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Practice the online mass line and see how Hunan practices basic skills

Source: crabs watching the tide Author: Guan Chaojun Editor: Min Meiying 2019-09-09 20:47:10
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Several elevators in Jianxiang Community of Yueyang were out of service. Due to problems left over by history, the maintenance fund could not be started for a long time, and relevant departments were requested to coordinate and solve them;

Due to travel inconvenience, Anren people posted a strong online appeal to the government to coordinate the resumption of the stop of K442 train at Anren Station;

The developers of Changsha Xuhui International Plaza made false propaganda, deceived consumers, and the owners posted online to protect their rights

Such problems all come from the network, involving different people, different fields, and even some officials' inaction and corruption.

The mood and tone of the person who reflects the problem are also different. Some are polite, while others are fierce and emotional.

Guan Chaojun noticed that these problems were all responded, implemented and solved by the relevant departments in Hunan. "Those who know about house leakage are in the universe, those who know about government loss are in the grass, and those who know about the mistakes of classics are in the scholars." It is a political concept that penetrates into the marrow of China's 5000 year long history and culture to go deep into the masses, observe the public sentiment, and understand the public opinion.

Guan Chaojun believes that things can be big and small, and problems can be slow and urgent, but for the person who reflects the problem, it may be a "big event" that has been in his mind for a long time, and the relevant government departments also treat everything as a "big event", reply carefully and meticulously.

These are intuitively reflected in the relevant data.

From January to August 2019, Party committees and governments at all levels in the province responded to or solved netizens' demands on the Red Net 61700 times, with a year-on-year growth rate of 95% in 2018. In terms of leaders' message claiming, at present, 382 leaders have claimed messages from netizens on the Red Net, with 100% coverage in the county and district. There is only one mayor in the city and prefecture who has not yet claimed messages from netizens. The comprehensive claim rate at the city, prefecture, county and district levels is 99.6%.

This is the result of Hunan's deep learning and deep application of the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on network power, vigorously practicing the people centered development concept, and deeply promoting online mass work.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly deployed the construction of a cyber power in terms of maintaining cyber security, mastering core technologies, gathering cyber talents, clearing cyberspace, and strengthening international cooperation.

In recent years, more and more people who pay attention to the people's livelihood choose to express their demands through the Internet. Local governments are also increasingly paying attention to using the network platform to ask people for advice and govern the people, so as to help grassroots people solve practical problems in a timely and proper manner. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Internet users come from the people. When people access the Internet, public opinion will also be online." "Being good at using the Internet to understand public opinion and carry out work is the basic skill of leading cadres to do a good job in the new situation." China has 800 million Internet users, which requires party and government organs and leading cadres at all levels to learn to follow the mass line through the Internet, and actively respond to the concerns of Internet users Clarify doubts.

Keeping pace with the times and innovating with determination, the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and the People's Government attach great importance to the online mass work in the new era. Through the network platform, they gather people's needs and public opinions, and grasp social conditions and public sentiment; Urge local governments to respond to people's needs and solve urgent problems with big data and information disclosure technology; Listen to and collect public policy suggestions, and play the role of policy consultation and evaluation; To enhance the interaction between the government and the people, the government and the community, and enhance mutual understanding and trust; Promote local governments to learn from each other, spread excellent experience, and ultimately drive governance philosophy and institutional innovation.

For example, in recent years, the provincial party committee and the provincial government have boldly explored and practiced, and have spoken widely in major meetings and decisions such as the provincial two sessions and the Party congress; Actively open up online mass work positions, take the Red Net as a typical model, and guide the creation of online mass work brand columns such as People's Voices, Ask Politics in Hunan. The online mass work mode is becoming more mature.

According to Guan Chaojun, the Red Network, which has been established for 18 years, insists on measuring public opinion with steps, relieving people's worries with sweat, and warming people's hearts with enthusiasm. Taking advantage of the Internet, the party network has played its role as a bridge and link. It has successively set up columns such as People's Voices, Hunan's Political Questions, and Consumer Rights Defense, and has taken the lead in setting up the online mass work department in the national media.

All these have created conditions for the smooth flow of public opinion on the Internet.

As the times move forward and new things emerge in endlessly, the form of mass work will naturally change with time.

Guan Chaojun believes that in the Internet age, everyone has a "microphone" in their hands. When they move their fingers, all kinds of information and appeals will be reflected on the Internet at the first time. Naturally, the government should also actively surf the Internet, remove information barriers and fully understand public opinion and public sentiment.

Gather positive energy to jointly build a new Hunan. Under this situation, various departments at all levels in Hunan have always taken the initiative to strengthen interaction, constantly improve the online mass work system, and formed an online mass work system that connects up and down, and links left and right.

It has to be said that in reality, the phenomenon of "difficult access, ugly face, and difficult work" still exists to a certain extent, and the phenomenon of setting up various obstacles to create difficulties for the people still exists, which not only damages the image of the government, but also makes the people feel cold over time, directly leading to the difficulty of carrying out mass work. The "Internet+mass work" has broken this barrier, paved a "through train" to connect grass-roots services, and made the "last kilometer" unimpeded, thus effectively realizing the connection between cadres and masses, which is of great help to mass work.

Guan Chaojun learned that the mayor's mailbox was set up on the portal websites of governments at all levels in Hunan, and WeChat, Weibo and clients were opened, which greatly broadened and unblocked the channels for people's appeals. Respond positively to the appeals of the masses and increase the exposure, so as to force the leading cadres to keep their minds on the move and follow the online mass line. At the beginning of each month, Rednet will release the big data of online mass work last month, which can intuitively reflect the response of netizens' demands.

For example, according to the big data of the Red Net Online Mass Work Department, in August 2019, the party committees and governments at all levels in Hunan Province solved or responded to netizens' demands on Red Net 8452 times, an increase of 32.89% compared with August 2018 (6360 times). Among them, there were 4603 times (articles) in the Voice of the People, 3377 times (articles) in the Ask for Politics in Hunan, and 472 times (articles) in the Consumer Rights Protection.

Guan Chaojun believes that problems are the voice of the times and the direction of work; The problem is the starting point of innovation and the driving force of innovation. These practices and explorations of taking the online mass line are the "fruits" of Hunan's innovative Internet development and governance capabilities. Through continuous innovation in content style, interactive form, presentation mode and other aspects, it has opened up a new path, new methods and new ways for the in-depth development of Hunan's online mass work, built a bridge between the Party and the masses, and opened a direct train of social sentiment and public opinion.

At present, the theme education of "never forget the original intention, remember the mission" is being carried out in full swing everywhere. The original intention of party members and cadres has not changed, and the mission is firmly remembered, which should be evaluated by the masses and tested by practice.

Through these intuitive data, it can be seen at a glance who carries out the theme education well and who treats the mass work more actively and actively.

In May 2017, Sun Chunlan, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and head of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, gave full affirmation to the online mass work model of Red Net when inspecting the work of Red Net in Hunan.

In September 2017, Du Jiahao, Secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee, pointed out that leaders at all levels should go into the Internet, embrace big data, and constantly improve the ability and level of pipe network, network governance, and network use.

In September 2017, Xu Dazhen, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Governor of Hunan Province, pointed out that we should firmly grasp the initiative of network ideological work, firmly hold the bottom line of network security, further open the channels for serving the masses, and better facilitate and benefit the people.

"Let data run more and people run less". Years of practice has proved that Hunan has given full play to the advantages of the Internet, further played the role of the media as a bridge and link between the Party and the government and the people, actively carried out online mass work, organically combined the guidance, supervision and service functions of the media with the Party's mass work, and innovatively promoted the high-quality development of mass work in the new era, It has effectively improved the social governance ability in the Internet era.

Practice is endless and innovation is endless. The network sample of "innovating Hunan" has enabled Hunan to go faster and more steadily on the road of becoming a strong network province through the network to observe people's feelings, solve people's concerns, gather people's wisdom, gather people's hearts, and create a good political atmosphere of "political integrity and people's harmony", which has constantly delivered a strong driving force for high-quality economic and social development.

Red Net special correspondent: crabs watching the tide

Source: crabs watching the tide

Author: Guan Chaojun

Editor: Min Meiying

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