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Pan Biling: No need to raise the whip

Source: Rednet Author: Pan Biling Editor: Min Meiying 2021-01-06 12:05:08
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2020 is an extraordinary year for the Chinese people. In the face of the complex international and domestic situation, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China united and led the whole party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups to overcome difficulties and overcome difficulties, handed over an answer sheet that was satisfactory to the people and attracted the attention of the world, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation took a new big step forward!

Over the past year, the CPPCC has adhered to the CPC's overall leadership over the work of the CPPCC, adhered to the two themes of unity and democracy, performed their duties, and rallied their hearts. The CPPCC members' answers have been written on the land of the motherland, in the people's concern and expectations, and in the struggle to fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, return to work, return to production, return to school, fight against poverty, and build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, We are gratified and proud that we have made important contributions to the development of the Party and the country, and that every CPPCC member has made great efforts.

In the new year, the CPPCC should make persistent efforts, forge ahead in unity, strengthen the construction of special consultative institutions, transform the advantages of the CPPCC system into national governance effectiveness, pool the strength of all parties, and constantly consolidate the situation of great unity and unity.

On the new journey, we should carry forward the spirit of serving the people. Taking the people as the center is the original mission and governing concept of the Communist Party of China, and it should also become the value pursuit and responsibility of every CPPCC member. We should adhere to the people centered thinking, go deep into the front line, the grass-roots level, and the masses, understand the people's thoughts, thoughts, and expectations, understand the social hot spots, focuses, and difficult issues, or solve doubts, or call for reflection, or make suggestions, and promote the effective solution of the most immediate and realistic problems that the people most care about. We should be diligent, down-to-earth, and committed. We should base ourselves on the new stage of development, implement the new development concept, and integrate into the new development pattern. We should not be idle in fantasy, not concentrate on empty voices, but be energetic, practical, and pragmatic.

On the new journey, we should carry forward the spirit of innovation and development of pioneering cattle. Innovation is the first driving force for high-quality development. With the "two big picture" in mind, we should actively study and respond to a series of new opportunities and challenges brought about by profound changes in the domestic and international environment, grasp the political direction, firm confidence in development, gather ideological consensus, and pool the great power of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We should vigorously carry forward the reform and innovation spirit of keeping pace with the times, forging ahead, being diligent in exploration and brave in practice. In view of the complex contradictions and problems faced on the reform path, we should conduct in-depth investigation and research, put forward some strategic, creative and leading insights, and help to continue writing more "stories of spring".

On the new journey, we should carry forward the spirit of hard work and old scalpers. Socialism is the result of work, and the new era is the result of struggle. Hard struggle is the fine tradition of the Chinese nation and the political essence of the Communist Party of China. CPPCC members in the new era need to inherit and carry forward. We should strive for the "14th Five Year Plan", forge ahead on a new journey, not afraid of hardships, forge ahead bravely, create history with struggle, and achieve the future with hard work. We should base ourselves on our own duties, really work hard, grasp the iron with traces, step on the stone to make prints, do a good job in every aspect with the spirit of nail driving, and create extraordinary achievements in ordinary jobs.

"The majestic pass is like iron, and now we are crossing it from scratch.". The new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way has begun. We should share the mission of the times, work together, reflect new achievements, show new features, strive to create new achievements worthy of the times, worthy of the people, worthy of history, and add brick and tile to the CPPCC cause!

(Member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, Chairman of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the People's Republic of China, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Ecological Environment)

Source: Rednet

Author: Pan Biling

Editor: Min Meiying

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