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Innovating and Improving the Scientific Level of Ideological and Political Work in Public Institutions

Source: Rednet Author: Chen Cheng Editor: Min Meiying 2024-05-18 08:48:46
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Public institutions are important social service organizations in China, and their development is directly related to the development of the country and the improvement of people's livelihood. Ideological and political work is an important work content of public institutions, which plays an important role in improving the ideological awareness of cadres, promoting the work of units and promoting social development. We should combine the current work to study the construction and development of public institutions, improve and innovate the ideological and political work from multiple perspectives, improve the scientific level of ideological and political work in public institutions, and provide good talent security and dynamic support for the development of public institutions.

Strengthen the sense of innovation. Innovation is an important means to improve the scientific level of ideological and political work in public institutions. Only by recognizing and actively promoting innovation in ideology can we create a scientific and effective ideological and political work. Innovating and improving the scientific level of ideological and political work is not only conducive to improving the ideological and political literacy of staff at all levels and posts in public institutions, but also can cultivate their firm political stance, and constantly improve the cohesion and centripetal force within public institutions.

Adhere to the principle of putting people first. The development of public institutions is based on people, so in the process of improving the scientific level of ideological and political work in public institutions, we should start from the actual situation of employees, and people first can be truly promoted. The first is to respect the dominant position of employees and implement democratic management to make employees feel respected and trusted, so as to fully mobilize the initiative and enthusiasm of employees and further improve the effectiveness of ideological and political work. The second is to strengthen humanistic care. In carrying out ideological work, pay attention to employees' daily life and work, help employees solve various difficulties, and let employees feel the warmth and care of the organization. Thirdly, pay attention to empathy. In carrying out the strategy of ideological work, public institutions should think more from the perspective of employees, feel the impact of the ideas of the times, and develop targeted ideological education measures. Finally, we should find out the pulse of employees' thoughts. In the process of reform and development, among the major issues that employees are most concerned about, such as performance reform, salary distribution, post adjustment, etc., learn more about employees' ideas and opinions, and carry out more heart to heart talks.

Improve the incentive mechanism. In order to ensure the effectiveness of ideological and political work and improve the enthusiasm and satisfaction of employees, public institutions should also develop a sound incentive mechanism. From the perspective of employees, deeply analyze the needs of employees, and establish a sound and scientific incentive mechanism. The first is to provide a fair platform. Public institutions should provide better learning and promotion platforms and channels for employees, ensure a fair, open and just professional environment, and help employees constantly improve themselves and realize themselves. Secondly, improve the incentive measures. Encourage employees who dare to take the responsibility and start their own businesses, give ideological education to employees who are slack in their work, and carry out assessment and other aspects to constantly improve their work spirit. Finally, set up typical incentive staff. Cultivate employees' spirit of love, dedication and dedication, set a typical example, select craftsmen, carry forward the spirit of model workers, and infect people around with things around them.

Innovate working methods. The rapid development of the Internet is both a challenge and an opportunity for ideological and political work. Give full play to the characteristics of the Internet, such as its fast propagation speed, wide coverage and resource sharing, take the high-speed express of Internet+, innovate the content of ideological and political work, carry out online education by using platforms such as financial media, twitter, and public accounts, integrate ideological and political education into daily life, enable employees to learn ideological and political content online, and expand the channels of ideological and political work.

Innovating and improving the scientific level of ideological and political work in public institutions should comprehensively investigate the basic situation of public institutions, reasonably formulate the ideological and political work plan and scientific and reasonable reform plan of public institutions, enrich the content of ideological and political work, and innovate the concept, content method To provide corresponding support for the comprehensive construction and development of public institutions and create conditions for the acquisition of social benefits in the development process of public institutions.

(Author's unit: Development and Reform Bureau of Hanshou County)

Source: Rednet

Author: Chen Cheng

Editor: Min Meiying

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