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People's Daily | Changde, Hunan: Cadres sink, develop and strengthen

Source: People's Daily Author: Wu Qiqiang, Sun Chao Editor: Chen Jianing 2023-01-31 09:17:08
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We will strengthen the leadership of Party building and promote rural revitalization. In recent years, Hunan Changde has played a leading role in the party organization and a vanguard and exemplary role in the party membership. By building a cloud party building platform, building a strong village level party organization, and helping rural industry development, it has promoted party members and cadres to take root at the grass-roots level, improve their skills, do a good job in rural development, rural construction, and rural governance, and promote rural revitalization to make new progress.

The 2400 mu double cropping rice core demonstration area is busy with water conservancy in winter; The newly introduced Chinese prickly ash industry demonstration base, more than 20000 Chinese prickly ash plants are green... Miansi Village, Fenghuo Township, Linli County, Changde City, Hunan Province, is full of vitality in winter.

We will strengthen the leadership of Party building and promote rural revitalization. In recent years, Changde has given full play to the leading role of the Party organization and the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members to inject impetus and vitality into promoting rural revitalization. "We encourage county leaders to go to villages and all township cadres to join villages and households, encourage cadres to work together, press down on work responsibilities, and strive to turn the beautiful blueprint for rural revitalization into reality step by step," said Cao Zhiqiang, secretary of Changde Municipal Party Committee.

Promote cadres to improve their skills with the help of cloud party building platform

"When we just moved from poverty alleviation to rural revitalization, I didn't know what to do." When talking about identity transformation, Yang Qijun, the first secretary of Taizi Village in Hanshou County, Changde City, felt deeply. In accordance with the principle of "the number of work teams remains unchanged, the principle of municipal leaders' joint point and counterpart assistance remains unchanged, the composition of assistance units basically remains unchanged, and the requirements for personnel selection basically remain unchanged", Yang Qijun, once the leader of the poverty alleviation work team, continues to stay in the village.

The old team leaders are weak, and the new team members need to learn more. Yang Qijun was stationed in the village with three new members. "I have been working in the professional and technical line before, and what I have to do in the village is to test my comprehensive ability and really get involved," said Zhao Feng, a cadre in the village.

System and discipline constraints are indispensable to how to get involved and sink down. According to the regulations, village cadres must stay in the village for 20 days every month. In order to avoid "day reading" in the village, village cadres should sign in and clock out on the Changdeyun party building platform.

When people sink down, many village cadres encounter the problem of "whether they want to work or not". When he first settled in the village, Zhao Feng wanted to use his own fruit planting technology to develop fruit and nursery stock planting in the village. However, collective land and mountain forests in Taizi villages have been basically contracted to households in the past, and the development of forest and fruit industry lacks land resources.

"I went to the experience learning exchange module of the cloud party building platform and found that Jinpenling Village, Yanwanghu Town, had encountered similar problems before." Zhao Feng said that Jinpenling Village finally came up with a way to plant trees and fruits in the open space on both sides of the main road and path of the village, which is very instructive.

Considering that Taizi Village is close to the urban area and is suitable for the development of sightseeing agriculture and weekend leisure travel, Zhao Feng, under the guidance of Changde Landscaping Service Center, chose the red leaf plum, which is an ornamental and economic category. Today, more than 800 red leaf plums have become a new landscape of Prince Village. "Cloud party building platform is really helpful," said Zhao Feng.

Xu Dongyuan, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Changde Municipal Party Committee, introduced that the cloud party building platform developed special functional modules, strengthened online help and guidance, and conducted special training on rural revitalization for more than 1000 village staff members and leaders of grass-roots party organizations, effectively promoting cadres to sink down and become more competent.

Build a strong village level party organization to attract talented people to return to the village

In the past, Sanjiadui Village, Caoping Town, Dingcheng District, Changde City was reluctant to return to the village because there was no industry to enrich the people and the village's collective cohesion was not strong.

After the new two committees of the village took office, Chen Liangkai, secretary of the General Party Branch, proposed to develop pitaya cultivation according to the regional characteristics of Sanjiadui Village. Under the leadership of the village cadres, the villagers have joined the pitaya planting cooperatives one after another, and the way to increase income and become rich is becoming wider and wider.

"Seeing more and more changes in our hometown, people who are developing abroad are more willing to return to their hometown for development." Min Yijun, who started his business in other places, donated more than 10 million yuan to build a village culture square, which has driven many capable people in Sanjiandui Village to return to their hometown and build their hometown.

Changde took the opportunity of the change of the two committees of the village to comprehensively optimize the team structure. The average age of the new village (community) cadres decreased by 7.5 years compared with the previous one, and the proportion of college degree and above increased by 28.26% compared with the previous one. At the same time, Changde fully implemented the "mentoring system", selecting 2013 mentors and 5568 mentors from the city's grassroots cadres, and all the new rural cadres at two levels have a mentor to help.

In addition to strengthening the two committees of the village, Changde also deepened the practice of villagers' autonomy and formed a group of promising "house owners" and "house workers".

In Yangping Community, Jiashan Town, Shimen County, Changde City, Tao Wenping, a villager, has become a leader in the industrial construction of Taojiagang House. In the past two years, driven by him, Yangping Community, which had no collective industry in the past, has invested 20000 yuan per household to develop agricultural tourism projects such as crisp peach garden, vineyard, parent-child garden, and the village's collective income will increase by 100000 yuan in 2022.

Dong Lin, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of Shimen County Party Committee, introduced that in recent years, Shimen County has adhered to the idea of party building and grid governance, and formed a village level governance model of "two links and two guarantees" with housing as the micro governance unit. At present, there are more than 16000 party members and house workers in the county, and more than 160000 farmers in the county.

Strengthen policy support to drive the development of village collective economy

Shijiapo Village, Xiejiapu Town, Dingcheng District is an ordinary village more than 20 kilometers away from the urban area. However, since 2016, a number of village collective enterprises and village owned enterprises have emerged in Shijiabei Village. How can a village with theout special endowment attract small and medium-sized enterprises to gather?

"Our development and growth cannot be separated from the collective support of the village," said Chen Shuaiyu, the head of Hunan Yize Ecological Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. In 2016, Chen Shuaiyu, a college graduate, returned to his hometown to buy and sell grain. Chen Shuaiyu, who is not satisfied with the traditional business model, wants to try to start from the source of good varieties and good laws, establish planting cooperatives, and further improve the industrial level. "But in the first year of the launch of improved seed service, the villagers are holding a wait-and-see attitude, unwilling to take the initiative to participate." Chen Shuaiyu hit the wall.

"The development of the enterprise is at a critical stage, and the village collective should give some support." Jiao Cun, secretary of the Shijiapo village party branch, said again that the village has allocated 50000 yuan to subsidize grain growers to use the good seed and good method promoted by the enterprise. "Although the compensation in the village is only one or two hundred yuan per mu, it reassures the villagers at once," Chen Shuaiyu said.

Soon, new technologies and new varieties gained a bumper harvest, and Yize Ecological Agriculture Company also opened up the situation. In just six years, Yize Ecological Agriculture Company has developed from a small grain drying plant to a key enterprise with 6800 mu of circulating land, serving 4600 surrounding farmers and 38000 mu of rice production, and the collective income of Shijiapo Village has also increased significantly.

Shimen County, which is rich in citrus, is located in a mountainous area, and the irrigation conditions are insufficient. Last year, the drought made it worse. "Shimen County mobilized grass-roots party organizations and party cadres to fight the drought in Bao Village, using nearby water sources and using electric pumps to lift water step by step, so as to minimize the losses caused by the drought," said Du Hongbo, deputy director of Xiuping Gardening Farm in Shimen County.

Last autumn, the citrus harvest in Shimen was good, and the local party members and cadres were busy helping the fruit farmers to sell at a good price. In the past, due to many intermediate links, the income of citrus planted by fruit farmers was not high. Under the promotion of the local party committee and government, since 2020, Shimen local agricultural enterprise Xiangjia Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. has gradually signed an acquisition agreement with 1000 orange farmers. "Without two or three middlemen to earn the price difference, the income of citrus increased significantly," said Huang Xingjia, the relevant person in charge of Xiangjia Shares.

In addition, since last year, Changde County Finance has allocated a special subsidy of 47 million yuan every year to focus on supporting a number of weak villages, consolidate support for a number of potential villages, and actively support a number of key villages. "In 2022, 2103 villages (including agricultural communities) in the city will achieve collective operating income of 284 million yuan, an increase of 36.54% over the previous year," said Kang Chongwen, head of the Organization Department of Changde Municipal Party Committee.

Source: People's Daily

Author: Wu Qiqiang, Sun Chao

Editor: Chen Jianing

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