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Using Chinese Seeds to Ensure China's Food Security

Source: People's Daily Online Author: Meng Zhe Editor: Wang Nan 2022-08-09 09:46:22
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Seed industry is the "chip" of agriculture and the foundation of agricultural modernization. Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Notice on Supporting the Development of National Seed Enterprises" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), selecting 69 crops, 86 livestock and poultry, 121 aquatic seed enterprises and institutions from more than 30000 seed enterprises nationwide, and concentrating on building a national seed enterprise formation of "overcoming difficulties, reinforcing weaknesses and strengthening advantages", Accelerate to build the backbone of seed industry revitalization.

Seed industry involves national food security, food security and other important livelihood issues. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the development of China's seed industry has achieved remarkable results, achieving that "China's grain" mainly uses "China's grain", driving China's grain harvest year after year. At present, the area of independently selected varieties of crops in China accounts for more than 95%, and the self-sufficiency rate of livestock and poultry core species exceeds 75%. Nevertheless, the development of China's seed industry is still faced with such problems as insufficient protection and utilization of germplasm resources, low level of breeding innovation, weak competitiveness of seed industry enterprises, and urgent need to optimize the market environment.

For this reason, to support national seed industry formation enterprises, it is not only necessary to "solve the problem" and focus on a small number of seed sources that mainly rely on imports, but also to "fill the gap" and fully tap excellent germplasm resources, narrow the gap with the international advanced level in terms of variety yield, performance, quality, etc. as soon as possible, and more importantly, it is necessary to "strengthen the advantages" to accelerate the application of new modern breeding technologies, consolidate and strengthen the advantages of breeding innovation, Perfect the commercial breeding system. To turn the seed industry around and realize the transformation from a big country in the seed industry to a strong country in the seed industry, we should strengthen our confidence, face up to the gap, concentrate on writing a big article on the seed industry, and grasp the initiative of food security from the source.

To revitalize the seed industry, innovation is the key, and enterprises are the key subject of seed industry innovation. The Notice is problem oriented, clarifies the direction and goal, and proposes to "put the seed industry enterprise optimization work in an important position", "take the formation enterprise as the key object of enterprise optimization", "promote the" three docking "as an important platform for enterprise optimization", and "create support policies as an important means of enterprise optimization" "Purifying the development environment is an important guarantee for enterprises to support excellence" and "building a pro government business relationship is an important requirement for enterprises to support excellence". The implementation of the "six important" principles is detailed, ensuring the implementation of one principle and the effectiveness of one principle, which will surely realize the new pattern of seed industry development in which Chinese grain is mainly used, improve the national food security guarantee ability, and build a solid foundation for seed industry for food security.

In order to solve the "two skins" problem of scientific research and production, and truly enable the seed industry to plug into the wings of science and technology, the Notice proposes to support the docking of scientific research units and formation enterprises, carry out long-term strategic cooperation in science and technology, resources, technology, and talents, share the national scientific research facilities platform, and jointly build a research and development platform or an industry university research innovation consortium; Encourage financial institutions to connect with formation enterprises, launch more financial and insurance products suitable for the characteristics of seed industry, innovate financing guarantee methods, and form long-term stable support. The seed industry enterprises accelerate the connection between scientific research institutes and capital, and open up R&D and market, which not only improves the industry threshold, but also helps enterprises become bigger and stronger, specialized and excellent, so that enterprises can have more products with core competitiveness to participate in international competition, more conducive to promoting the transformation of the seed industry to a technology intensive and capital intensive industry, and accelerating the innovation and development of the industry.

Good planting results in abundant grain, and grain safety results in people's safety. Supporting the development of national seed industry formation enterprises is a systematic project, involving the government, scientific research institutions, seed industry enterprises, financial institutions and other aspects, covering R&D, production, sales, services and other links. While further reforming and improving the seed industry development system and mechanism, it is necessary to give better play to the institutional advantages of focusing on major events, and install more "Chinese core" for the seed industry, Use Chinese seeds to ensure China's food security.

Source: People's Daily Online

Author: Meng Zhe

Editor: Wang Nan

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