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Characteristics and guidance of network public opinion in colleges and universities under the control of normalized epidemic situation

Source: Hunan Vocational College of Labor and Personnel Author: Zheng Qian Editor: Deng Weiqin 2022-07-07 17:57:21
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Under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the top priority of university management is to ensure the physical and mental health of teachers, students and staff. However, the prevention and control of the epidemic situation involves many aspects of campus management, such as closed management, online teaching, dining regulations, healthy clocking, etc., which to a certain extent affects the normal learning and living rules of college students, bringing inconvenience. The superposition of various affairs during the epidemic management period is very likely to cause students to "complain" about the inconvenience of learning and life collectively, and break out online public opinion.

The network public opinion of colleges and universities under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control has three obvious characteristics. First, the vulnerability of online public opinion. The prevention and control of campus epidemic is related to all aspects of students' study and life at school, and any link of any aspect may induce online public opinion; During the closed period of school, students spend more time using mobile phones and computers, which makes it easier for them to accumulate bad emotions and mental confusion in their hearts, and express, forward or comment through online channels. The second is the resonance of group psychology. College students establish a specific network community through network channels, not limited to the scope of the school, nor limited to student identity. In the environment of normalized epidemic prevention and control, everyone has more or less experienced the inconvenience of their own lives and has something to say. Similar experiences triggered group resonance, students felt the same, and strengthened the social support and attention of online public opinion. The third is the strong communication power of new media. In the network public opinion under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, microblog, WeChat, Tiaoyin, Station B, Zhihu and other platforms played an important role. These platforms are cultural communities with a high concentration of college students. They express their dissatisfaction with campus epidemic prevention and control through new media platforms, such as setting agenda, launching hyperphone, posting and forwarding, and secondary creation. They also maintain the popularity of topics through online celebrities, opinion leaders, online onlookers, and hot search, forming a network voice synergy, Boost the spread of public opinion in a large area.

From the perspective of students' "complaints", the online public opinion under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control mainly focuses on three aspects: first, dissatisfaction with the inconvenience of campus life, such as the inability to receive express delivery and take away food normally, the inability to eat in the classroom, and the lack of local haircuts; Second, they did not understand the campus management and control policy, and believed that the closure of the school only sealed the students, and the faculty, logistics, property and other personnel could access the campus, and implemented differentiated management and control measures between teachers and students; The third is to vent other negative emotions with the help of epidemic prevention and control, such as insufficient hot water supply, poor network effect, and untimely maintenance services, which are not directly related to the epidemic prevention and control itself, but are used by students as a reflection appeal and emotional vent under specific circumstances, causing network attention.

In the network public opinion under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control in colleges and universities, the core idea and appeal that students want to express is to oppose some methods and measures of excessive prevention and control and "one size fits all" management, rather than oppose the whole campus epidemic prevention and control work. Only by correctly distinguishing reasonable epidemic prevention measures and excessive epidemic prevention practices, and identifying the core expression of college students in public opinion, can we effectively communicate and guide, so as to resolve public opinion.

First, we should pay attention to the physical and mental health of college students. College students' minds are not fully mature. Under the repeated epidemic situation, students' emotions tend to fluctuate. In addition, living in a relatively closed campus for a long time, it is easy to cause emotional depression. College administrators should strengthen students' psychological counseling through psychological salons, heart to heart talks, psychological lectures and other forms; On the other hand, outdoor recreational and sports activities can be properly carried out to guide college students to strengthen physical exercise, delight their body and mind, eliminate the negative impact of negative online public opinion, and cut off the psychological soil that breeds online public opinion from the source.

Second, we should respond to reasonable demands and appease bad emotions. Colleges and universities should establish a public opinion monitoring mechanism, give early warning in time, and avoid the spread of public opinion and secondary public opinion through public opinion research and judgment. Responding to the demands does not mean giving in, and the string of normalized epidemic prevention and control cannot be relaxed. It is necessary to carefully distinguish the reasonable and unreasonable parts of students' demands, and carry out targeted and effective communication. Affirm and adopt reasonable suggestions, appease and guide emotional expression, and timely criticize and correct wrong views. It is necessary to unblock the channels for students to express their opinions and guide students to express their reasonable demands through effective ways. If students do not know how to reflect the problem, the final result is only to put the problem on the network and express their demands through online public opinion rendering.

The third is to carry forward the positive energy of "epidemic" and strengthen the ideological and political education on the Internet. Colleges and universities should use the Internet+thinking, make good use of the live theme of "epidemic", actively set topics, and use mainstream public opinion, mainstream culture, and mainstream values to dominate cyberspace, so as to reduce the impact of negative online public opinion. Guide college students to correctly understand the relationship between epidemic prevention and control and personal freedom of rights, establish legal awareness, develop good network civilization, consciously resist network rumors, and form good personal network words and deeds and moral norms. Actively play the role of network commentators, and use healthy and progressive online ideological and political works to build campus cyberspace into a highland of public opinion that promotes positive energy and mainstream values.

Source: Hunan Vocational College of Labor and Personnel

Author: Zheng Qian

Editor: Deng Weiqin

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