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Firmly uphold the international nuclear non-proliferation system

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition Author: Yan Yu Editor: Wang Nan 2022-08-04 09:52:51
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From August 1 to 26, the Tenth Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in an entity manner. Against the backdrop of the world's century long changes and century wide epidemic situation, and the world has entered a new period of turbulence and change, the global strategic security environment has continued to deteriorate, the risk of an arms race and military conflict has intensified, the international nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation system is facing serious challenges, and conflicts in the peaceful use of nuclear energy are prominent.

As the most universal and binding nuclear non-proliferation treaty at present, the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons has played an active role in preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons, promoting the process of nuclear disarmament and promoting the peaceful use of nuclear energy since its official entry into force in 1970. The Treaty clearly stipulates the nuclear non-proliferation responsibilities and obligations of nuclear weapon States and non nuclear weapon States, and has become the cornerstone of the international nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation system, with 191 States parties. The international nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation system based on the Treaty includes a number of conventions and agreements on nuclear disarmament, restrictions on the space deployment of nuclear weapons, restrictions on the development of nuclear weapons, security assurances for non nuclear States, as well as relevant institutions such as the Nuclear Exporting Countries Committee, the Nuclear Suppliers Group and the International Atomic Energy Agency. It is with this security barrier that the world has avoided nuclear war in the past 80 years.

However, in recent years, this cornerstone of global security has been seriously impacted again and again, and the international nuclear non-proliferation system is facing unprecedented challenges——

The process of nuclear disarmament continues to suffer setbacks. According to the report issued by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute in Sweden, the number of nuclear weapons in the world is likely to increase in the next 10 years. The United States is the biggest factor leading to this trend. According to the US defense budget draft for fiscal year 2023, the US budget for the maintenance and upgrading of nuclear arsenals reached US $34.4 billion, much higher than the US $27.7 billion in fiscal year 2022.

The United States, which has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, has not contributed to maintaining global strategic balance and stability, but has taken the lead in undermining the arms control system and non-proliferation mechanism. The United States has successively withdrawn from the ABM Treaty, the INFM Treaty and other treaties, refused to ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, continued to promote the deployment of global anti missile systems, sought to deploy land-based medium range ballistic missiles in Europe and the Asia Pacific region, and continued to conduct critical nuclear tests, further impacting the already difficult international nuclear arms control situation.

The nuclear non-proliferation system continues to suffer erosion. Since the United States, Britain and Australia announced the establishment of a new "trilateral security partnership" in September 2021, the three countries have continuously promoted nuclear submarine cooperation. As two nuclear weapon states, the United States and Britain plan to transfer tons of weapons grade nuclear materials to Australia, a non nuclear weapon state, which seriously violates the purpose and purpose of the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. At the same time, Australia's acceptance of weapons grade nuclear materials may also cause a risk of nuclear pollution, seriously violate the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty, and seriously impact the construction of the South East Asia Nuclear Free Zone. The behavior of the United States, Britain and Australia further aggravates the risk of nuclear proliferation. Since this year, some Japanese politicians have advocated that Japan should follow the example of NATO and the United States to achieve "nuclear sharing" and introduce American nuclear weapons.

The peaceful use of nuclear energy has frequently encountered obstacles. The use of science and technology for peaceful purposes and international cooperation is an inalienable right conferred on all countries by international law. However, over the years, under the pretext of non-proliferation or national security, the United States, relying on its nuclear technology advantages and "small circle", has implemented discriminatory export control measures against developing countries, imposed restrictions on scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation, and seriously undermined the foundation of international non-proliferation cooperation.

At the Tenth Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, United Nations Secretary General Guterres warned that the threat of nuclear weapons to the world is increasing, and a misunderstanding or miscalculation may lead mankind to the abyss of nuclear destruction. He urged all parties to strengthen and reaffirm their compliance with the contents of the Treaty, strengthen dialogue and mutual respect in order to maintain peace.

As a responsible major country, China has put forward the global security initiative, adhered to the common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept, and has always been the defender, participant and contributor of the international nuclear non-proliferation system. China supports the United Nations in playing a key coordinating role in the international nuclear non-proliferation system, firmly pursues the nuclear strategy of self-defence and defense, actively supports and participates in international nuclear disarmament efforts, strictly complies with international non-proliferation obligations, and has played a constructive role in promoting the resolution of regional nuclear issues. The concept of "no win or no win in nuclear war" advocated by China has been accepted by other nuclear powers and written into the Joint Statement on the Prevention of Nuclear War and the Avoidance of an Arms Race, contributing China's strength, wisdom and solutions to global security governance.

For the sake of world peace and tranquility, the international community must act immediately, firmly uphold the international nuclear non-proliferation system and resolutely oppose all forms of nuclear proliferation.

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

Author: Yan Yu

Editor: Wang Nan

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