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How to carry out life education in primary school Chinese teaching in the post epidemic era

Source: Rednet Author: Pan Dan and Huang Gui Edited by: Li Haibo 2020-11-07 20:24:06
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With the continuous progress of education in the era and the war of COVID-19, the focus of primary school Chinese education has gradually changed with the development of society. During the epidemic, education for students is also gradually moving towards life education.

A few days ago, when I was passing by the playground, I overheard a first grade primary school student saying, "I will kill you!" when chasing another child. This may be a child's casual joke, but it caused me to think deeply. At the primary school stage, students are just beginning to develop physically and mentally, and their outlook on life and values have not yet formed. Pupils are also easily affected by the surrounding environment, which makes it difficult for them to grow up healthily. Therefore, life education for students should be strengthened. How to make students pay attention to the development process of life, understand the significance of human existence, and generate thoughts on various issues of life is the top priority of our teachers' current responsibilities.

There are many articles in our primary school Chinese textbooks that are suitable for life education for primary school students. Therefore, life education should be infiltrated into the primary school Chinese classroom teaching and students should be guided to scientifically understand the laws of physiological and psychological development, help students to explore and understand the meaning of life, respect and cherish the value of life, love and develop each person's unique life, And build a beautiful and harmonious relationship between my life and heaven, earth and people.

1、 Close to the reality of life, explore the resources of Chinese textbooks for primary schools

It is proved by data that the closer the knowledge points in the classroom are to the students' life, the easier the students will accept them, and the easier it is to achieve good learning results. In the teaching of primary school Chinese, our front-line teachers must pay attention to the actual life and let students think in life with problems. Trying to combine various teaching methods effectively can make students understand the textbook knowledge more quickly and deeply, and make the textbook knowledge deeply imprinted in the minds of students. It is a good way to carry out life education in primary school Chinese teaching. Humanity is one of the most obvious characteristics of the Chinese subject. It enables students to find problems in their own lives and solve problems in their own lives, so as to lay a solid foundation for their future learning. Interest is the best teacher. Students can learn with understanding and emotion, which can enable students to grasp the key points of knowledge, not only achieve the purpose of connecting with life, learn the knowledge points they want to learn, but also increase the students' awareness of thinking about knowledge of Chinese knowledge, and achieve twice the result with half the effort.

There are many texts about life education in the primary school language teaching materials, such as: The first volume of Grade 6 of the Ministry of Education Press, Sleeping in Jiande River, which is a homesick poem and a representative work of missing relatives. Learning poetry and understanding poetry is a necessary process. In the course of class, I asked the students to associate. Do the doctors and nurses who "retrograde" to support Wuhan have the same feelings as this poem at that time? Whether they also miss their hometown and their relatives in the distance like poets. Through the method of connecting with reality, students can have a deeper understanding of the true feelings expressed in the poem, and it will be much easier for students to learn.

Unit 5 of the fourth grade volume II of the Ministry of Education Press uses a unit of text to show us what the true meaning of life is and what the meaning of life is. Therefore, it is very important to make good use of the articles in these texts to carry out life education for primary school students, so that students can understand life, love life, respect life, and appreciate life in the process of Chinese learning, so that they can grow up healthily both physically and mentally.

2、 Introduce natural materials and understand the significance of nature for human life

Nature is the best teacher, and rich resources can make students enjoy inexhaustible. Teachers should learn to use natural materials to cultivate interest and carry out classroom activities. When students choose natural materials for creation, they can experience and operate in person through their own discovery and perception, so that students can have fun and teachers can save effort. Rich in natural resources, like a treasure house, we should also study how to reasonably develop and use natural resources as educational resources. Therefore, teachers should make full use of the wonderful nature and create all conditions for students to learn.

For example, we can collect some plants before class in the lesson "How to Plant Mother" in the first volume of the second grade of the Department of Education Press. Schools with conditions can even take students to the fields to find the dandelion, cocklebur, peas, etc. in the text in the park. Children can discover the wonders of nature and understand the mysteries of life in the process of searching for these materials. This also responds to the call of the epidemic to protect nature and love nature. This way of getting close to nature is easier for students to accept, and they will be more interested in learning Chinese.

3、 Actively carry out Chinese practice activities to strengthen the significance of students for life education

The paper has to come to a shallow end. I must know that this matter must be practiced. Therefore, we should adhere to the principle of combining classroom teaching with extracurricular activities. In course design, 100% life education is not required to be completed in the classroom, and not all courses are required to be completed. We can choose to finish it purposefully. Class and team lessons, preview before class, homework after class... are all excellent opportunities to complete life education. Proceeding from the students' actual learning life, starting from the problems they most care about, they are good at excavating and utilizing various resources of the life state around students, and carrying out educational activities in a language that students can easily accept and in a popular way. Keep up with the pace of the times, constantly update ideas, and introduce new ideas in terms of content, methods, means and mechanisms.

For example, the second volume of the first grade of the Department Editor's Education Edition has a class named "Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi". Teachers can arrange students to wrap Zongzi at home with their families before class, and students can take videos or photos to share with parents. During class, class exchanges will be held to show students' achievements. Students can experience the process of making zongzi and feel the strong festival atmosphere. They will have a deeper understanding of this text and also help them understand the origin and significance of the Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional custom. Learning by playing, learning by playing, and adopting practical methods can stimulate students' interest in learning the text, arouse their curiosity, and help students establish correct values.

Moisturize things silently. The primary school Chinese subject contains extensive and diversified life education, which requires teachers to flexibly handle teaching materials in Chinese teaching activities, be good at grasping the content of teaching materials, and creatively infiltrate life education into students in Chinese teaching activities. Let students understand that life is beautiful, that thought is wonderful, that language is wonderful, and that their feelings are valuable. Let the Chinese classroom closely relate to the students' inner feelings and life development, let life education be with us, let love and beauty be with us, and let every life blossom slowly in learning.

(The author is Pan Dan, Huang Gui, Central Primary School of Sihushan Town, Yuanjiang City)

Source: Rednet

Author: Pan Dan and Huang Gui

Edited by: Li Haibo

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