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The door of opening-up is opening wider and wider -- A review of promoting high-level opening-up in the new era (I)

Source: People's Daily Editor: Liu Liangjun 2021-12-23 08:31:13
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Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, China has unswervingly promoted high-level opening up, adhered to opening up to promote reform, development and innovation, promoted the construction of an open world economy, opened up broad space for development, and achieved mutual benefit and win-win results with countries around the world.

From today on, this newspaper will launch a series of reviews to fully demonstrate the vivid practice of China in the new era on the road of high-level opening up.


Along the Huangpu River, the picture of opening-up is gradually spreading - the establishment of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, the addition of new areas near the port, the support of Pudong's high-level reform and opening up, and the setting sail of the leading area of socialist modernization;

On the coast of the South China Sea, the tide of opening is surging forward - the Law of the People's Republic of China on Hainan Free Trade Port was promulgated and implemented, the first negative list of cross-border service trade was issued, a high-level free trade port with Chinese characteristics was built, and the institutional opening press the fast forward key.

From promoting the high-quality development of the "Belt and Road", to building a pilot free trade zone and a free trade port in Hainan, from reducing the negative list of foreign investment access, to holding the China International Import Expo for four consecutive years... Since the 18th National Congress of the Party, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, China has unswervingly implemented a high level of opening up, It has opened up broad development space and achieved mutual benefit and win-win results with all countries in the world.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the World Trade Organization. President Xi Jinping pointed out in his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Fourth International Fair: "Since China's accession to the World Trade Organization, China has continued to expand its opening up, which has activated the surging spring tide of China's development, and also activated a pool of spring water in the world economy." This is the most vivid, most relevant and concise summary of China's relations with the world, which have been moving towards a high level of openness.

On the road to high-level opening up, China in the new era is marching bravely through the wind and rain.

Conform to economic globalization, rely on China's super large market advantages, and implement a more proactive opening strategy

Openness brings progress, while closeness inevitably leads to backwardness. In order to win the advantages, initiative and future in China's development, we must comply with economic globalization, rely on China's super large-scale market advantages, and implement a more proactive opening strategy. The implementation of high-level opening up and the opening up of a new situation of win-win cooperation is a major strategic deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core to coordinate the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the unprecedented changes in the world in a century, and is an objective requirement to promote the formation of a new development pattern.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China has adhered to the principle of mutual promotion of opening up to the outside world, better combination of "bringing in" and "going out", built an open economic system featuring mutual benefit, multi balance, safety and efficiency, and constantly enhanced China's new advantages in international economic cooperation and competition.

——Deepen reform and fully open up. Further reduce tariffs to stimulate import potential, further relax market access to improve the level of investment liberalization, further expand the opening of the financial industry, promote the opening of the service industry, speed up the opening process in telecommunications, education, medical care, culture and other fields... China in the new era unswervingly promotes reform, development and innovation by opening up to promote the construction of an open world economy.

French red wine, Belgian chocolate, Russian flour, Thai natural latex pillow... Now, the import and export commodities exhibition and trading center located in Xinglong Comprehensive Bonded Area, Changchun, Jilin has become a "window" for citizens to purchase imported goods. "Especially on weekends, more people come to shop, and the average daily passenger flow can reach 3000 people," said the relevant person in charge of the center.

——Overcome difficulties and be firm and open. At present, the century long changes and the century's epidemic situation are intertwined. In the face of the counter current of unilateralism and some backward waves of economic globalization, China has always stood on the right side of history, stood on the side of human progress, unswervingly maintained true multilateralism, maintained the stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain, and promoted economic globalization to be more open, inclusive, inclusive, balanced Win win development.

"Fully implement the Foreign Investment Law and its implementation regulations, further reduce the negative list of foreign investment access... China has constantly introduced policies and measures to expand opening up, further strengthening our investment confidence," said the relevant person in charge of the multinational pharmaceutical company Bayer.

——Benefit the world and take the initiative to open up. China adheres to the combination of developing itself and benefiting the world. While enjoying its rights and developing itself, China actively fulfills its obligations. China actively participates in the cooperation of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Group of Twenty, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other mechanisms, actively participates in combating climate change, maintaining global food security and energy security, and continues to provide more assistance to other developing countries within the framework of South South cooperation.

The grand picture of opening to the outside world is spreading, and the pattern of all-round and all field opening is becoming more and more obvious

"China's opening up to the outside world is omni-directional and omni-directional, and is accelerating the formation of a new pattern of comprehensive opening up." President Xi Jinping's sonorous words are a strong commitment, but also an unswerving action.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China's opening up has displayed a magnificent picture. Foreign trade, foreign capital attraction, foreign investment and other fields are flourishing, and the pattern of all-round and all field opening has become increasingly obvious.

More open highlands——

From scratch and from east to west, since 2013, China has set up 21 pilot free trade zones in batches to build a free trade port in Hainan, forming a new trend of opening up that is coordinated in the east, west, north, south, north, and sea. As a new highland of opening-up, the pilot free trade zone and free trade port have become the "pacesetter" and "leader" of China's all-round opening-up.

"At present, we are actively expanding the pilot project of the import and export management system of" first line liberalization and second line control ". Shi Zongwei, the director of Haikou Customs, said that Hainan Free Trade Port is accelerating the pressure test of high-level opening to provide better services for enterprises.

Better open environment——

We have continuously reduced the negative list of foreign investment access, improved investment promotion and protection, information reporting and other systems, and strengthened the protection of intellectual property rights. According to the report issued by the World Bank, China's business environment rose to 31st place in the world last year, ranking among the 10 economies with the largest improvement in business environment in the world for two consecutive years.

Today, pineapples picked from the Philippines can appear on the table of Chinese consumers as soon as 10 to 12 days by sea. "This is inseparable from a series of opening measures such as China's deepening reform of customs clearance facilitation and improving cold chain logistics," said Wang Na, brand director of Dule, a multinational fruit production and sales company.

Open mechanism is more flexible——

We will promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, continue to deepen the opening up of commodity and factor flows, build an institutional system and regulatory model that are consistent with the prevailing international rules, and build a new system for a higher level of open economy.

On August 9, Siemens Medical Systems Co., Ltd., the first batch of enterprises to be fostered in the global operator plan of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, was added, and its subsidiaries were successfully settled in the Pudong Free Trade Zone. In December last year, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone launched the global operator plan to help multinational companies improve resource allocation efficiency and build a global high-energy functional headquarters through the personalized service mechanism of "one enterprise, one file, one special shift". In the first three quarters of this year, the first batch of 41 cultivation enterprises signed a total of 162 billion yuan in revenue, up 36% year on year.

Higher level of openness——

We will consolidate the leading role of the eastern coastal areas and megacities in opening up, accelerate the pace of opening up in the central and western regions and the northeast, promote high-quality development of border development and opening up, and accelerate the formation of an opening pattern that links land, domestic and overseas, and two-way economic cooperation between east and west.

On November 25, the 67376 freight train loaded with 4066 tons of Indonesian coal arrived at Guigang Station in Guangxi with a loud train whistle. This batch of coal is transported by sea from Indonesia to Tieshan Port, Guangxi, and then to Guigang via sea rail intermodal transport.

"We will accelerate the construction of the main railway transport channel, important hub and logistics facilities, and build a new land and sea channel in the west at a high level," said Xie Dehua, head of Tieshangang Station of China Railway Nanning Bureau Group Co., Ltd. In the first 10 months of this year, with Chongqing as the operation center and Guangxi, Guizhou, Gansu and other western provinces as the key nodes, the new land sea channel trains in the west have run a total of 4718 trains and delivered 470000 TEUs of goods.

China's continuous opening-up has not only developed itself, but also benefited the world

Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, Hong Kong Section of Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway, Hetao Shenzhen Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, Guangzhou Nansha Guangdong Hong Kong Macao (International) Youth Innovation Workshop... One major infrastructure project has been completed, one innovation base is in full swing, and the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area is growing rapidly.

CEEC International Industrial Cooperation Park, Trade Logistics Park, Youth Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center... Economic and trade cooperation has continued to expand, people to people and cultural exchanges have been steadily promoted, and China CEEC cooperation has been upgraded.

China's continuous opening-up has not only developed itself, but also benefited the world. China has contributed more than 30% to world economic growth for many consecutive years, becoming the main stabilizer and power source of world economic growth.

——We will promote the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative, and make solid and impressive achievements. Antigua and Barbuda's Bode International Airport, Tajikistan's Waya Railway, Saudi Arabia's high-speed railway, and China Laos Railway have been put into operation in succession... Since 2013, the "Belt and Road" initiative has become a reality, promoting "hard connectivity" in infrastructure, "soft connectivity" in rules and standards, and "heart to heart connectivity" with the people of the country.

"CRCC will seize the strategic opportunity, coordinate domestic and international development, integrate high-quality, sustainable, risk resistant, affordable, inclusive and accessible goals into the whole life cycle of the project, and make greater contributions to promoting the high-quality development of the" Belt and Road "." Wang Jianping, Chairman and Secretary of the CPC Committee of CRCC, said.

At present, China has signed more than 200 cooperation documents with 145 countries and 32 international organizations to jointly build the "Belt and Road". The total volume of goods trade with countries along the Belt and Road has reached 10.4 trillion dollars, and non-financial direct investment in countries along the Road has exceeded 130 billion dollars.

——Equality and mutual benefit deepen multilateral and bilateral cooperation. In the first 10 months of this year, China Africa trade and direct investment in Africa both rose against the trend, reaching 207.1 billion US dollars and more than 2.6 billion US dollars respectively, up 37.5% and 10% year on year. China has become Africa's largest trading partner for 12 consecutive years.

On the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, China has actively developed friendly and cooperative relations with other countries. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement will come into force on January 1, 2022. China has also actively applied to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, and accelerated the construction of a global network of high standard free trade zones.

——Actively participate in the reform of the global economic governance system. China firmly upholds the multilateral trading system, and has always been an important driver of global common opening up, a stable source of power for world economic growth, a dynamic market for all countries to expand business opportunities, and an active contributor to global governance reform.

So far, China has participated in almost all universal intergovernmental international organizations and earnestly fulfilled relevant treaty obligations. In response to global challenges such as world economic recession, climate change, major infectious diseases and terrorism, China firmly upholds and practices multilateralism, actively promotes the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, and contributes China's strength to improving the global governance system.

Opening up is the only way for development and progress. Facing the future, the door of China's opening will only open wider and wider, and will never be closed. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, a more open China will join hands with all countries in the world to create opportunities in opening up and solve problems in cooperation, which will surely achieve sustainable peace and development in the world and promote a better future for mankind.

Source: People's Daily

Editor: Liu Liangjun

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