third, in the case of the implementation of the administrative leadership responsibility system, the Party organizations tend to ignore their own role; Fourth, the Party organization is lack of strength and energy, and there is a phenomenon of "focusing on business, ignoring party building", or even no one pays special attention to party building; Fifth, based on the particularity of medical and health work, it is difficult for Party members to gather together and carry out party building activities; Sixth, the form of party building activities is single, the actual effect is poor, it is difficult to find the best combination of party building work and business work, and there is a lack of strong work grasp. Seventh, the Party building work lacks innovation and is conservative, and is satisfied with the layout and communication above; Eighth, the awareness of Party members is weak, and the demonstration and guidance are insufficient. Most of the staff in township hospitals are professional technicians, who pay more attention to technology and professional titles, and tend to downplay political and ideological progress.

Adhere to the guidance of Party building and promote the high-quality development of township hospitals

Adhering to the leadership of the Party is the fundamental adherence of China's national system, and the only way to ensure that the people are the masters of the country and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. As public hospitals and public welfare institutions, township hospitals must adhere to the socialist orientation of running hospitals, keep in mind the people centered service purpose, attach great importance to the work of party building, lead development with party building, strengthen management with party building, establish an image with party building, promote harmony with party building, and increase benefits with party building, Continuously improve the self construction of the hospital party organization and improve the hospital management level.

In order to promote the high-quality development of township hospitals and protect the lives and health of the majority of township residents, the hospital party committee must find its own position, give full play to its leading role, and guide the direction, manage the overall situation, make decisions, promote reform and ensure implementation. The Party Committee should do a good job of "seven insistences": adhere to the president responsibility system under the leadership of the Party Committee; Adhere to the leadership of party building, and constantly improve the rules and regulations of the party committee and the president's office meeting, as well as the communication mechanism between the secretary and the president; Insist on matching the goal of party building with the assessment system, and improve the hospital party building organization system; Insist on ideological education, work style change and system implementation; Insist on managing team building, ideology, united front planning and innovation reform; Adhere to giving full play to the role of the Party organization as a fighting fortress and the exemplary role of Party members; Adhere to the construction of Party conduct and clean government, and form a clean and honest medical ethics.

The high-quality development of township hospitals led by party building is mainly reflected in: first, building a collaborative innovation mechanism between the hospital's party organization and administration, including building a new system, leading new trends, activating new power, improving new efficiency, building new culture, etc; Second, build a medical personnel training system, improve the cadre selection mechanism, improve the medical personnel training, introduction, evaluation and promotion system, and build a medical service talent team with professional skills and professionalism; Third, under the leadership of the hospital party committee, improve the medical service management and control and operation management system to promote more scientific, standardized and refined hospital management; Fourth, strengthen the construction of the Party branch and the Party group, play the role of a battleground, and promote the innovation of the service model by leading the new trend, implementing innovation driven development, improving the medical service ability; Fifth, give full play to the exemplary role of Party members. Party members set an example, take the hospital as their home, actively participate in the construction of hospital culture, and take patients as the center to improve the quality of medical services and improve satisfaction; Sixth, lead the construction of hospital culture, form a hospital culture system with its own characteristics, set up a life for the people's health, and set up a hospital for patients' confidence and people's satisfaction.

Exploring the Party building work in township hospitals

The focus of party building in township hospitals should be put on conscientiously implementing the spirit of the national, provincial and municipal leading groups for deepening medical reform and the Health Commission, adhering to the people centered development concept, actively promoting the pace of medical reform, and constantly promoting hospital management, clean government construction, capacity improvement, talent training, and medical community construction, which can effectively protect the health and life safety of the people, It can effectively solve the problem of medical treatment for the masses, and also effectively solve the common problems existing in the party building work of township hospitals. Party building in township hospitals is a major project.

Improve the leadership of Party building with the "pilot project". first, Realize the "same frequency resonance" between the Party committee and the administration. The key is to implement the president responsibility system under the leadership of the Party Committee, strictly implement the system of requesting instructions and reporting on major issues, and regularly convene the Party Committee to study the appointment and removal of cadres, project arrangements, decision-making on major issues, and the use of large amounts of funds, so as to achieve democratic and scientific decision-making. Perfect the organization and management, improve the setting of branches, and focus on the central work of Party building. The leading group of the Party committee drives the operation of the party building and business work on the same track, and promotes the leading effect of the hospital party building to be deeply embedded in the business process. secondly, Realize the "coaxial co transfer" between the branch and the party members. The key point lies in giving play to the role of the Party branch in education, management and supervision of Party members, organizing regular meetings on political theory learning and democratic life, improving the political theory level of leading cadres, and strengthening the self construction of the branch team. Party members and cadres can be organized to go to the Red Education Base to inherit the Red Spirit, regularly carry out volunteer service activities for Party members to go to schools and nursing homes, carry out physical examination, treatment and other service activities for left behind children and the elderly, popularize health knowledge for different groups, and implement the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses" with practical service measures. Thirdly, we should realize the "concerted progress" of cadres and the masses. The focus is to organize and hold post skill competitions and technical competitions for medical personnel, and constantly improve the quality of medical technology. For example, we carried out a surprise month activity to check hospital infection prevention and control points, organized departments and medical community units to carry out hospital infection emergency drills, and strengthened hospital infection prevention and control management. The training of "First Witness Action for On site Rescue" was carried out in enterprises, institutions, schools and communities to improve the ability of the masses to save themselves and each other. Give full play to the advantages of medical experts and human resources in the Party branch, go deep into the front line of rural revitalization, carry out innovative "theme party day" free clinic activities, so that people can enjoy high-quality medical services at home.

Promote the driving force of Party building with the "innovation project". first, Create innovative soil by "breaking the old and creating the new". The focus is on the infrastructure construction of the hospital, improving the appearance of the hospital, and creating a good medical and medical environment. For example, improve property management, hospital environment and staff living environment; It can be used to improve the quality of outpatient buildings, inpatient buildings, equipment and facilities through various ways to raise funds; Implement "6S" lean quality management activities to improve service quality. Establish a basic practice base for assistant general practitioners, and create a new demonstration classroom and general practitioner clinic. Seize the opportunity of the pilot project of the construction of the medical community, implement the "information system within the medical community", and realize the technical support for medical treatment, public health, finance, personnel and performance management. Secondly, cultivate innovative thinking with "internal and external learning". In combination with the actual situation of township hospitals, optimize the allocation of resources, constantly improve the medical service capacity of township hospitals, and truly enable patients to "run less and spend less". For example, take the second level hospital review as an opportunity to continuously improve and enhance the hospital management ability. Focus on creating some key specialty features, such as cardiovascular, endocrinology, minimally invasive surgery, and critical care medicine; Establish special alliances with large provincial and municipal hospitals; In combination with the investigation of chronic diseases in the area under jurisdiction, new departments such as blood purification department and gastrointestinal endoscopy room can be built to ease the difficulty of rural people in seeing doctors and reduce the medical burden of patients. Care for women's health, postpartum rehabilitation, etc. Strictly implement the centralized online purchase of drugs and medical consumables, "zero margin" sales, and "two ticket system" of drug purchase and sales, regularly carry out drug quality monitoring, prescription comments, self inspection and self correction, and ensure the safety of drug use by the masses. Again. Innovate medical services with "upper connection and lower care". Township hospitals should seize the opportunity of medical community construction to comprehensively improve the hospital's operation ability and innovative operation mode. Rely on the medical community to lead hospitals to establish quality control systems such as ECG diagnosis, clinical examination, medical imaging, disinfection supply, etc., implement unified management of large equipment, inspection sharing, and mutual recognition of results. Through long-term dispatching of management personnel to contact basic level hospitals and selecting and matching technical backbones to basic level hospitals of the medical community to carry out sit in clinics, teaching rounds and difficult case discussions, the blood transfusion type will be transformed into the hematopoietic type. Strengthen the organization of regular centralized supervision, guidance and overall quality control of medical, nursing, hospital sense, pharmacy, finance and other departments, and improve the performance appraisal scheme within the community. A graded diagnosis and treatment office and a two-way referral office were established to smooth the two-way referral green channel.

Promote core competitiveness with "talent project". first, Adhere to "education" as the core. Strengthen talent cultivation means, broaden talent cultivation platform, strengthen cooperation with superior hospitals, give key support to key specialties of the hospital, establish professional alliances, and regularly invite experts in internal, external, women, children, imaging, traditional Chinese medicine, blood purification, gastroenteroscopy business to the hospital for assistance and teaching, such as sit in, teaching rounds, technical guidance, etc. Select and send professional and technical personnel to study inside and outside the province to "strengthen muscles and strengthen bones"; Build a two-way training mechanism to promote talent exchange "sink down and send up". Through carrying out "three basics and three strictness" theory practice assessment, professional knowledge lectures, post skill competitions and other ways, learning promotes standardization and development. Secondly, adhere to the principle of "leading". The hospital should scientifically formulate talent recruitment and introduction plan, and constantly strengthen the hospital's talent development strength through recruitment, talent introduction, targeted training, self cultivation and other ways. Pay attention to organizing pre job training, job responsibility training, specialized knowledge training, service etiquette training, etc. to improve the comprehensive quality of employees. Improve the Performance Appraisal Plan, implement the performance salary system for all staff positions, and break the link between personal income of medical personnel and drug and inspection income. Implement employment mechanisms such as setting up posts as required, competing for posts, and contract employment. Thirdly, stick to the principle of "using". The key point is to give full play to the talents' expertise and make the best use of their talents. According to the development of the hospital and its own growth, timely post adjustment is carried out to maximize the development potential. We will explore outstanding talents and various types of advanced models, comprehensively promote the establishment of posts for middle-level cadres according to needs, and compete for posts, and regularly organize middle-level cadres to report and compete for posts. We will establish a talent cultivation, use, selection, promotion and exit mechanism, build a staff promotion channel and talent display platform, and make talents shine.

Improve brand influence with "service project". first, Deeply integrate and optimize. Township hospitals must keep in mind their social responsibilities, give full play to their public welfare functions, improve their weak points at the grass-roots level, rely on the role of family doctors and village clinics as the Internet base, set up a good service team for family doctors to sign contracts, constantly improve the management of health records, and implement basic public health services such as chronic diseases, serious mental diseases, maternal and maternal health, child management, and vaccination, Make sure that residents in the area under jurisdiction are healthy "gatekeepers". We should actively organize and carry out various service activities such as health free clinic, health education, physical examination in the countryside, public consultation, etc., comprehensively promote the overall management of outpatient services, open online public health clinics and medical insurance reimbursement ports in village clinics within our jurisdiction, carry out overall reimbursement of outpatient services in village clinics, and make the livelihood of the people practical and excellent. Secondly, overcome difficulties and build a solid defense line. Under the correct leadership of the Party Committee, it is necessary to give full play to the battle fortress role of the Party organization and the vanguard role of the Party members. Under the leadership of the Party members and the backbone, it is necessary to overcome difficulties, calmly respond, and use all available resources to build a solid defense line. Thirdly, three-dimensional service and people's "medical support". We should carry out the work of "hospital leaders' administrative rounds" on a regular basis, and implement the system of linking administrative cadres above the middle level with clinical medical technology departments. Do a good job of friendly medical treatment for the elderly, and implement the preferential treatment policy for the elderly. Establish a remote consultation platform with key disciplines of the top three hospitals inside and outside the province, build an integrated information platform within the medical community, and build a smart hospital centered on users and supported by refined operation. Implement the informatization construction of electronic medical records, open WeChat, Alipay and other online appointment registration and payment services, adjust the medical treatment layout, and optimize the medical treatment process.

Improve the immunity against corruption with the "integrity project". First, take the Party as the guideline and implement the main responsibility. Establish a leading group and a working group for combating corruption and promoting integrity, with the secretary of the hospital party committee and the president as the team leader, the team members as the deputy team leaders, and the heads of departments and offices as members, We formulated the Implementation Plan for the Special Rectification of Unhealthy Practices in the Field of Medicine Purchase and Sales and Medical Services, and the Implementation Plan for the Construction of "Clean Hospital". Sign a letter of responsibility for Party conduct, clean government, medical ethics and medical ethics, and a letter of commitment for integrity of medical personnel with responsible persons at all levels, and implement the task to the post and the person. Special meetings shall be held regularly to implement the management system in which the first leader takes overall responsibility, the leader in charge directly takes charge of the work, and the person in charge specifically handles the work. Secondly, take discipline as the main line to create a clean atmosphere. Implement the "three meetings and one lesson" system, regularly organize all party members, cadres and employees to study the "CPC Code of Integrity and Self discipline", "Nine Guidelines for the Honest Employment of Medical Institution Staff" and other documents, actively carry out the self inspection and self correction of the special action of "two leading and five rectification" in the hospital, and standardize service behavior. Pay attention to honesty education, and carry out warning education and learning through honesty classes, special party classes and other forms. Build a culture wall of integrity, make full use of electronic display screen, WeChat official account, corridor display wall, etc. as propaganda positions, shoot short videos on the construction of clean hospitals, and build a defense line of integrity and self-discipline. Strengthen supervision in key areas, carry out regular self inspection and rectification, and strengthen accountability. Strengthen the supervision over major issues and key personnel, conduct integrity talks with key posts and high-risk departments such as the office, pharmacy department and finance department, and conduct integrity talks with newly promoted department heads. Organize and hold a warning talk meeting for supplier representatives, standardize the management of pharmaceutical and equipment representatives in the hospital, and jointly build an honest hospital with the hospital and enterprises. Thirdly, take the people as the hotline to improve the quality and efficiency of supervision. Open the complaint handling process and telephone number to the public, set up suggestion boxes, and actively accept the supervision of the hospital staff and the masses. Adhere to the open system of "party affairs and government affairs", and publicize the prices of drugs and medical services, so that patients can go to the hospital without hesitation. We will improve the return visit system for medical personnel's honest practice of medicine, medical ethics, medical services and other related situations, and properly handle doctor-patient disputes.

The practical effect of Party building in the four hospitals of Liling City

The Fourth Liling Hospital is the central health center in the south area of Liling. The hospital covers an area of 28 mu, radiates 6 surrounding towns, serves a population of 250000, and has a service radius of 30 kilometers. It serves as a medical aid mission for nearby towns and counties. In recent years, taking advantage of the trend of deepening the reform of the national medical system, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, township hospitals have continuously strengthened the leadership of the Party and party building, insisted on deepening hospital reform and innovation under the leadership of the Party Committee, and made some useful exploration and practice on the way of party building leading the high-quality development of hospitals. The party building work has played an important leading role in strengthening the foundation, improving the quality, building the team, promoting integrity, improving management, promoting service, preventing risks, focusing on innovation, and seeking development. Many employees have won the honors of "Advanced Worker in Anti epidemic in Hunan Province", "Zhuzhou May Day Labor Medal", "Zhuzhou Young Position Expert", "Zhuzhou Excellent Nurse", "Zhuzhou Advanced Individual in Anti epidemic", "Zhuzhou Excellent Nursing Team", "The Most Beautiful Rural Doctor", etc.

In the context of the new era, the Party committees of the four Liling hospitals accurately grasp the characteristics of the new era, find their own positioning, give full play to the leading role of party building, and grasp the "14th Five Year Plan" It is an opportunity for high-quality development of the period, deepening reform and innovative development, and striving to explore and promote high-quality development of township hospitals. The hospital has 191 employees, including 11 with senior professional titles, 50 with intermediate professional titles, and 171 professional technicians, accounting for 89.4% of the total number of employees. Set up clinical departments such as internal, external, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics, traditional Chinese medicine, blood purification, medical imaging, testing, electrocardiogram, gastroenteroscopy and other medical technology departments, and set up functional departments such as the medical department, nursing department, quality control department, and hospital sense department. It has more than 20 large and medium-sized equipment, including 32 row spiral CT, color ultrasound, laparoscope, hysteroscope, ureteroscope and holmium laser lithotripter. In 2016, it established a medical consortium hospital with Xiangdong Hospital affiliated to Hunan Normal University, and in 2017, it was promoted to a basic level secondary general hospital in Hunan Province. It is a member of the national medical consortium for heart failure, a standing director of Hunan Provincial Association of General Surgery Laparoscopy, a member of Hunan Chemical Poisoning Treatment Alliance, a member of the Hypertension Group of Zhuzhou City, a member of the quality control committee of the uroscope of Zhuzhou City Zhuzhou Sanyi Hospital Assistant General Practitioner Training Base, Liling "First Onsite Witnesses" Training Base. From 2019 to 2020, we have successively established close medical community hospitals with Sunjiawan Health Center, Shentan Health Center, Jiashu Health Center and Malian Health Center in Mingyue Town in the southern region.

(The author is Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Fourth Liling Hospital)

Source: Rednet

Author: Li Qiang

Editor: Min Meiying

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