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Create high-quality health science popularization to promote citizens' health literacy -- A silhouette of science popularization work of Hunan Medical Association

Source: Rednet Author: Guo Jie, Lei Jun Editor: Wang Nan 2022-09-05 16:06:48
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Hunan Medical Science Popularization Academic Annual Meeting.

Some studies have shown that health education investment of 1 yuan can save 8.9 yuan in medical expenses. The World Health Organization has identified "health education promotion" as the preferred strategy for the goal of health care for all. In recent years, adhering to the scientific spirit of "seeking truth, innovation, cooperation and dedication" and the fine tradition of serving the people's health wholeheartedly, the Hunan Medical Association has taken the popularization of medical science and the publicity of disease prevention and treatment knowledge as its main work, actively explored new paths for medical science popularization under the new situation, and strengthened and improved the organizational form, communication content and activity mode of medical science popularization, It has achieved certain results and played a positive role in building a healthy Hunan and improving the health literacy of residents.

1、 Make theme publicity. Focusing on the theme publicity days of various diseases, such as Ear Friendly Day, Eye Friendly Day, Skin Day, Smoke Free Day, AIDS Day, Freezing Man Day, Sleep Day, National Nutrition Week, etc., we carried out a wide range of science popularization activities in communities, rural areas, institutions, and campuses, which has become a regular work carried out by professional committees of the provincial medical association every year. Taking 2021 as an example, the professional committees of the provincial medical association carried out more than 700 popular science lectures and exhibitions, distributed more than 120000 copies of popular science materials, participated in more than 7000 medical experts and health technicians, and directly benefited more than 7 million people.

2、 Cultivate science popularization talents. The provincial medical association attaches great importance to the training of science popularization ability of health technicians, and takes the annual meeting of the Science Popularization Professional Committee as the platform to carry out experience exchange and discussion of science popularization, practical training, promote construction by competition, cultivate talents, and effectively improve the understanding, expression and dissemination of health technicians in science popularization. Through the science popularization ability contest held for many consecutive years, a number of science popularization talents have been discovered and cultivated, especially young and middle-aged science popularization talents.

3、 Focus on integrated communication. With the arrival of the era of information fragmentation, science popularization informatization has become the development direction, and mobile terminals such as mobile phones have become new fronts for the dissemination of various scientific knowledge. Learn to integrate new media, expand communication channels, strengthen cooperation with the financial media platform, build a communication matrix, and improve communication power and influence on the basis of the popular science columns on traditional websites. For example, in March 2022, in order to improve students' awareness of epidemic prevention and control knowledge, under the guidance of the Provincial Association for Science and Technology, the Provincial Department of Finance, and the Provincial Department of Education, we learned to cooperate with "Popular Science Hunan", and organized experts to teach the topic of epidemic prevention and control on campus. More than 5.6 million students watched it collectively through WeChat and the Internet, so that students learned about the latest epidemic situation, Learned scientific prevention and control knowledge to help the campus prevent and control the epidemic scientifically.

4、 Printing and distributing popular science materials. Books and materials are still important carriers of communication. The provincial medical association gave full play to its organizational advantages and talent team advantages in contacting medical technicians from all walks of life, took organizing the editing and publishing of popular science materials and books as an important task, and has edited a variety of popular science materials and books. The contents of these materials and books are systematic, rigorous, scientific, and easy to understand. They are well received by readers.

5、 Create a popular science brand. Deeply analyze the characteristics of modern economy and society, the needs of the population, and the changes of disease spectrum, give full play to the organizational advantages and talent team advantages of each special committee, closely combine the academic authority and the rigor of science popularization, and build a high-quality medical science popularization project with academic organizational characteristics and characteristics. For example, at present, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and accidental injuries have become the main causes of death among Chinese residents, of which more than 80% of the most urgent and serious cardiac arrest occurs outside the hospital, and its golden emergency time is only 4-6 minutes. However, even in a community with a sound emergency network, it is difficult for professional first-aid personnel to ensure that they can reach the scene within 4-6 minutes. On site rescue has become a key and weak link in China's emergency medical service system. To this end, emergency experts in the province were organized to carry out emergency science popularization and skills training. The training includes not only theoretical teaching, but also practical training. With professional authoritative teaching and hands-on practice, it has greatly promoted the popularization of public first aid knowledge and skills, received great responses from various departments and the society, and stimulated the enthusiasm of the public to learn first aid knowledge and skills. For another example, with the improvement of living standards, changes in diet structure and lifestyle, the prevalence of diabetes in China has increased rapidly in the past 30 years. At present, the prevalence of diabetes in China is about 10%, and the patient population is estimated to be about 150 million. However, the awareness rate of people with diabetes is only about 40%, and the treatment rate is lower. In order to strengthen the science popularization and health education of diabetes, the Hunan Diabetes Blue Light Action was organized and planned, that is, on the United Nations Diabetes Day on November 14 every year, to carry out the diabetes science popularization action in all cities and prefectures of the province. Science popularization activities include science popularization lectures, award-winning questions and answers, expert free clinics, and blue landscape lights for landmark buildings in areas where conditions permit during the activities. Over the years, the Blue Light Action has played an active role in improving the awareness of diabetes prevention and control among the masses, improving the early detection rate of diabetes, reducing the risk of diabetes, improving the self-management knowledge and skills of diabetic patients, and reducing and delaying the occurrence of complications.

6、 Help rural revitalization. The results of the health literacy level of the national residents show that the health literacy level of the national urban residents in 2020 is 28.08%, and that of the rural residents is 20.02%. It can be seen that there is still a large gap between the health literacy level of urban and rural residents. In the era when "absolute poverty" is basically eliminated, we should be alert that the risk of poverty caused by illness will continue to exist; In the process of implementing the rural revitalization strategy, it is more important to improve the health literacy of rural residents and improve the health management level of residents. Over the years, the Hunan Medical Association has gone deep into Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture, Shaoyang, Zhuzhou, Zhangjiajie and other rural areas to carry out free clinic and health science popularization publicity, give health science popularization books, medicines and health monitoring equipment, help rural residents improve their health literacy level, understand and have common sense of chronic disease management, Develop a healthy lifestyle.

The Outline of the "Healthy China 2030" Plan proposes to implement the healthy China strategy and carry out nationwide health promotion actions. The important and key link is to improve the health literacy of residents, form the health concept of "everyone is the first responsible person for their own health", develop a healthy and civilized lifestyle and behavior habits, and have certain knowledge and skills of disease prevention, chronic disease control and on-site first aid. As an academic medical association with a long history, the Hunan Medical Association will, under the leadership of the Party and the government, give full play to the organizational characteristics of public welfare, academic and professional, take the responsibility of spreading health concepts and enhancing the ability of the masses to manage their own health, fully mobilize all sectors of society and medical science and technology workers, and make greater efforts and contributions to building a healthy Hunan.

Source: Rednet

Author: Guo Jie, Lei Jun

Editor: Wang Nan

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