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Constructing the "Trinity" Huxiang Red Culture into the Party History Education Path

Source: Rednet Author: Guo Gaoping Editor: Min Meiying 2024-04-29 17:24:12
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In September 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping mentioned that "Hunan is a red hot land, where a large number of Communists have composed earth moving heroic songs" when he went to Hunan for investigation. After visiting the exhibition hall of "the warmth of half quilt", he pointed out that "we should make good use of such red resources, tell good red stories, do a good job in red education, and let the red gene pass on from generation to generation". Huxiang's red culture, rooted in this fertile red soil, is rich in red resources and profound in cultural connotation. Integrating it into the education of party history is conducive to enhancing the effectiveness of the education of party history, and is a pioneer and model in implementing the CPC Central Committee's Regulations on the Study and Education of Party History.

Dig materials and enrich content

During the more than 100 years since the founding of the Communist Party of China, Huxiang, a red hotland of outstanding people, has bred a steady stream of red stories. During the Chinese revolution, there were stories of Chen Yi'an writing a letter without words, Chen Shuxiang breaking his heart, Liu Junqing holding a grenade and dying with the enemy, Xia Minghan writing a poem of martyrdom for the Chinese revolutionary cause; After the founding of New China, Mao Anying, who died heroically in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Luo Jianfu, who worked hard to fill the gap in China's aerospace industry, Zhang Fuqing, a "model of the times" who had deep contributions and was willing to be ordinary people, Wang Xinfa, a "model of poverty alleviation" who poured thousands of miles into Xuejia Village, Zhang Chao, a pilot of aircraft who dedicated his life to the blue sky of the motherland, and others worked for national rejuvenation Stories of working for people's happiness; In the new era, the Huxiang red story continues to unfold. The front-line poverty alleviation stories led by Li Meiyan, Wang Dacheng and other people, the ecological stories of industrial transformation and green development in Huangxing Town, Changsha, and the "Hainiu II" of Hunan University of Science and Technology have refreshed the drilling depth of the world's deep seabed drilling rig, Tang Hongbo, an astronaut who carried out the Shenzhou 12 manned flight mission, and so on. These people who live around and what happens around them are more vivid, more easily moving and more persuasive.

First, organize special forces to compile the Hunan People's Records since the founding of the Party. Guided by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and the Office of the Leading Group for Cybersecurity and Informatization of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee, the "Hunan People's Chronicle" publicity campaign has become one of the brands of the series of activities of the Hunan Network Culture Festival relying on the Hunan Station of Phoenix Network. This program focuses on publicizing the great people in Hunan since modern times, and has well achieved the goal of "basing on Hunan, serving Hunan, and publicizing Hunan" Purpose. Inspired by this, Hunan Party history education can systematically and deeply tap the materials of Party history education through the form of compiling books, and provide basic materials and materials for Party history education through compiling Huxiang People's Records, which have made outstanding contributions to China's revolution, construction and reform since the founding of the Party.

Second, excavate and rescue the materials of folk party history education. The centennial history of the Party is written on the land of 9.6 million square kilometers of the motherland. The so-called "one inch of mountain and river, one inch of blood, one inch of hot land and one inch of soul", many moving events and characters in the process of revolution, construction and reform are spread among ordinary people, and these stories may never be known as the passage of time. Therefore, it is necessary to organize special forces to excavate and sort out the materials of folk party history education in the form of scientific research projects, rescue and enrich the content of party history education.

Use the network to expand the audience

The Internet has become an irresistible trend of science and technology, and the inheritance of Huxiang red gene in the party history education must also rely on the network platform, which is an edge tool of the times. For today's common people, the scene of bloodshed and sacrifice has been a long time ago, and may only stay on TV screens or books. Mobile phones have become a daily part of people's lives. Through the network platform, Party history education can almost cover all people. Therefore, making full use of the Internet media platform and updating the communication mode of Huxiang red culture is an inevitable move to conform to the trend of the era of scientific and technological development. In addition, compared with traditional theoretical propaganda, online communication can make people strengthen "red memory" in the theoretical study of the party history, and enhance emotional and rational identification of the party history in the inheritance of red genes.

First, relying on the mobile Internet, create online party history learning courses. In 2022, the same "Four Histories" ideological and political lesson activity jointly created by the Department of Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education and People's Daily Online invited college teachers from key national Marxist colleges to explain the "Four Histories", so that teachers and students can have a deep understanding of the historical truth reflected by the "Four Histories" and attract teachers and students to actively study the "Four Histories". This is mainly designed for the Party history education of teachers and students in colleges and universities. Taking this as an example, Hunan Province can gather the strength of ideological and political teachers in colleges and universities to record the admiration class or micro class of party history education, integrate it into Huxiang red culture according to the teaching design, build an online and offline party history learning mode, promote the innovation of the party history curriculum education path with the development pace of the times, endow it with the connotation of the red culture era, and better inherit the red gene. The vitality of online party history learning course lies in communication. It is necessary to organize and use various platforms for communication and occupy the main position of online party history education.

Second, use the new media platform to innovate new channels of party history education. The information dissemination of the new media platform has incomparable advantages such as wide audience, fast speed, etc. It is an educational method that people are willing to accept through the new media platform, and it will also attract people to actively participate in the innovation of the form of party history education. First, relying on schools, enterprises and institutions, we should create a party history education website, embed the theme module of Huxiang red culture, enrich the teaching materials of party history by integrating Huxiang red culture resources, including red stories, red films, etc., and set up a red culture exchange forum where people can share their collected or produced red works, It can also put forward suggestions and opinions on the selection and presentation of red cultural resources, so that people can inherit the red gene in a way that they like to see and hear, and enhance the effectiveness of party history education. Secondly, schools, enterprises and institutions can jointly hold video shooting competitions on Huxiang red culture with short video platforms such as Tiao Yin, Fast Hand, Bi Li Bi Li to encourage people to approach Huxiang red culture, inherit red genes with the spirit of the new era, endow Huxiang red culture with the era connotation of keeping pace with the times, and enhance the appeal and attraction of party history education. Finally, encourage people to use network digital technology to carry out red culture network practice. For example, Changsha Civil Affairs Vocational and Technical College is building Red Culture VR Video of Young Mao Zedong's Growth Footprints, or producing Huxiang Red Culture series facial expression packs, cartoons and other entertainment and cultural forms. These online red cultural practices are innovations in the form of party history education, and have played a huge role in telling red stories, absorbing red spirit, and inheriting red genes.

Mobile classroom to enhance effectiveness

Huxiang red culture is rooted in Hunan, which is known as the "cradle of revolution and hometown of great men". Red resources are rich and unique, including various revolutionary sites, revolutionary museums, memorial venues, patriotism education bases, etc. According to statistics, Hunan currently has more than 1700 immovable revolutionary cultural relics and more than 470 patriotism education bases, the number of which ranks first in the country. The Hunan Provincial Party Committee has also developed a list of recommended on-site teaching sites for local learning and education of party history, with a total of 118 recommended on-site teaching sites for party history learning and education, such as Changsha Yuelu Academy, Xiangtan Shaoshan Mao Zedong Memorial Hall (former residence), Chenzhou "half quilt warmth" exhibition hall, and so on. Putting these Huxiang red resources into the practice of Party history education is a powerful measure to enhance the effectiveness of Party history education.

First, use Huxiang red resources to improve mobile party history education classroom. The College of Marxism of Hunan University, based on the team of Professor Long Bing, fully integrated the red resources inside and outside the school, let the ideological and political courses go out of the classroom, and created a "mobile" ideological and political class that is popular with students. This teaching method has also been recommended by the central media many times. Inspired by this, Hunan Party history education should further use Hunan red resources to improve mobile Party history education classroom. The school can set up a research practice team for teachers and students of "Huxiang Red Culture", such as the social practice activity of "Three Visits to the Countryside" in the summer, organize teachers and students to revisit the red footprints of Huxiang, trace red memories, interview red people, dig red stories, and guide students to combine the study of party history with reality in the process of really listening, seeing, and feeling Huxiang red culture, Make the red story come into the students' real life and infiltrate their hearts. Enterprises and institutions can carry out similar practical activities of party history education based on the basic level party organizations, which not only enhances the effectiveness of party history education, but also promotes the red consumer economy, killing two birds with one stone.

Second, integrate Hunan red resources and create a red education practice base for learning the history of the Party. Based on their own ideological and political teaching requirements and actual conditions, colleges and universities actively expand cooperation and exchanges with Hunan Red Culture and Education Base, so as to make full use of these red resources, enrich education and teaching materials, innovate the practical teaching mode of party history, and improve the freshness of party history education. For example, Changsha Vocational and Technical College of Civil Affairs has established 17 practice teaching bases in Hunan Party History Exhibition Hall, Yuelu Academy, Shaoshan Comrade Mao Zedong Memorial Hall, etc. It has also promoted the construction of red culture venues, organized teachers and students to go out of the classroom to carry out research and practice, including red culture topics, and focused on building a mobile classroom for party history education. Other enterprises and institutions can also, according to their own needs and characteristics, contact and establish a red education practice base for learning the Party history, so as to institutionalize and normalize the Party history education practice.

Third, tap Hunan's red resources and integrate the education of party history into the cultural construction of campus, enterprises and institutions. Colleges and universities can hold various campus activities with the theme of Huxiang red culture, such as red story preaching, red spirit forum, red public welfare activities, etc., to give play to the function of campus culture construction as a cultural person, so that college students can understand Huxiang red culture in the process of participating in campus cultural activities, draw on the strength of Huxiang red spirit, and inherit Huxiang red gene, Imperceptibly study the history of the Party. Other enterprises and institutions can carry out similar cultural activities in combination with their own history and culture, so that Hunan's red culture can be imperceptibly influenced in people's minds.

(Author's unit: Ningxiang Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee)

Source: Rednet

Author: Guo Gaoping

Editor: Min Meiying

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