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Deliberative democracy increasingly reveals its unique advantages

Source: People's Daily Author: Jiang Zelin Editor: Mo Xiaqian 2022-01-19 08:50:16
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After a hundred years of unremitting exploration, the Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people to walk out of the path of democratic development in line with China's national conditions and adhere to and develop people's democracy throughout the process. Socialist consultative democracy is an important form of people's democracy in the whole process of our country. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that:“ Chinese socialism Deliberative democracy enriches the form of democracy, expands the channels of democracy, and deepens the connotation of democracy. " We should deeply grasp the characteristics and advantages of socialist consultative democracy, further promote the extensive and multi-level institutionalized development of socialist consultative democracy, better adhere to and develop people's democracy throughout the process, and pool the great power to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The whole process of people's democracy combines electoral democracy with consultative democracy, which is a democracy with a full chain, all-round and comprehensive coverage. Deliberative democracy is an important institutional design for the Party to lead the people to effectively govern the country and ensure that the people are masters of the country. It complements and complements electoral democracy. It is a great political creation of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people in their long-term struggle and practice. Deliberative democracy is deeply embedded Chinese socialism The whole process of democratic politics has a wide range of forms, and the system is constantly improving, which increasingly highlights its unique advantages.

It is conducive to broad consensus building. stay Chinese socialism Under the system, it is easy to discuss things. It is the essence of people's democracy to find the greatest common denominator of the will and requirements of the whole society. Deliberative democracy, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, allows all sectors of society to discuss major issues of national governance and practical issues related to the interests of the people, and encourage people to fully express their opinions and appeals, so as to find the greatest common denominator and draw the greatest concentric circle through consultation. Deliberative democracy is omni-directional. Matters involving the interests of the people of all ethnic groups in the country should be discussed widely among all people and the whole society; Matters involving the interests of the local people should be discussed widely among the local people; Matters involving the interests of a part of the masses and specific interests of the masses should be discussed widely among these masses; Matters involving the interests of the grassroots people should be discussed widely among the grassroots people. Adhering to and developing consultative democracy is conducive to correctly handling the relationship between consistency and diversity, consolidating and expanding the common ideological and political foundation, giving play to the role of the people's solidarity and collective wisdom, and transforming the Party's propositions into the ideological consensus and conscious action of all sectors of society.

It is conducive to scientific and democratic decision-making. The process of extensive consultation among the people in all aspects is the process of promoting democracy and brainstorming, the process of unifying ideas and consensus, the process of scientific and democratic decision-making, and the process of realizing the people's ownership of the country. Deliberative democracy, which insists on consultation before and during decision-making, plays an irreplaceable role in improving decision-making ability and promoting scientific decision-making. Through various channels, opinions and suggestions from all sectors of society can enter the decision-making process in accordance with the law and regulations, which can be transformed into major decisions of the party and the government, making decisions more responsive to public opinion, practical, and in line with the laws of economic and social development, and making insights from all aspects become the wisdom and resources of our party's governance.

It is conducive to promoting social vitality, stability and harmony. In China, the whole process of people's democracy has both complete system procedures and complete participation practice. It is very important to ensure and support the people to be the masters of their own country. It is also very important to let people's representatives participate in the management of national and social life through elections in accordance with the law. It is also very important to let people participate in the management of national and social life through systems and methods other than elections. Consultative democracy provides a smooth channel for people to participate in national governance and social governance regularly, extensively and orderly. Consultative democracy has channels such as political party consultation, people's congress consultation, government consultation, CPPCC consultation, people's organizations consultation, grassroots consultation, and social organization consultation. The people can carry out consultation through proposals, meetings, symposiums, demonstrations, hearings, assessments, consultations, networks, public opinion surveys and other ways and means. In the vast urban and rural communities, the people have explored such consultation forms as "community council", "villagers' forum", "small courtyard council", etc. Deliberative democracy highlights the universality and authenticity of people's democracy in the whole process, promotes the full expression and in-depth exchange of different ideas, respects the will of the majority, and takes care of the reasonable requirements of the minority, which can effectively coordinate interests, resolve conflicts, and promote social vitality, stability and harmony.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "As an organization of the united front, an organ of multi-party cooperation and political consultation, and an important form of people's democracy, the CPPCC is an important channel and special consultative organ of socialist consultative democracy, an important part of the national governance system, and an institutional arrangement with Chinese characteristics." The CPPCC has put deliberative democracy throughout the whole process of performing its functions, promoting broad unity, promoting multi-party cooperation and practicing people's democracy in consultation. It not only adheres to historical traditions, but also reflects the characteristics of the times, fully reflecting the characteristics and advantages of China's socialist democracy, which has more to discuss, more to discuss, and more to discuss. As a special consultative body, the CPPCC integrates consultation, supervision, participation and cooperation, plays an important role in democratic decision-making, democratic management, democratic supervision and other aspects of democratic operation, builds a consultative platform for different governance bodies, improves the synergy between different elements of the national governance system, and maximizes the concentration and reflection of the interests of all sectors of society, Promote the people to reach consensus and form joint forces on major issues of reform and development.

In the new era and on the new journey, facing the arduous task of reform, development and stability, and facing various risks and challenges on the way forward, it is even more necessary for the CPPCC to give full play to its own functions and advantages and pool the wisdom and strength of Chinese people at home and abroad. We must firmly adhere to the leadership of the Party and earnestly implement the requirements of the CPC Central Committee for the work of the CPPCC; We will improve the system of special consultative bodies of the CPPCC, enrich the forms of consultation, improve the rules of consultation, and improve the implementation mechanism of consultation before and during the implementation of decisions; Strengthen ideological and political guidance, and put consensus building through all aspects of the whole process of giving play to the role of special consultative bodies; We should give full play to the advantages of the CPPCC's intelligence concentration and talent pool, strengthen and improve the CPPCC members' responsibility and consultation ability, and make due contributions to mobilizing all positive factors that can be mobilized, pooling wisdom and strength in all aspects, and jointly striving to build a socialist modern power in an all-round way.

(The author is the Secretary and Chairman of the Party Leadership Group of the CPPCC Jilin Provincial Committee)

People's Daily (January 18, 2022, version 09)

Source: People's Daily

Author: Jiang Zelin

Editor: Mo Xiaqian

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