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Realize the benign interaction between "stability" and "advancement"

Source: People's Daily Author: Sun Laibin Editor: Mo Xiaqian 2022-01-11 08:51:34
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2021 is a milestone year in the history of the Party and the country. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core calmly responded to the century's changes and century's epidemic, united and led the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups to work hard together, took new steps in building a new development pattern, achieved new results in high-quality development, and achieved a good start to the "14th Five Year Plan". At the same time, under the impact of the epidemic in the th century, the evolution of changes in the past century has accelerated, and the external environment has become more complex and severe. Domestically, economic development faces triple pressures of shrinking demand, supply shocks and weakening expectations. At the Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of last year, it was emphasized that "next year's economic work should be at the forefront of stability and progress in stability". This reflects the scientific research and judgment of the CPC Central Committee on the current economic situation and the scientific deployment of economic work, and provides important methodological guidance for the economic work in 2022.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Problems are the manifestation of contradictions in things. Our emphasis on strengthening problem awareness and sticking to problem orientation is to recognize the universality and objectivity of contradictions, and to be good at understanding and resolving contradictions as a breakthrough to open up the work situation." The Central Economic Work Conference deeply analyzed the new major theoretical and practical problems facing the new development stage, Including correctly understanding and grasping the strategic objectives and practical approaches to achieve common prosperity, correctly understanding and grasping the characteristics and behavior laws of capital, correctly understanding and grasping the supply guarantee of primary products, correctly understanding and grasping the prevention and resolution of major risks, correctly understanding and grasping the carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and putting forward the important requirements of "keeping the word at the top and making progress while maintaining stability", It reflects a strong sense of problems, a clear problem orientation, and contains profound philosophy.

To adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, we must correctly handle the dialectical relationship between "stability" and "progress". General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "development is the absolute principle, and stability is also the absolute principle, and both development and stability should be emphasized." Only by mutual promotion of "stability" and "progress" and economic and social stability can we create a stable macro environment for adjusting the economic structure and deepening reform and opening up; Only by making substantial progress in adjusting the economic structure and deepening reform and opening up can we create good expectations for the smooth operation of the economy and society. To implement the important requirements of "keeping the word stable and seeking progress while maintaining stability", we must fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, more consciously understand and grasp the dialectic of "stability" and "progress", seek progress with stability and consolidate stability with progress, and promote high-quality development in the benign interaction between more comprehensive "stability" and higher quality "progress".

"Stability" and "progress" are dialectically unified and mutually conditional. The key is to grasp the degree between the two. The Central Economic Work Conference stressed that the adjustment of policies and the promotion of reform should be carried out in a timely and effective manner, and adhere to the principle of "standing first, breaking down later, and playing steadily". This important requirement reflects the law of things' development.

Adhere to the principle of making progress while maintaining stability, and make a difference on the premise of keeping a good balance. It is a policy of being steady, prudent and enterprising, emphasizing strategic determination and patience, unswervingly doing well in their own affairs, and maintaining macro stability. The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that macro policies should be sound and effective, micro policies should continue to stimulate the vitality of market players, structural policies should focus on unblocking the national economic cycle, science and technology policies should be firmly implemented, reform and opening up policies should activate the driving force for development, regional policies should enhance the balance and coordination of development, and social policies should cover the bottom line of people's livelihood. The policy guidance in these seven aspects runs through the requirements of keeping the word stable and seeking progress while maintaining stability, and clarifies the policy focus of economic work in 2022, which is an important path to adhere to the general keynote of seeking progress while maintaining stability.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "the more our cause develops in depth, the more we need to constantly strengthen our dialectical thinking ability." Grasping the methodology of "keeping the word stable and seeking progress in stability", we need to be good at dealing with the relationship between the local and the overall situation, the current and long-term, the key and non key points, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages in balancing the advantages and disadvantages, and making the most favorable strategic choice. Economic and social development is a complex and interrelated system. To put stability first and make progress while maintaining stability into practice, it is necessary to grasp the main aspects of the main contradictions and contradictions, focus on both two points and key points, and comprehensively consider political and economic, reality and history, material and cultural, development and people's livelihood, resources and ecology, domestic and international and other factors, Pay attention to overall planning. Adhere to the concept of system, comprehensively and systematically analyze and deal with problems, enhance the relevance and coupling of various policies, avoid isolation and one-sided "one-on-one", prevent excessive emphasis, individual advance, and neglect of one thing over another, strive to achieve higher quality, more efficient, more equitable, more sustainable, and more secure development, and meet the success of the 20th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements.

(The author is a professor at the School of Marxism, Peking University)

People's Daily (January 10, 2022, version 09)

Source: People's Daily

Author: Sun Laibin

Editor: Mo Xiaqian

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