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Vigorously Develop Medical Science Popularization to Promote the Construction of Healthy China

Source: Rednet Author: Guo Jie Editor: Wang Nan 2022-09-05 16:06:44
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"Without the health of the whole people, there will be no well-off society in an all-round way. We should give priority to people's health in the strategic position of development". In August 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping strongly emphasized in his speech at the National Health and Health Conference. In order to implement Xi Jinping's series of important statements on building a healthy China, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government have successively issued a series of decisions and arrangements, marking the establishment of the healthy China strategy and the entry of the healthy China construction into the stage of comprehensive implementation. Medical science popularization is a long-term activity that spreads scientific and technological knowledge, scientific methods, scientific ideas and scientific spirit in the health field to the public in the way of science popularization, aiming at cultivating public health literacy and helping the public learn to manage their health by themselves. To build a healthy China and realize the people's yearning for a better life, medical science popularization work is of great significance and unique role.

1、 Carrying out medical science popularization is the internal requirement of implementing the healthy China strategy. In October 2016, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "2030" Plan Outline for a Healthy China, proposing five strategic tasks, including "popularizing healthy life, optimizing health services, improving health security, building a healthy environment, and developing health industries". The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China further incorporated the implementation of the healthy China strategy into the basic strategy of national development, and raised people's health to the status of "an important symbol of national prosperity and national prosperity". In 2017, the State Council issued the Opinions on the Implementation of the Healthy China Action, and the General Office of the State Council subsequently issued the Implementation and Assessment Plan of the Healthy China Action Organization, and established the Healthy China Action Promotion Committee. This series of intensive major decisions and arrangements marks that the construction of a healthy China has entered the stage of full implementation. Medical science popularization is one of the key ways to strengthen the national health concept, improve the health literacy of the whole people, and achieve the great strategic goal of "healthy China".

2、 Medical science popularization is the demand of people to realize a happy life. Health is the unremitting pursuit and eternal topic of human beings. With the development of social economy and the improvement of people's living standards, people's health awareness has generally improved. For everyone and every family, health is the "1" that ranks first in all the necessities of a happy life. It is the most economical and effective health strategy to be the first responsible person for your own health, actively improve your health literacy, self-discipline, develop a healthy lifestyle that conforms to your own and family characteristics, achieve a healthy life with less illness, and prevent and control major diseases. According to the national health literacy monitoring results in 2019, the health literacy level of Chinese residents is 19.17%, 2.11 percentage points higher than that in 2018. In the Healthy China Action (2019-2030), the goal of health knowledge popularization action is that by 2022 and 2030, the health literacy level of the national residents will not be lower than 22% and 30% respectively. It can be seen that although the overall level of health literacy of Chinese residents is steadily improving, there is still a certain gap between the goal of the Healthy China Action and the pursuit of a happy life. Therefore, strengthening medical science popularization is an urgent requirement to respond to people's needs and expectations for health knowledge and realize people's yearning for a happy and beautiful life.

3、 Carrying out medical science popularization is people's thirst for health knowledge. At present, the convenient communication channels and explosive growth of information have also increased the difficulty for people to pick gold from the sand and clarify fallacies in the information ocean. This phenomenon is particularly obvious in the field of health knowledge dissemination. The "health science popularization" information of all kinds of platforms emerges in endlessly, good and bad. Its source, professionalism, authenticity and scientificity cannot be identified by the general public, and sometimes even mislead. "Smoking can prevent viral infection, taking antibiotics can prevent COVID-19 infection, and children's medication should be 'halved'" "After three years of pregnancy, people should refuse to eat staple food and oil, and not thirsty and not drink water". Ten things on the top ten scientific rumor refutation list published by China in 2020, and nine things on the top ten scientific rumor refutation list published by China in 2021, All are related to medical science popularization. In the context of the information age, the dissemination of health knowledge and the promotion of health literacy, authoritative and correct medical science popularization cannot be absent. This is an urgent need to enhance the output efficiency, communication ability and coverage ratio of medical science popularization in the new era, help the public to establish correct health concepts and improve scientific health literacy.

4、 Carrying out medical science popularization is the demand of society and individuals to respond to public health emergencies In recent years, global public health emergencies have occurred frequently, posing a certain threat to the political stability and social tranquility of countries. Public health emergencies are often unknown, leading to uncertainty in understanding and judgment; At the same time, public health emergencies also cause great psychological panic because of their sudden, group and high-risk. Therefore, in the process of responding to public health emergencies, timely carry out targeted emergency science popularization for major public health events, and through authoritative, rapid and comprehensive collection, collation, compilation and dissemination of scientific knowledge, quickly guide the public's thinking and behavior back to rationality, and actively cooperate with the government and society to respond to public health events, so as to maintain social stability It is of vital significance to ensure production and life. For example, after the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) made rapid decisions on epidemic prevention and control. Organizations and scientific and technological experts at all levels actively played their own advantages, increased efforts to popularize knowledge of epidemic prevention and control, helped "scientific epidemic prevention", made the public have a more comprehensive understanding of COVID-19, and promoted the national epidemic prevention work, It played an important role in timely and effective control of the epidemic.

Some studies have shown that health education investment of 1 yuan can save 8.9 yuan in medical expenses. The World Health Organization has identified "health education promotion" as the preferred strategy for the goal of health care for all. The core of building a healthy China is the improvement of the people's health level, the popularization of healthy lifestyles, the enhancement of physical quality, the improvement of health literacy, the formation of the health concept of "everyone is the first responsible person for their own health", and the strengthening of self health management awareness. Vigorously carry out medical science popularization, establish an investment guarantee mechanism for medical science popularization from the perspective of system and mechanism, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all sectors of society and health technicians to participate in medical science popularization, disseminate medical science knowledge, disease prevention and treatment methods, medical health care measures and health concepts to the public through various means and channels, improve the health awareness of the whole people and enhance health literacy, Advocating a healthy life will definitely have the effect of "twice the result with half the effort" for the construction of a healthy China.

Source: Rednet

Author: Guo Jie

Editor: Wang Nan

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