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Grass roots Propaganda and Ideological and Cultural Work: A New Way of Thinking

Source: Guangming Daily Editor: Min Meiying 2017-04-27 15:41:59
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The scene of the "people preaching the direct train" activity in Sanmenxia City, Henan Province. (Photographed by Zhao Hua)

[Basic level exploration]

Last April, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee, the Central Civilization Office, the Ministry of Culture and the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Ideological and Cultural Work of Grass roots Propaganda, which emphasized that we should adhere to the principle of centering around the center, serving the masses, basing ourselves on reality, adapting measures to local conditions, adhering to the integration of resources, joint construction and sharing, and adhering to reform, innovation, and seeking practical results. For more than a year, under the guidance of the Opinions, based on characteristics and innovative ideas, local governments have increased the supply of high-quality cultural products and services, strengthened the construction of facilities and work teams, and achieved positive results in promoting the systematic and specific construction of socialist core values. Among them, Henan organized and carried out the "people preaching the direct train" into the grassroots tour activity in the province, which realized the effective coverage of the party's innovative theoretical achievements by broadening ideas, innovating forms, and flexibly using the mass oriented and targeted communication methods. This paper takes Henan Province as an example to analyze and provide reference for the next step to better carry out the ideological and cultural work of grass-roots propaganda.

Send "theoretical literature and art package" to the grassroots

Henan's "people preaching the direct train" went into the grassroots tour activity, and the party's theoretical innovation achievements were clearly explained to the masses in the form of "literature and art, theoretical singing", which enhanced the affinity, attraction and appeal of the party's innovative theoretical achievements.

Promote the major theme with small programs. Focusing on the theme of promoting socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Chinese Dream, the "Four Comprehensions", and the core values of socialism, various places in Henan Province have compiled songs and dances, skits, crosstalk, clapper talk, operas and other skits with local characteristics, such as the song "Always Follow You", the sitcom "Three Stricts and Three Honesties", and the people's praise, and the Henan opera skit "Who's in Your Heart", Let the masses truly understand the "great principles" of the Party and remember the "great policies" of the Party through the popular language and performance.

Make good use of people and things around you. All parts of Henan attach importance to the use of stories, sketches, poetry recitation and other literary forms to show the truth, goodness, beauty and deeds of advanced people to the audience. Lankao County created the dance drama "Wind Dancing Tung Flowers" and the Henan opera "Wind and Snow Jiao Yulu" based on the touching deeds of Comrade Jiao Yulu, which resonated with the masses at the grass-roots level; Xuchang combines the performance of "people preaching the direct train" with Yan Zhenchang's advanced deeds that are being studied and publicized; Changyuan County, Huaxian County and other places invited "the most beautiful Changyuan people" and other advanced models and moral models to speak "reason" and promote positive energy. Quju Opera "Love Crossing the Ditch Again", poem recitation "Ninety four Diaries", sketch "Honest and Trustworthy Egg Brother", etc., praised the advanced deeds of model figures such as Ma Haiming, Yan Zhenchang, Ren Qinghe, and interacted warmly on and off the stage. Lingbao City created the theme song "People preaching the direct train", Mianchi County adapted the anti-corruption drama "Cao Duan's Return to the Home" into a micro drama, Shaanxi County combined the advanced typical propaganda of "people preaching the direct train" and "the most beautiful people in Shaanxi", and Lushi County incorporated moral models, advanced models, etc. into the performance content to educate the people with the people and things around them.

Theoretical comments are the soul. The theoretical comments on the activity of "people preaching the through train" have three characteristics: using common people's words to simplify the complexity; Use the things around you to turn the emptiness into reality; The experts in soil use make it far and near. In Anyang, Zhoukou, Luohe, Lankao, Xixia, Philanthropy and other places, theoretical review experts were trained in such ways as centralized training, separate lesson preparation, and audition, striving to "attract people in one minute, infect people in three minutes, and persuade people in five minutes". Pingdingshan, Xinxiang, Puyang, Lingbao, Xingyang, Jinshui District and other places collect materials from the masses, and implement the theory to the typical, specific and immediate things that the masses are familiar with. In the theoretical comments, local people pay attention to the use of "local experts" to explain the truth. Xuchang, Zhumadian, Xinyang, Gongyi, Xincai, Zhongmou and other places play the role of model workers, moral models, excellent Communist Party members, and retired cadres, so that they can come out to reason, turn the truth into a side truth, and narrow the distance between theory and the masses.

Three dimensional and all-round publicity. The Publicity Department of Henan Provincial Party Committee has set up a WeChat public account "Henan Forum", in which the video lecture column, Dahe Network and jointly broadcast the excellent programs of the "people preaching the direct train" into the grassroots tour activities reported by various places. Various regions have enriched propaganda activities to improve the effectiveness of propaganda. Sanmenxia City recorded the first performance of the launch ceremony live, made more than 120 sets of CDs and distributed them to cities, counties and districts. They were broadcast on the electronic screen of the leisure square where people gathered, and the tour feature films were broadcast in various network media. Nanyang City used the WeChat platform to timely update the exhibition and broadcast new news and programs, and set up micro topics about the propaganda activities in the official microblog, effectively expanding the popularity of the propaganda.

Get through the theory and serve the "last mile" of the masses

In Henan, the "people's preaching direct train" was driven directly to the fields, streets, courtyards, factories and mining enterprises, the stage was set up in the countryside and communities, and the program content was focused on the grass-roots line, truly achieving "three coverage". The first is to cover "villagers and residents at home". At present, the provincial propaganda activities have covered about 60% of urban communities and township administrative villages, and will achieve full coverage and normalization within three years; Secondly, "on-the-job employees" are covered. The "tour activities" in Xinxiang, Shangqiu, Dengzhou, Hebi, Pingqiao District and other places have set up simple stages in the industrial cluster area, economic development zone and other areas to hold summer parties for workers; The third is to cover "online youth". Luoyang, Zhumadian, Weihui, Yuanyang, Lingbao and other places have established WeChat groups and WeChat public accounts for "tour activities" to promote excellent tour programs by means of new media.

This event changed the traditional way of watching professional actors "I dance and you watch, I sing and you listen", and made ordinary people become the protagonists of the event. Liu Min and his family from Lou Village, Baqian Township, Xinzheng City jointly performed the sketch "Joy of Demolition" adapted from the true story; In Yuanzhuang Village, Zhaozhuang Town, Baofeng County, veteran party members, college student village officials and actors interacted to talk about changes, achievements and feelings, which aroused strong resonance among the audience.

Explore long-term mechanism and highlight "small, light and fast"

The main body and service objects of publicity work are at the grass-roots level, and the key, difficult and weak points are at the grass-roots level. The implementation of tasks depends on the grass-roots level. The entire publicity and ideological work can flourish only if the grass-roots work is done well. The "people's preaching direct train" has enhanced the feelings between the masses and the Party and promoted the grounding of theoretical preaching through face-to-face and intimate communication with the masses through one performance and one art program.

In order to better promote the ideological and cultural work at the grassroots level, the ideological and cultural workers at the grassroots level should further clarify their responsibilities and missions. The relevant departments should increase the guidance of cultural activities at the township and sub district levels, provide regular training and guidance to the backbone of literature and art at the grassroots level and the backbone of theoretical propaganda, and strive to form a long-term propaganda tour mechanism, leaving a persistent propaganda tour team for the grassroots level. The form of propaganda should further emphasize small, light and fast. Small is the "small team" propaganda, and the huge cast is integrated into the small team; Light is the propaganda of "light cavalry". The small team carries simple performance equipment, goes to battle light, and uses the local conditions to perform for the local people in the cultural compound, square, and stage; Quick is a "flash" speech. Each speech tour selects 5 to 7 programs, combined with award-winning Q&A, and the time is within 40 to 60 minutes. Local people will also select a group of volunteers to teach, absorb local literary and art talents and community literary and art groups, and build a grassroots star team around the masses. (Author: Hu Yanyan Central Plains College of Culture and Arts)

Source: Guangming Daily

Editor: Min Meiying

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