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Grasping the Key Points and Improving the Effectiveness of Party Member Education and Management in Public Hospitals

Source: Rednet Author: Wang Kewei Editor: Wang Nan 2022-08-05 09:33:31
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Public hospitals shoulder the lofty mission of protecting the people's health, and are also an important force to realize the construction of a healthy Hunan and a healthy China. Party members are the most cohesive, combat effective, creative and influential group in the construction of talent team in public hospitals. It is of great significance to strengthen the education and management of party members in public hospitals and give play to the pioneering role of party members. Based on the practice of the education and management of party members in Hunan Children's Hospital, this paper explores ways and paths to improve the effectiveness of the education and management of party members in public hospitals by focusing on the "four key points", such as the standing point of political position, the starting point of the mission of doctors, the focus of epidemic prevention and control, and the risk point of integrity and self-discipline.

Grasp the standing point of political position and constantly strengthen ideals and beliefs.

First, we should strengthen theoretical indoctrination and be politically conscious and sensible. Being a politically conscious and sensible person is the fundamental guarantee for Party members and cadres to have the Party in their hearts, the people in their hearts, responsibilities in their hearts, and precepts in their hearts. To strengthen the education and management of Party members in public hospitals, the first thing is to guide Party members to stand firm in the correct political position, not to be "osteomalacia" without ideals and beliefs, not to do "extraordinary things" that violate laws and disciplines, and not to be "outsiders" who are not isolated from the masses. The hospital party committee has always put political construction in the first place in the party building work, guiding the party members to always take a clear stand in politics, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and strictly observe political discipline and rules. Educate Party members to read the original works and understand the principles of the original, establish the system of "the first issue", and promote the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era to go deep into the heart and into reality. The Administrative Measures for Ideological Work was introduced to enhance the political discrimination and political acumen of Party members, ensure that they always remain clear headed in the face of major issues of right and wrong, dare to fight back against wrong ideas and statements, and consciously maintain the image of the Party.

Second, strengthen the tempering of the Party spirit and be honest and loyal to the Party. Only when Party members consciously temper their Party spirit, spur their own thoughts, and maintain the advancement of their own thoughts can they maintain their original intentions, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and connect with the people. In combination with activities such as "never forget the original intention and remember the mission" theme education and party history learning education, the hospital organized all party members to conscientiously study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, conscientiously study and implement the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, consciously strengthen the "four senses", firmly adhere to the "four self-confidence", achieve the "two safeguards", and support the "two establishment". Take advantage of opportunities such as centralized education of Party members, "July 1st" commendation, and welcoming the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party to organize a review of the oath of joining the Party, and guide Party members how to be and do. Party members were organized to go to the place where the "half quilt" story happened, Yang Kaihui's former residence, Hunan Party History Exhibition Hall and other red education bases to practice and learn, guide everyone to recall the revolutionary years, and strengthen the party spirit cultivation.

The third is to strengthen the cultivation of practice and be the leader of learning for application. Practice is the touchstone to test the Party spirit of Party members. The hospital insists on integrating theory with practice, strengthens the practicality of party member education, tests the responsibility of party members in the combination of learning and application, and practice and work, and tests the learning effect with practical actions and work results. The hospital put forward the management concept of "administrative service for clinic and clinical service for patients", innovatively promoted the construction of "service-oriented institutions", set up a patient service center to solve the problem of medical treatment for the masses in a one-stop manner, and introduced multiple measures to cope with the peak of summer medical treatment, continuously improve the quality of medical services, practically optimize the service process, promote the construction of smart hospitals, improve the medical environment inside and outside the hospital In order to make the original mission of Party members and cadres take root in practical work, we will carry out 50 measures to improve the medical experience of the masses, including in-depth quality services for Party members, strengthening services for the convenience of the people and warm hearted services, unblocking the channels for the opinions and suggestions of the masses, actively carrying out charity activities, and improving the level of security work.

Grasp the starting point of the mission of doctors and constantly promote professionalism.

The first is to highlight professional spirit education and inspire people with spirit. Professional spirit reflects the thoughts, concepts and value orientation of medical personnel, and is a strong endogenous power to promote the development of health care. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "For a long time, the majority of medical personnel in China have responded to the call of the Party, carried forward the spirit of respecting and protecting life, saving the dying and healing the wounded, being willing to contribute, and loving the boundless, and wholeheartedly served the people's health." A new overview of the medical and health professionalism in the new era was made. The hospital incorporated the study and implementation of professionalism into the "three meetings and one lesson" and the theme party day activities. In combination with the celebration of the "Physician's Day" and the "Nurse's Day", it carried out activities such as the theme of anti epidemic deeds and narrative medical exhibitions to encourage the majority of medical workers to carry forward the lofty professionalism, develop excellent skills, protect people's health with good medical ethics and win the praise of the masses.

The second is to highlight the post meritorious exercise and condense people with mission. The hospital strives to create a strong atmosphere of making contributions based on the position, transforms the political and organizational advantages of the party organization into a strong driving force for service development, and effectively enables those who want to, can, and succeed to do things to have a stage and position. Relying on scientific research innovation platforms such as Academician Workstation, we organized and carried out core technology campaign and major scientific and technological special research, setting off an upsurge of innovation, creation, comparison and catching up. Implement targeted assistance to Xinjiang and Tibet, carry out grassroots free clinics of "Young Doctor Group" and "Famous Expert Group", and encourage the majority of Party members to always maintain their original nature and faithfully perform their duties and missions. Set up Party member demonstration posts, carry out "post training and business competition", cultivate outstanding young talents and backbone talents, and promote post innovation and post contribution.

The third is to highlight typical models and encourage people with the advanced. A typical example is a banner, and an example is a guide. To commend the advanced and set an example is to better mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the Party members and cadres. The hospital adheres to the annual selection of "Top Ten Doctors", "Top Ten Nurses", "Excellent Party Members" and other advanced models, and sets up "Model Worker Studio" to realize the linkage between provincial and municipal model workers. It uses the example force and noble personality around to motivate and inspire people, and guide Party members to keep pace with the benchmark and move forward. The "Great Pediatrics" micro video was shot to show the "extraordinary" of pediatric medical staff in ordinary positions in an all-round way. Through such activities as the "Moral Lecture" and the "Advanced Achievement Report", all party members were allowed to "learn from examples and catch up with goals".

Grasp the focus of epidemic prevention and control, and constantly build consensus on overcoming difficulties.

First, adhere to the direction of the party flag. The COVID-19 epidemic is a major public health emergency that has experienced the fastest speed of transmission, the widest range of infection and the greatest difficulty in prevention and control since the founding of New China. The key moment is the Party. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the hospital party committee has thoroughly studied and implemented the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on epidemic prevention and control, conscientiously implemented the work deployment of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and the provincial health commission, resolutely shouldered the responsibility, commanded ahead, and implemented scientific policies, and issued the initiative at the first time, calling on all party members to consciously shoulder the spiritual banner To boost the confidence in the fight against the epidemic, we must firmly follow the "four leading" principle, and earnestly integrate the thoughts of all Party members and cadres into the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee. Establish a mechanism of "three-level grass-roots party organization secretaries grasp prevention and control", clarify the responsibility for epidemic prevention and control, transmit pressure at all levels, quickly implement the requirements of "strict, fast, tight, practical and detailed" epidemic prevention and control, and use the actual actions of the Communists to enhance the party flag and the party emblem. The hospital was awarded the title of Advanced Collective in Anti epidemic Work.

The second is to insist on the vanguard of Party members in the forefront. The epidemic situation is an order, the prevention and control is a responsibility, the post is a battlefield, and the communist party members' responsibility is shown in times of crisis. The hospital party committee also took the fight against COVID-19 as a position to forge the original mission of party members and temper their party spirit. After the outbreak of the epidemic, all the party members of the hospital listened to the order, strived to be the pioneer, and offered to participate in the anti epidemic work. After receiving the notice of Hubei aid, more than 300 people went to war within half an hour, and each determination demonstrated the original mission of party members and cadres. The hospital has sent nearly 40 backbone party members and cadres to participate in the aid to Hubei, Kyrgyzstan, Shanghai and foreign countries, and engaged in the fight against the epidemic with the attitude of "the most beautiful retrograde". Five of them were awarded the National and Hunan Advanced Individual or Excellent Party Members in the fight against COVID-19. At the same time, we organized party day activities with the theme of "Anti epidemic Donation", launched the activity of "Party Members Donate for Anti epidemic Work", and all party members and cadres of the hospital donated 111900 yuan; 258 Party members and cadres donated 108500 ml of blood, and the hospital was awarded the "Advanced Group for Emergency Blood Donation" in Changsha.

The third is to strengthen the branches and build strong fortresses. A strong party organization is a strong fortress to fight against the epidemic. The more critical the moment is, the more cohesive and combat effectiveness of the party organization will be tested. The hospital party committee formulated and issued the Notice on Giving Full Play to the Role of Grass roots Party Organizations as Fighting Fortresses and the Pioneer and Model Role of Communist Party Members in the Prevention and Control of Epidemic, the Work Plan for the Construction of Innovative and Service oriented Grass roots Party Organizations, proposed the work requirements of "ten management in place" for epidemic prevention and control, and established temporary party branches, party member commandos and youth commandos in the front line of the epidemic, Build the Party organization fortress at the forefront of epidemic prevention and control, further coordinate the mobilization and integration of the strength and resources of the whole hospital, jointly do a good job in epidemic prevention, screening, monitoring and rectification, and mass assistance, and effectively transform the Party's political advantages, organizational advantages, and mass work advantages into prevention and control advantages.

Grasp the risk points of integrity and self-discipline, and constantly build a strong ideological defense line.

First, adhere to the fundamental management and long-term management, and comprehensively implement the system and norms. Only by strengthening the implementation of the system and establishing a long-term mechanism can the requirements of integrity and self-discipline run through all work and further standardize the behavior of party members and cadres. The hospital adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implements the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and all previous plenary sessions of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously implements various systems for building a clean and honest government, takes political life within the party seriously, gives play to the incentive and restraint role of rules and regulations, and tightens the fence of anti-corruption system. The Opinions on Further Strengthening the Construction of the Three level Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organization System was formulated and issued to standardize the deployment of the hospital's three level discipline inspection and supervision system from the aspects of personnel composition, work responsibilities, work tasks, assessment, rewards and punishments. Sign the target responsibility letter level by level, refine the responsibility content, strengthen the implementation of responsibility, and establish a responsibility system that focuses on the implementation at each level.

The second is to adhere to strengthening the ideology and building a defense line, and comprehensively strengthen integrity education. Honesty education is a "required course" for the education and management of Party members. It is an important way to strengthen the internal consciousness of upholding honesty and rejecting corruption, honesty and self-discipline, and guide the majority of Party members to be in awe, be on guard and keep the bottom line. The hospital insists on including the construction of Party conduct and clean government and the construction of industry style in the education and training plan of party members, regularly organizes party members and cadres to study the Party discipline laws and regulations, organizes and carries out a series of activities such as "sending the law and discipline" into the department, "promoting the Party conduct and hospital style with good family style, and promoting medical ethics and medical ethics with good family style" as the theme, and puts the construction of clean culture and warning education The awareness education of preventing corruption risks should be combined to highlight the key groups and the whole staff of the hospital. The teaching chain of "leading lectures+case teaching+collective conversation+exchange and discussion" should be established, so that the clean culture can truly enter hospitals, departments and wards, effectively eliminate the idea of corruption from the ideological source, and well guard the defense line against corruption and change.

Third, adhere to the daily key points and comprehensively carry out supervision and discipline enforcement. Supervision and discipline enforcement is a powerful weapon to promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party to develop in depth. It is an important guarantee to create a clean and healthy environment, ensure that the power is locked in the cage of the system, and promote the expansion from "punishing the very few" to "controlling the majority". The hospital insists on making good use of the "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement, focusing on important posts, personnel and nodes, and implementing the work in daily life, specific people and specific things. We introduced ideological management measures, compacted ideological supervision responsibilities, promoted the construction of a three-level discipline inspection and supervision organization system, carried out cross supervision and inspection and discipline inspection rounds around all links of the hospital's power operation, and issued the "Supervision Proposal" for the problems found in a timely manner, so as to ensure the constant supervision and form a normal state.

(Author Department Hunan Children's Hospital Wang Kewei

Source: Rednet

Author: Wang Kewei

Editor: Wang Nan

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